blob: 157443890a34ee531010746355a4e7689b130fc3 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 1998 Lars Knoll (
Copyright (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller <>
Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig (
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef Resource_h
#define Resource_h
#include "core/fetch/ResourceLoaderOptions.h"
#include "platform/Timer.h"
#include "platform/network/ResourceError.h"
#include "platform/network/ResourceLoadPriority.h"
#include "platform/network/ResourceRequest.h"
#include "platform/network/ResourceResponse.h"
#include "wtf/HashCountedSet.h"
#include "wtf/HashSet.h"
#include "wtf/OwnPtr.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
// FIXME( This is temporarily enabled even on RELEASE to diagnose a wild crash.
namespace blink {
struct FetchInitiatorInfo;
class MemoryCache;
class CachedMetadata;
class ResourceClient;
class ResourcePtrBase;
class ResourceFetcher;
class InspectorResource;
class ResourceLoader;
class SecurityOrigin;
class SharedBuffer;
// A resource that is held in the cache. Classes who want to use this object should derive
// from ResourceClient, to get the function calls in case the requested data has arrived.
// This class also does the actual communication with the loader to obtain the resource from the network.
class Resource : public NoBaseWillBeGarbageCollectedFinalized<Resource> {
friend class InspectorResource;
enum Type {
Media // Audio or video file requested by a HTML5 media element
enum Status {
Unknown, // let cache decide what to do with it
Pending, // only partially loaded
Cached, // regular case
Resource(const ResourceRequest&, Type);
virtual ~Resource();
// Only deleteIfPossible should delete this.
virtual ~Resource();
virtual void dispose();
virtual void trace(Visitor*);
static unsigned instanceCount() { return s_instanceCount; }
virtual void load(ResourceFetcher*, const ResourceLoaderOptions&);
virtual void setEncoding(const String&) { }
virtual String encoding() const { return String(); }
virtual void appendData(const char*, int);
virtual void error(Resource::Status);
void setNeedsSynchronousCacheHit(bool needsSynchronousCacheHit) { m_needsSynchronousCacheHit = needsSynchronousCacheHit; }
void setResourceError(const ResourceError& error) { m_error = error; }
const ResourceError& resourceError() const { return m_error; }
void setIdentifier(unsigned long identifier) { m_identifier = identifier; }
unsigned long identifier() const { return m_identifier; }
virtual bool shouldIgnoreHTTPStatusCodeErrors() const { return false; }
ResourceRequest& mutableResourceRequest() { return m_resourceRequest; }
const ResourceRequest& resourceRequest() const { return m_resourceRequest; }
const ResourceRequest& lastResourceRequest() const;
const KURL& url() const { return m_resourceRequest.url();}
Type type() const { return static_cast<Type>(m_type); }
const ResourceLoaderOptions& options() const { return m_options; }
void setOptions(const ResourceLoaderOptions& options) { m_options = options; }
void didChangePriority(ResourceLoadPriority, int intraPriorityValue);
void addClient(ResourceClient*);
void removeClient(ResourceClient*);
bool hasClients() const { return !m_clients.isEmpty() || !m_clientsAwaitingCallback.isEmpty(); }
bool deleteIfPossible();
enum PreloadResult {
PreloadResult preloadResult() const { return static_cast<PreloadResult>(m_preloadResult); }
virtual void didAddClient(ResourceClient*);
virtual void didRemoveClient(ResourceClient*) { }
virtual void allClientsRemoved();
unsigned count() const { return m_clients.size(); }
Status status() const { return static_cast<Status>(m_status); }
void setStatus(Status status) { m_status = status; }
size_t size() const { return encodedSize() + decodedSize() + overheadSize(); }
size_t encodedSize() const { return m_encodedSize; }
size_t decodedSize() const { return m_decodedSize; }
size_t overheadSize() const;
bool isLoaded() const { return !m_loading; } // FIXME. Method name is inaccurate. Loading might not have started yet.
bool isLoading() const { return m_loading; }
void setLoading(bool b) { m_loading = b; }
virtual bool stillNeedsLoad() const { return false; }
ResourceLoader* loader() const { return m_loader.get(); }
virtual bool isImage() const { return false; }
bool ignoreForRequestCount() const
return type() == MainResource
|| type() == LinkPrefetch
|| type() == LinkSubresource
|| type() == Media
|| type() == Raw
|| type() == TextTrack;
// Computes the status of an object after loading.
// Updates the expire date on the cache entry file
void finish(double finishTime = 0.0);
// FIXME: Remove the stringless variant once all the callsites' error messages are updated.
bool passesAccessControlCheck(SecurityOrigin*);
bool passesAccessControlCheck(SecurityOrigin*, String& errorDescription);
void clearLoader();
SharedBuffer* resourceBuffer() const { return m_data.get(); }
void setResourceBuffer(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer>);
virtual void willSendRequest(ResourceRequest&, const ResourceResponse&);
virtual void updateRequest(const ResourceRequest&) { }
virtual void responseReceived(const ResourceResponse&);
void setResponse(const ResourceResponse& response) { m_response = response; }
const ResourceResponse& response() const { return m_response; }
// Sets the serialized metadata retrieved from the platform's cache.
void setSerializedCachedMetadata(const char*, size_t);
// Caches the given metadata in association with this resource and suggests
// that the platform persist it. The dataTypeID is a pseudo-randomly chosen
// identifier that is used to distinguish data generated by the caller.
void setCachedMetadata(unsigned dataTypeID, const char*, size_t);
// Reset existing metadata, to allow setting new data.
void clearCachedMetadata();
// Returns cached metadata of the given type associated with this resource.
CachedMetadata* cachedMetadata(unsigned dataTypeID) const;
bool hasOneHandle() const;
bool canDelete() const;
// List of acceptable MIME types separated by ",".
// A MIME type may contain a wildcard, e.g. "text/*".
AtomicString accept() const { return m_accept; }
void setAccept(const AtomicString& accept) { m_accept = accept; }
bool wasCanceled() const { return m_error.isCancellation(); }
bool errorOccurred() const { return m_status == LoadError || m_status == DecodeError; }
bool loadFailedOrCanceled() { return !m_error.isNull(); }
DataBufferingPolicy dataBufferingPolicy() const { return m_options.dataBufferingPolicy; }
void setDataBufferingPolicy(DataBufferingPolicy);
bool isUnusedPreload() const { return isPreloaded() && preloadResult() == PreloadNotReferenced; }
bool isPreloaded() const { return m_preloadCount; }
void increasePreloadCount() { ++m_preloadCount; }
void decreasePreloadCount() { ASSERT(m_preloadCount); --m_preloadCount; }
void registerHandle(ResourcePtrBase* h);
void unregisterHandle(ResourcePtrBase* h);
bool canReuseRedirectChain();
bool mustRevalidateDueToCacheHeaders();
bool canUseCacheValidator();
bool isCacheValidator() const { return m_resourceToRevalidate; }
Resource* resourceToRevalidate() const { return m_resourceToRevalidate; }
void setResourceToRevalidate(Resource*);
bool hasCacheControlNoStoreHeader();
bool isPurgeable() const;
bool wasPurged() const;
bool lock();
virtual void didSendData(unsigned long long /* bytesSent */, unsigned long long /* totalBytesToBeSent */) { }
virtual void didDownloadData(int) { }
double loadFinishTime() const { return m_loadFinishTime; }
virtual bool canReuse(const ResourceRequest&) const { return true; }
// Used by the MemoryCache to reduce the memory consumption of the entry.
void prune();
static const char* resourceTypeToString(Type, const FetchInitiatorInfo&);
void assertAlive() const { RELEASE_ASSERT(!m_deleted); }
void assertAlive() const { }
virtual void checkNotify();
virtual void finishOnePart();
// Normal resource pointers will silently switch what Resource* they reference when we
// successfully revalidated the resource. We need a way to guarantee that the Resource
// that received the 304 response survives long enough to switch everything over to the
// revalidatedresource. The normal mechanisms for keeping a Resource alive externally
// (ResourcePtrs and ResourceClients registering themselves) don't work in this case, so
// have a separate internal protector).
class InternalResourcePtr {
explicit InternalResourcePtr(Resource* resource)
: m_resource(resource)
Resource* m_resource;
void incrementProtectorCount() { m_protectorCount++; }
void decrementProtectorCount() { m_protectorCount--; }
void setEncodedSize(size_t);
void setDecodedSize(size_t);
void didAccessDecodedData();
virtual void switchClientsToRevalidatedResource();
void clearResourceToRevalidate();
void updateResponseAfterRevalidation(const ResourceResponse& validatingResponse);
void finishPendingClients();
HashCountedSet<ResourceClient*> m_clients;
HashCountedSet<ResourceClient*> m_clientsAwaitingCallback;
class ResourceCallback {
static ResourceCallback* callbackHandler();
void schedule(Resource*);
void cancel(Resource*);
bool isScheduled(Resource*) const;
void timerFired(Timer<ResourceCallback>*);
Timer<ResourceCallback> m_callbackTimer;
HashSet<Resource*> m_resourcesWithPendingClients;
bool hasClient(ResourceClient* client) { return m_clients.contains(client) || m_clientsAwaitingCallback.contains(client); }
struct RedirectPair {
explicit RedirectPair(const ResourceRequest& request, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse)
: m_request(request)
, m_redirectResponse(redirectResponse)
ResourceRequest m_request;
ResourceResponse m_redirectResponse;
const Vector<RedirectPair>& redirectChain() const { return m_redirectChain; }
virtual bool isSafeToUnlock() const { return false; }
virtual void destroyDecodedDataIfPossible() { }
ResourceRequest m_resourceRequest;
AtomicString m_accept;
RefPtrWillBeMember<ResourceLoader> m_loader;
ResourceLoaderOptions m_options;
ResourceResponse m_response;
double m_responseTimestamp;
RefPtr<SharedBuffer> m_data;
Timer<Resource> m_cancelTimer;
bool addClientToSet(ResourceClient*);
void cancelTimerFired(Timer<Resource>*);
void revalidationSucceeded(const ResourceResponse&);
void revalidationFailed();
bool unlock();
bool hasRightHandleCountApartFromCache(unsigned targetCount) const;
void failBeforeStarting();
String m_fragmentIdentifierForRequest;
RefPtr<CachedMetadata> m_cachedMetadata;
ResourceError m_error;
double m_loadFinishTime;
unsigned long m_identifier;
size_t m_encodedSize;
size_t m_decodedSize;
unsigned m_handleCount;
unsigned m_preloadCount;
unsigned m_protectorCount;
unsigned m_preloadResult : 2; // PreloadResult
unsigned m_requestedFromNetworkingLayer : 1;
unsigned m_loading : 1;
unsigned m_switchingClientsToRevalidatedResource : 1;
unsigned m_type : 4; // Type
unsigned m_status : 3; // Status
unsigned m_wasPurged : 1;
unsigned m_needsSynchronousCacheHit : 1;
bool m_deleted;
// If this field is non-null we are using the resource as a proxy for checking whether an existing resource is still up to date
// using HTTP If-Modified-Since/If-None-Match headers. If the response is 304 all clients of this resource are moved
// to to be clients of m_resourceToRevalidate and the resource is deleted. If not, the field is zeroed and this
// resources becomes normal resource load.
RawPtrWillBeMember<Resource> m_resourceToRevalidate;
// If this field is non-null, the resource has a proxy for checking whether it is still up to date (see m_resourceToRevalidate).
RawPtrWillBeMember<Resource> m_proxyResource;
// These handles will need to be updated to point to the m_resourceToRevalidate in case we get 304 response.
HashSet<ResourcePtrBase*> m_handlesToRevalidate;
// Ordered list of all redirects followed while fetching this resource.
Vector<RedirectPair> m_redirectChain;
static unsigned s_instanceCount;
// Intended to be used in LOG statements.
const char* ResourceTypeName(Resource::Type);
DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(typeName##Resource, Resource, resource, resource->type() == Resource::typeName, resource.type() == Resource::typeName); \
inline typeName##Resource* to##typeName##Resource(const ResourcePtr<Resource>& ptr) { return to##typeName##Resource(ptr.get()); }