blob: 2d043a4ebec74982568572d84eeb405f93e2d76c [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 1998 Lars Knoll (
Copyright (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller <>
Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig (
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef ImageResource_h
#define ImageResource_h
#include "core/fetch/ResourcePtr.h"
#include "core/svg/graphics/SVGImageCache.h"
#include "platform/geometry/IntRect.h"
#include "platform/geometry/IntSizeHash.h"
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutSize.h"
#include "platform/graphics/ImageObserver.h"
#include "wtf/HashMap.h"
namespace blink {
class ImageResourceClient;
class ResourceFetcher;
class FloatSize;
class Length;
class MemoryCache;
class RenderObject;
class SecurityOrigin;
class ImageResource FINAL : public Resource, public ImageObserver {
friend class MemoryCache;
typedef ImageResourceClient ClientType;
ImageResource(const ResourceRequest&);
// Exposed for testing
ImageResource(const ResourceRequest&, blink::Image*);
virtual ~ImageResource();
virtual void load(ResourceFetcher*, const ResourceLoaderOptions&) OVERRIDE;
blink::Image* image(); // Returns the nullImage() if the image is not available yet.
blink::Image* imageForRenderer(const RenderObject*); // Returns the nullImage() if the image is not available yet.
bool hasImage() const { return m_image.get(); }
bool currentFrameKnownToBeOpaque(const RenderObject*); // Side effect: ensures decoded image is in cache, therefore should only be called when about to draw the image.
static std::pair<blink::Image*, float> brokenImage(float deviceScaleFactor); // Returns an image and the image's resolution scale factor.
bool willPaintBrokenImage() const;
bool canRender(const RenderObject& renderer, float multiplier) { return !errorOccurred() && !imageSizeForRenderer(&renderer, multiplier).isEmpty(); }
void setContainerSizeForRenderer(const ImageResourceClient*, const IntSize&, float);
bool usesImageContainerSize() const;
bool imageHasRelativeWidth() const;
bool imageHasRelativeHeight() const;
// The device pixel ratio we got from the server for this image, or 1.0.
float devicePixelRatioHeaderValue() const { return m_devicePixelRatioHeaderValue; }
bool hasDevicePixelRatioHeaderValue() const { return m_hasDevicePixelRatioHeaderValue; }
enum SizeType {
NormalSize, // Report the size of the image associated with a certain renderer
IntrinsicSize // Report the intrinsic size, i.e. ignore whatever has been set extrinsically.
// This method takes a zoom multiplier that can be used to increase the natural size of the image by the zoom.
LayoutSize imageSizeForRenderer(const RenderObject*, float multiplier, SizeType = NormalSize); // returns the size of the complete image.
void computeIntrinsicDimensions(Length& intrinsicWidth, Length& intrinsicHeight, FloatSize& intrinsicRatio);
bool isAccessAllowed(SecurityOrigin*);
virtual void didAddClient(ResourceClient*) OVERRIDE;
virtual void didRemoveClient(ResourceClient*) OVERRIDE;
virtual void allClientsRemoved() OVERRIDE;
virtual void appendData(const char*, int) OVERRIDE;
virtual void error(Resource::Status) OVERRIDE;
virtual void responseReceived(const ResourceResponse&) OVERRIDE;
virtual void finishOnePart() OVERRIDE;
// For compatibility, images keep loading even if there are HTTP errors.
virtual bool shouldIgnoreHTTPStatusCodeErrors() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
virtual bool isImage() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
virtual bool stillNeedsLoad() const OVERRIDE { return !errorOccurred() && status() == Unknown && !isLoading(); }
// ImageObserver
virtual void decodedSizeChanged(const blink::Image*, int delta) OVERRIDE;
virtual void didDraw(const blink::Image*) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool shouldPauseAnimation(const blink::Image*) OVERRIDE;
virtual void animationAdvanced(const blink::Image*) OVERRIDE;
virtual void changedInRect(const blink::Image*, const IntRect&) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool isSafeToUnlock() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void destroyDecodedDataIfPossible() OVERRIDE;
void clear();
void setCustomAcceptHeader();
void createImage();
void updateImage(bool allDataReceived);
void clearImage();
// If not null, changeRect is the changed part of the image.
void notifyObservers(const IntRect* changeRect = 0);
virtual void switchClientsToRevalidatedResource() OVERRIDE;
typedef pair<IntSize, float> SizeAndZoom;
typedef HashMap<const ImageResourceClient*, SizeAndZoom> ContainerSizeRequests;
ContainerSizeRequests m_pendingContainerSizeRequests;
float m_devicePixelRatioHeaderValue;
RefPtr<blink::Image> m_image;
OwnPtr<SVGImageCache> m_svgImageCache;
bool m_loadingMultipartContent;
bool m_hasDevicePixelRatioHeaderValue;