blob: 18a21d221e6d1c5c155859b8cd94fc2fb13ad7b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef HTMLMediaElementEncryptedMedia_h
#define HTMLMediaElementEncryptedMedia_h
#include "modules/EventTargetModules.h"
#include "platform/Supplementable.h"
#include "platform/graphics/media/MediaPlayer.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "public/platform/WebMediaPlayerClient.h"
#include "wtf/Forward.h"
namespace blink {
class ExceptionState;
class HTMLMediaElement;
class MediaKeys;
class HTMLMediaElementEncryptedMedia FINAL : public NoBaseWillBeGarbageCollected<HTMLMediaElementEncryptedMedia>, public WillBeHeapSupplement<HTMLMediaElement> {
// encrypted media extensions (v0.1b)
static void webkitGenerateKeyRequest(HTMLMediaElement&, const String& keySystem, PassRefPtr<Uint8Array> initData, ExceptionState&);
static void webkitGenerateKeyRequest(HTMLMediaElement&, const String& keySystem, ExceptionState&);
static void webkitAddKey(HTMLMediaElement&, const String& keySystem, PassRefPtr<Uint8Array> key, PassRefPtr<Uint8Array> initData, const String& sessionId, ExceptionState&);
static void webkitAddKey(HTMLMediaElement&, const String& keySystem, PassRefPtr<Uint8Array> key, ExceptionState&);
static void webkitCancelKeyRequest(HTMLMediaElement&, const String& keySystem, const String& sessionId, ExceptionState&);
// encrypted media extensions (WD)
static MediaKeys* mediaKeys(HTMLMediaElement&);
static void setMediaKeys(HTMLMediaElement&, MediaKeys*, ExceptionState&);
static void keyAdded(HTMLMediaElement&, const String& keySystem, const String& sessionId);
static void keyError(HTMLMediaElement&, const String& keySystem, const String& sessionId, WebMediaPlayerClient::MediaKeyErrorCode, unsigned short systemCode);
static void keyMessage(HTMLMediaElement&, const String& keySystem, const String& sessionId, const unsigned char* message, unsigned messageLength, const WebURL& defaultURL);
static void keyNeeded(HTMLMediaElement&, const String& contentType, const unsigned char* initData, unsigned initDataLength);
static void playerDestroyed(HTMLMediaElement&);
static WebContentDecryptionModule* contentDecryptionModule(HTMLMediaElement&);
static HTMLMediaElementEncryptedMedia& from(HTMLMediaElement&);
static const char* supplementName();
virtual void trace(Visitor*) OVERRIDE;
void generateKeyRequest(WebMediaPlayer*, const String& keySystem, PassRefPtr<Uint8Array> initData, ExceptionState&);
void addKey(WebMediaPlayer*, const String& keySystem, PassRefPtr<Uint8Array> key, PassRefPtr<Uint8Array> initData, const String& sessionId, ExceptionState&);
void cancelKeyRequest(WebMediaPlayer*, const String& keySystem, const String& sessionId, ExceptionState&);
// EventTarget
bool setAttributeEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, PassRefPtr<EventListener>);
EventListener* getAttributeEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType);
// Currently we have both EME v0.1b and EME WD implemented in media element.
// But we do not want to support both at the same time. The one used first
// will be supported. Use |m_emeMode| to track this selection.
// FIXME: Remove EmeMode once EME v0.1b support is removed. See
enum EmeMode { EmeModeNotSelected, EmeModePrefixed, EmeModeUnprefixed };
// check (and set if necessary) the encrypted media extensions (EME) mode
// (v0.1b or WD). Returns whether the mode is allowed and successfully set.
bool setEmeMode(EmeMode, ExceptionState&);
WebContentDecryptionModule* contentDecryptionModule();
void setMediaKeysInternal(HTMLMediaElement&, MediaKeys*);
EmeMode m_emeMode;
PersistentWillBeMember<MediaKeys> m_mediaKeys;
} // namespace blink