blob: f48d9dcd74bb903ecfcc5138f289f155adfaaeef [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef BackingStore_p_h
#define BackingStore_p_h
#include "BackingStore.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "RenderQueue.h"
#include "TileIndex.h"
#include "TileIndexHash.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include <BlackBerryPlatformGraphics.h>
#include <BlackBerryPlatformGuardedPointer.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
namespace WebCore {
class IntRect;
class FloatPoint;
class FloatRect;
class LayerRenderer;
class TransformationMatrix;
namespace BlackBerry {
namespace Platform {
class ViewportAccessor;
namespace WebKit {
class TileBuffer;
class WebPage;
class BackingStoreClient;
typedef WTF::HashMap<TileIndex, TileBuffer*> TileMap;
class BackingStoreGeometry {
: m_numberOfTilesWide(0)
, m_numberOfTilesHigh(0)
, m_scale(0.0)
Platform::IntRect backingStoreRect() const;
Platform::IntSize backingStoreSize() const;
int numberOfTilesWide() const { return m_numberOfTilesWide; }
void setNumberOfTilesWide(int numberOfTilesWide) { m_numberOfTilesWide = numberOfTilesWide; }
int numberOfTilesHigh() const { return m_numberOfTilesHigh; }
void setNumberOfTilesHigh(int numberOfTilesHigh) { m_numberOfTilesHigh = numberOfTilesHigh; }
Platform::IntPoint backingStoreOffset() const { return m_backingStoreOffset; }
void setBackingStoreOffset(const Platform::IntPoint& offset) { m_backingStoreOffset = offset; }
Platform::IntPoint originOfTile(const TileIndex&) const;
TileBuffer* tileBufferAt(const TileIndex& index) const { return m_tileMap.get(index); }
const TileMap& tileMap() const { return m_tileMap; }
void setTileMap(const TileMap& tileMap) { m_tileMap = tileMap; }
double scale() const { return m_scale; }
void setScale(double scale) { m_scale = scale; }
bool isTileCorrespondingToBuffer(TileIndex, TileBuffer*) const;
int m_numberOfTilesWide;
int m_numberOfTilesHigh;
double m_scale;
Platform::IntPoint m_backingStoreOffset;
TileMap m_tileMap;
class BackingStorePrivate : public BlackBerry::Platform::GuardedPointerBase {
enum TileMatrixDirection { Horizontal, Vertical };
void instrumentBeginFrame();
void instrumentCancelFrame();
// Returns whether we're using the OpenGL code path for compositing the
// backing store tiles. This can be due to the main window using
// BlackBerry::Platform::Graphics::Window::GLES2Usage.
bool isOpenGLCompositing() const;
// Suspends all backingstore updates so that rendering to the backingstore is disabled.
void suspendBackingStoreUpdates();
// Resumes all backingstore updates so that rendering to the backingstore is enabled.
void resumeBackingStoreUpdates();
// Suspends all backingstore geometry updates.
void suspendGeometryUpdates();
// Resumes all backingstore geometry updates.
void resumeGeometryUpdates();
// Suspends all screen updates so that 'blitVisibleContents' is disabled.
void suspendScreenUpdates();
// Resumes all screen updates so that 'blitVisibleContents' is enabled.
void resumeScreenUpdates(BackingStore::ResumeUpdateOperation);
// Update m_suspendScreenUpdates*Thread based on a number of conditions.
void updateSuspendScreenUpdateState(bool* hasSyncedToUserInterfaceThread = 0);
// The functions repaint(), slowScroll(), scroll(), scrollingStartedHelper() are
// called from outside WebKit and within WebKit via ChromeClientBlackBerry.
void repaint(const Platform::IntRect& windowRect, bool contentChanged, bool immediate);
void slowScroll(const Platform::IntSize& delta, const Platform::IntRect& windowRect, bool immediate);
void scroll(const Platform::IntSize& delta, const Platform::IntRect& scrollViewRect, const Platform::IntRect& clipRect);
void scrollingStartedHelper(const Platform::IntSize& delta);
bool shouldSuppressNonVisibleRegularRenderJobs() const;
bool shouldPerformRenderJobs() const;
bool shouldPerformRegularRenderJobs() const;
void dispatchRenderJob();
void renderJob();
// Set of helper methods for the scrollBackingStore() method.
Platform::IntRect contentsRect() const;
Platform::IntRect expandedContentsRect() const;
Platform::IntRect visibleContentsRect() const;
Platform::IntRect unclippedVisibleContentsRect() const;
bool shouldMoveLeft(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
bool shouldMoveRight(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
bool shouldMoveUp(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
bool shouldMoveDown(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
bool canMoveX(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
bool canMoveY(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
bool canMoveLeft(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
bool canMoveRight(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
bool canMoveUp(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
bool canMoveDown(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
Platform::IntRect backingStoreRectForScroll(int deltaX, int deltaY, const Platform::IntRect&) const;
void setBackingStoreRect(const Platform::IntRect&, double scale);
void updateTilesAfterBackingStoreRectChange();
TileIndexList indexesForBackingStoreRect(const Platform::IntRect&) const;
TileIndexList indexesForVisibleContentsRect(BackingStoreGeometry*) const;
TileIndex indexOfTile(const Platform::IntPoint& origin, const Platform::IntRect& backingStoreRect) const;
void clearAndUpdateTileOfNotRenderedRegion(const TileIndex&, TileBuffer*, const Platform::IntRectRegion&, BackingStoreGeometry*, bool update = true);
bool isCurrentVisibleJob(const TileIndex&, BackingStoreGeometry*) const;
// Not thread safe. Call only when threads are in sync.
void clearRenderedRegion(TileBuffer*, const Platform::IntRectRegion&);
// Responsible for scrolling the backing store and updating the
// tile matrix geometry.
void scrollBackingStore(int deltaX, int deltaY);
// Render the given tiles if enough back buffers are available.
// Return the actual set of rendered tiles.
// NOTE: This should only be called by RenderQueue and resumeScreenUpdates().
// If you want to render to get contents to the screen, you should call
// renderAndBlitImmediately() or renderAndBlitVisibleContentsImmediately().
TileIndexList render(const TileIndexList&);
// Called by the render queue to ensure that the queue is in a
// constant state before performing a render job.
void requestLayoutIfNeeded() const;
// Helper render methods.
void renderAndBlitVisibleContentsImmediately();
void renderAndBlitImmediately(const Platform::IntRect&);
void paintDefaultBackground(const Platform::IntRect& dstRect, BlackBerry::Platform::ViewportAccessor*, bool flush);
void blitVisibleContents(bool force = false);
void blitOnIdle();
Platform::IntRect blitTileRect(TileBuffer*, const Platform::IntRect&, const Platform::IntPoint&, const WebCore::TransformationMatrix&, BackingStoreGeometry*);
// Use instead of blitVisibleContents() if you need more control over
// OpenGL state. Note that contents is expressed in untransformed
// content coordinates.
// Preconditions: You have to call prepareFrame and setViewport on the LayerRenderer before
// calling this.
void compositeContents(WebCore::LayerRenderer*, const WebCore::TransformationMatrix&, const WebCore::FloatRect& contents, bool contentsOpaque);
bool drawLayersOnCommitIfNeeded();
// WebPage will call this when drawing layers to tell us we don't need to
void willDrawLayersOnCommit() { m_needsDrawLayersOnCommit = false; }
void blitHorizontalScrollbar();
void blitVerticalScrollbar();
// Returns whether the tile index is currently visible or not.
bool isTileVisible(const TileIndex&, BackingStoreGeometry*) const;
bool isTileVisible(const Platform::IntPoint&) const;
// Returns a rect that is the union of all tiles that are visible.
TileIndexList visibleTileIndexes(BackingStoreGeometry*) const;
// Used to clip to the visible content for instance.
Platform::IntRect tileVisibleContentsRect(const TileIndex&, BackingStoreGeometry*) const;
// Used to clip to the contents for instance.
Platform::IntRect tileContentsRect(const TileIndex&, const Platform::IntRect&, BackingStoreGeometry*) const;
// This is called by WebPage once load is committed to reset the render queue.
void resetRenderQueue();
// This is called by WebPage once load is committed to reset all the tiles.
void resetTiles();
// This is called by WebPage after load is complete to update all the tiles.
void updateTiles(bool updateVisible, bool immediate);
// This is called during scroll and by the render queue.
void updateTilesForScrollOrNotRenderedRegion(bool checkLoading = true);
// Update an individual tile.
void updateTile(const Platform::IntPoint& tileOrigin, bool immediate);
typedef std::pair<TileIndex, Platform::IntRect> TileRect;
typedef WTF::Vector<TileRect> TileRectList;
TileRectList mapFromPixelContentsToTiles(const Platform::IntRect&, BackingStoreGeometry*) const;
void setTileMatrixNeedsUpdate() { m_tileMatrixNeedsUpdate = true; }
void updateTileMatrixIfNeeded();
// Called by WebPagePrivate::notifyTransformedContentsSizeChanged.
void contentsSizeChanged(const Platform::IntSize&);
// Called by WebPagePrivate::notifyTransformedScrollChanged.
void scrollChanged(const Platform::IntPoint&);
// Called by WebpagePrivate::notifyTransformChanged.
void transformChanged();
// Called by WebpagePrivate::actualVisibleSizeChanged.
void actualVisibleSizeChanged(const Platform::IntSize&);
// Called by WebPagePrivate::setScreenRotated.
void orientationChanged();
// Sets the geometry of the tile matrix.
void setGeometryOfTileMatrix(int numberOfTilesWide, int numberOfTilesHigh);
// Create the surfaces of the backing store.
void createSurfaces();
// Various calculations of quantities relevant to backing store.
int minimumNumberOfTilesWide() const;
int minimumNumberOfTilesHigh() const;
Platform::IntSize expandedContentsSize() const;
// The tile geometry methods are all static function.
static int tileWidth();
static int tileHeight();
static Platform::IntSize tileSize();
// This takes transformed contents coordinates.
bool renderContents(BlackBerry::Platform::Graphics::Buffer*, const BlackBerry::Platform::IntRect& dstRect, double scale, const BlackBerry::Platform::FloatPoint& documentScrollPosition) const;
void blitToWindow(const Platform::IntRect& dstRect, const BlackBerry::Platform::Graphics::Buffer* srcBuffer, const Platform::IntRect& srcRect, BlackBerry::Platform::Graphics::BlendMode, unsigned char globalAlpha);
void fillWindow(Platform::Graphics::FillPattern, const Platform::IntRect& dstRect, const Platform::IntPoint& contentsOrigin, double contentsScale);
WebCore::Color webPageBackgroundColorUserInterfaceThread() const; // use WebSettings::backgroundColor() for the WebKit thread
void setWebPageBackgroundColor(const WebCore::Color&);
void clearWindow(const Platform::IntRect&, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue, unsigned char alpha = 255);
bool isScrollingOrZooming() const;
void setScrollingOrZooming(bool scrollingOrZooming, bool shouldBlit = true);
BackingStoreGeometry* frontState() const;
void adoptAsFrontState(BackingStoreGeometry* newFrontState);
static void setCurrentBackingStoreOwner(WebPage*);
static WebPage* currentBackingStoreOwner() { return BackingStorePrivate::s_currentBackingStoreOwner; }
bool isActive() const;
// Surface abstraction, maybe BlackBerry::Platform::Graphics::Buffer could be made public instead.
BlackBerry::Platform::IntSize surfaceSize() const;
BlackBerry::Platform::Graphics::Buffer* buffer() const;
void didRenderContent(const Platform::IntRectRegion& renderedRegion);
static WebPage* s_currentBackingStoreOwner;
unsigned m_suspendScreenUpdateCounterWebKitThread;
unsigned m_suspendBackingStoreUpdates;
unsigned m_suspendGeometryUpdates;
BackingStore::ResumeUpdateOperation m_resumeOperation;
bool m_suspendScreenUpdatesWebKitThread;
bool m_suspendScreenUpdatesUserInterfaceThread;
bool m_suspendRenderJobs;
bool m_suspendRegularRenderJobs;
bool m_tileMatrixContainsUsefulContent;
bool m_tileMatrixNeedsUpdate;
bool m_isScrollingOrZooming;
WebPage* m_webPage;
BackingStoreClient* m_client;
OwnPtr<RenderQueue> m_renderQueue;
mutable Platform::IntSize m_previousDelta;
bool m_hasBlitJobs;
WebCore::Color m_webPageBackgroundColor; // for user interface thread operations such as blitting
mutable unsigned m_frontState;
TileMatrixDirection m_preferredTileMatrixDimension;
Platform::IntRect m_visibleTileBufferRect;
mutable bool m_needsDrawLayersOnCommit; // Not thread safe, WebKit thread only
virtual ~BackingStorePrivate();
} // namespace WebKit
} // namespace BlackBerry
#endif // BackingStore_p_h