blob: e7dc47e47ef597b41315d3be0891a5cdbeaac314 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "config.h"
#include "Response.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/Dictionary.h"
#include "core/fileapi/Blob.h"
#include "modules/serviceworkers/FetchBodyStream.h"
#include "modules/serviceworkers/ResponseInit.h"
namespace blink {
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Response> Response::create(Blob* body, const Dictionary& responseInit, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
return create(body, ResponseInit(responseInit), exceptionState);
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Response> Response::create(const String& body, const Dictionary& responseInit, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
OwnPtr<BlobData> blobData = BlobData::create();
blobData->appendText(body, false);
// "Set |Content-Type| to `text/plain;charset=UTF-8`."
const long long length = blobData->length();
RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Blob> blob = Blob::create(BlobDataHandle::create(blobData.release(), length));
return create(blob.get(), ResponseInit(responseInit), exceptionState);
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Response> Response::create(Blob* body, const ResponseInit& responseInit, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
// "1. If |init|'s status member is not in the range 200 to 599, throw a
// RangeError."
if (responseInit.status < 200 || 599 < responseInit.status) {
exceptionState.throwRangeError("Invalid status");
return nullptr;
// FIXME: "2. If |init|'s statusText member does not match the Reason-Phrase
// token production, throw a TypeError."
// "3. Let |r| be a new Response object, associated with a new response,
// Headers object, and FetchBodyStream object."
RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Response> r = adoptRefWillBeNoop(new Response());
// "4. Set |r|'s response's status to |init|'s status member."
// "5. Set |r|'s response's status message to |init|'s statusText member."
// "6. If |init|'s headers member is present, run these substeps:"
if (responseInit.headers) {
// "1. Empty |r|'s response's header list."
// "2. Fill |r|'s Headers object with |init|'s headers member. Rethrow
// any exceptions."
r->m_headers->fillWith(responseInit.headers.get(), exceptionState);
if (exceptionState.hadException())
return nullptr;
} else if (!responseInit.headersDictionary.isUndefinedOrNull()) {
// "1. Empty |r|'s response's header list."
// "2. Fill |r|'s Headers object with |init|'s headers member. Rethrow
// any exceptions."
r->m_headers->fillWith(responseInit.headersDictionary, exceptionState);
if (exceptionState.hadException())
return nullptr;
// "7. If body is given, run these substeps:"
if (body) {
// "1. Let |stream| and |Content-Type| be the result of extracting body."
// "2. Set |r|'s response's body to |stream|."
// "3. If |r|'s response's header list contains no header named
// `Content-Type`, append `Content-Type`/|Content-Type| to |r|'s
// response's header list."
if (!r->m_response->headerList()->has("Content-Type")) {
if (body->type().isNull())
r->m_response->headerList()->append("Content-Type", "");
r->m_response->headerList()->append("Content-Type", body->type());
// FIXME: "8. Set |r|'s FetchBodyStream object's MIME type to the result of
// extracting a MIME type from |r|'s response's header list."
// "9. Return |r|."
return r.release();
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Response> Response::create(PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<FetchResponseData> response)
return adoptRefWillBeNoop(new Response(response));
String Response::type() const
// "The type attribute's getter must return response's type."
switch (m_response->type()) {
case FetchResponseData::BasicType:
return "basic";
case FetchResponseData::CORSType:
return "cors";
case FetchResponseData::DefaultType:
return "default";
case FetchResponseData::ErrorType:
return "error";
case FetchResponseData::OpaqueType:
return "opaque";
return "";
String Response::url() const
// "The url attribute's getter must return the empty string if response's
// url is null and response's url, serialized with the exclude fragment
// flag set, otherwise."
if (!m_response->url().hasFragmentIdentifier())
return m_response->url();
KURL url(m_response->url());
return url;
unsigned short Response::status() const
// "The status attribute's getter must return response's status."
return m_response->status();
String Response::statusText() const
// "The statusText attribute's getter must return response's status message."
return m_response->statusMessage();
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Headers> Response::headers() const
// "The headers attribute's getter must return the associated Headers object."
return m_headers;
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<FetchBodyStream> Response::body(ExecutionContext* context)
if (!m_response->blobDataHandle())
return nullptr;
if (!m_fetchBodyStream)
m_fetchBodyStream = FetchBodyStream::create(context, m_response->blobDataHandle());
return m_fetchBodyStream;
void Response::populateWebServiceWorkerResponse(WebServiceWorkerResponse& response)
: m_response(FetchResponseData::create())
, m_headers(Headers::create(m_response->headerList()))
Response::Response(PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<FetchResponseData> response)
: m_response(response)
, m_headers(Headers::create(m_response->headerList()))
void Response::trace(Visitor* visitor)
} // namespace blink