blob: 7ed7a9703f7e52abc6cad7dd5a611a1eaae5202e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
* Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "FloatRect.h"
#include "FontCache.h"
#include "FontFallbackList.h"
#include "GlyphBuffer.h"
#include "GlyphPageTreeNode.h"
#include "SimpleFontData.h"
#include "TextRun.h"
#include "WidthIterator.h"
#include <wtf/MainThread.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
#include <wtf/unicode/CharacterNames.h>
#include <wtf/unicode/Unicode.h>
using namespace WTF;
using namespace Unicode;
using namespace std;
namespace WebCore {
static inline std::pair<GlyphData, GlyphPage*> glyphDataAndPageForCharacterWithTextOrientation(UChar32 character, TextOrientation orientation, GlyphData& data, GlyphPage* page, unsigned pageNumber)
if (orientation == TextOrientationVerticalRight) {
RefPtr<SimpleFontData> verticalRightFontData = data.fontData->verticalRightOrientationFontData();
GlyphPageTreeNode* verticalRightNode = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(verticalRightFontData.get(), pageNumber);
GlyphPage* verticalRightPage = verticalRightNode->page();
if (verticalRightPage) {
GlyphData verticalRightData = verticalRightPage->glyphDataForCharacter(character);
// If the glyphs are distinct, we will make the assumption that the font has a vertical-right glyph baked
// into it.
if (data.glyph != verticalRightData.glyph)
return make_pair(data, page);
// The glyphs are identical, meaning that we should just use the horizontal glyph.
if (verticalRightData.fontData)
return make_pair(verticalRightData, verticalRightPage);
} else if (orientation == TextOrientationUpright) {
RefPtr<SimpleFontData> uprightFontData = data.fontData->uprightOrientationFontData();
GlyphPageTreeNode* uprightNode = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(uprightFontData.get(), pageNumber);
GlyphPage* uprightPage = uprightNode->page();
if (uprightPage) {
GlyphData uprightData = uprightPage->glyphDataForCharacter(character);
// If the glyphs are the same, then we know we can just use the horizontal glyph rotated vertically to be upright.
if (data.glyph == uprightData.glyph)
return make_pair(data, page);
// The glyphs are distinct, meaning that the font has a vertical-right glyph baked into it. We can't use that
// glyph, so we fall back to the upright data and use the horizontal glyph.
if (uprightData.fontData)
return make_pair(uprightData, uprightPage);
return make_pair(data, page);
std::pair<GlyphData, GlyphPage*> Font::glyphDataAndPageForCharacter(UChar32 c, bool mirror, FontDataVariant variant) const
if (variant == AutoVariant) {
if (m_fontDescription.smallCaps() && !primaryFont()->isSVGFont()) {
UChar32 upperC = toUpper(c);
if (upperC != c) {
c = upperC;
variant = SmallCapsVariant;
} else
variant = NormalVariant;
} else
variant = NormalVariant;
if (mirror)
c = mirroredChar(c);
unsigned pageNumber = (c / GlyphPage::size);
GlyphPageTreeNode* node = pageNumber ? m_fontFallbackList->m_pages.get(pageNumber) : m_fontFallbackList->m_pageZero;
if (!node) {
node = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(fontDataAt(0), pageNumber);
if (pageNumber)
m_fontFallbackList->m_pages.set(pageNumber, node);
m_fontFallbackList->m_pageZero = node;
GlyphPage* page = 0;
if (variant == NormalVariant) {
// Fastest loop, for the common case (normal variant).
while (true) {
page = node->page();
if (page) {
GlyphData data = page->glyphDataForCharacter(c);
if (data.fontData && (data.fontData->platformData().orientation() == Horizontal || data.fontData->isTextOrientationFallback()))
return make_pair(data, page);
if (data.fontData) {
if (isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(c)) {
if (!data.fontData->hasVerticalGlyphs()) {
// Use the broken ideograph font data. The broken ideograph font will use the horizontal width of glyphs
// to make sure you get a square (even for broken glyphs like symbols used for punctuation).
variant = BrokenIdeographVariant;
} else
return glyphDataAndPageForCharacterWithTextOrientation(c, m_fontDescription.textOrientation(), data, page, pageNumber);
return make_pair(data, page);
if (node->isSystemFallback())
// Proceed with the fallback list.
node = node->getChild(fontDataAt(node->level()), pageNumber);
if (pageNumber)
m_fontFallbackList->m_pages.set(pageNumber, node);
m_fontFallbackList->m_pageZero = node;
if (variant != NormalVariant) {
while (true) {
page = node->page();
if (page) {
GlyphData data = page->glyphDataForCharacter(c);
if (data.fontData) {
// The variantFontData function should not normally return 0.
// But if it does, we will just render the capital letter big.
RefPtr<SimpleFontData> variantFontData = data.fontData->variantFontData(m_fontDescription, variant);
if (!variantFontData)
return make_pair(data, page);
GlyphPageTreeNode* variantNode = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(variantFontData.get(), pageNumber);
GlyphPage* variantPage = variantNode->page();
if (variantPage) {
GlyphData data = variantPage->glyphDataForCharacter(c);
if (data.fontData)
return make_pair(data, variantPage);
// Do not attempt system fallback off the variantFontData. This is the very unlikely case that
// a font has the lowercase character but the small caps font does not have its uppercase version.
return make_pair(variantFontData->missingGlyphData(), page);
if (node->isSystemFallback())
// Proceed with the fallback list.
node = node->getChild(fontDataAt(node->level()), pageNumber);
if (pageNumber)
m_fontFallbackList->m_pages.set(pageNumber, node);
m_fontFallbackList->m_pageZero = node;
// System fallback is character-dependent. When we get here, we
// know that the character in question isn't in the system fallback
// font's glyph page. Try to lazily create it here.
UChar codeUnits[2];
int codeUnitsLength;
if (c <= 0xFFFF) {
codeUnits[0] = Font::normalizeSpaces(c);
codeUnitsLength = 1;
} else {
codeUnits[0] = U16_LEAD(c);
codeUnits[1] = U16_TRAIL(c);
codeUnitsLength = 2;
RefPtr<SimpleFontData> characterFontData = fontCache()->getFontDataForCharacters(*this, codeUnits, codeUnitsLength);
if (characterFontData) {
if (characterFontData->platformData().orientation() == Vertical && !characterFontData->hasVerticalGlyphs() && isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(c))
variant = BrokenIdeographVariant;
if (variant != NormalVariant)
characterFontData = characterFontData->variantFontData(m_fontDescription, variant);
if (characterFontData) {
// Got the fallback glyph and font.
GlyphPage* fallbackPage = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(characterFontData.get(), pageNumber)->page();
GlyphData data = fallbackPage && fallbackPage->fontDataForCharacter(c) ? fallbackPage->glyphDataForCharacter(c) : characterFontData->missingGlyphData();
// Cache it so we don't have to do system fallback again next time.
if (variant == NormalVariant) {
// missingGlyphData returns a null character, which is not suitable for GDI to display.
// Also, sometimes we cannot map a font for the character on WINCE, but GDI can still
// display the character, probably because the font package is not installed correctly.
// So we just always set the glyph to be same as the character, and let GDI solve it.
page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(c, c, characterFontData.get());
characterFontData->setMaxGlyphPageTreeLevel(max(characterFontData->maxGlyphPageTreeLevel(), node->level()));
return make_pair(page->glyphDataForCharacter(c), page);
page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(c, data.glyph, data.fontData);
data.fontData->setMaxGlyphPageTreeLevel(max(data.fontData->maxGlyphPageTreeLevel(), node->level()));
if (!isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(c) && data.fontData->platformData().orientation() != Horizontal && !data.fontData->isTextOrientationFallback())
return glyphDataAndPageForCharacterWithTextOrientation(c, m_fontDescription.textOrientation(), data, fallbackPage, pageNumber);
return make_pair(data, page);
// Even system fallback can fail; use the missing glyph in that case.
// FIXME: It would be nicer to use the missing glyph from the last resort font instead.
GlyphData data = primaryFont()->missingGlyphData();
if (variant == NormalVariant) {
// See comment about WINCE GDI handling near setGlyphDataForCharacter above.
page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(c, c, data.fontData);
data.fontData->setMaxGlyphPageTreeLevel(max(data.fontData->maxGlyphPageTreeLevel(), node->level()));
return make_pair(page->glyphDataForCharacter(c), page);
page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(c, data.glyph, data.fontData);
data.fontData->setMaxGlyphPageTreeLevel(max(data.fontData->maxGlyphPageTreeLevel(), node->level()));
return make_pair(data, page);
bool Font::primaryFontHasGlyphForCharacter(UChar32 character) const
unsigned pageNumber = (character / GlyphPage::size);
GlyphPageTreeNode* node = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(primaryFont(), pageNumber);
GlyphPage* page = node->page();
return page && page->fontDataForCharacter(character);
// FIXME: This function may not work if the emphasis mark uses a complex script, but none of the
// standard emphasis marks do so.
bool Font::getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(const AtomicString& mark, GlyphData& glyphData) const
if (mark.isEmpty())
return false;
UChar32 character = mark[0];
if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(character)) {
if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(character))
return false;
if (mark.length() < 2)
return false;
UChar low = mark[1];
if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(low))
return false;
character = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(character, low);
glyphData = glyphDataForCharacter(character, false, EmphasisMarkVariant);
return true;
int Font::emphasisMarkAscent(const AtomicString& mark) const
GlyphData markGlyphData;
if (!getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(mark, markGlyphData))
return 0;
const SimpleFontData* markFontData = markGlyphData.fontData;
if (!markFontData)
return 0;
return markFontData->fontMetrics().ascent();
int Font::emphasisMarkDescent(const AtomicString& mark) const
GlyphData markGlyphData;
if (!getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(mark, markGlyphData))
return 0;
const SimpleFontData* markFontData = markGlyphData.fontData;
if (!markFontData)
return 0;
return markFontData->fontMetrics().descent();
int Font::emphasisMarkHeight(const AtomicString& mark) const
GlyphData markGlyphData;
if (!getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(mark, markGlyphData))
return 0;
const SimpleFontData* markFontData = markGlyphData.fontData;
if (!markFontData)
return 0;
return markFontData->fontMetrics().height();
float Font::getGlyphsAndAdvancesForSimpleText(const TextRun& run, int from, int to, GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, ForTextEmphasisOrNot forTextEmphasis) const
float initialAdvance;
WidthIterator it(this, run, 0, false, forTextEmphasis);
// FIXME: Using separate glyph buffers for the prefix and the suffix is incorrect when kerning or
// ligatures are enabled.
GlyphBuffer localGlyphBuffer;
it.advance(from, &localGlyphBuffer);
float beforeWidth = it.m_runWidthSoFar;
it.advance(to, &glyphBuffer);
if (glyphBuffer.isEmpty())
return 0;
float afterWidth = it.m_runWidthSoFar;
if (run.rtl()) {
float finalRoundingWidth = it.m_finalRoundingWidth;
it.advance(run.length(), &localGlyphBuffer);
initialAdvance = finalRoundingWidth + it.m_runWidthSoFar - afterWidth;
} else
initialAdvance = beforeWidth;
if (run.rtl())
glyphBuffer.reverse(0, glyphBuffer.size());
return initialAdvance;
void Font::drawSimpleText(GraphicsContext* context, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to) const
// This glyph buffer holds our glyphs+advances+font data for each glyph.
GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
float startX = point.x() + getGlyphsAndAdvancesForSimpleText(run, from, to, glyphBuffer);
if (glyphBuffer.isEmpty())
FloatPoint startPoint(startX, point.y());
drawGlyphBuffer(context, run, glyphBuffer, startPoint);
void Font::drawEmphasisMarksForSimpleText(GraphicsContext* context, const TextRun& run, const AtomicString& mark, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to) const
GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
float initialAdvance = getGlyphsAndAdvancesForSimpleText(run, from, to, glyphBuffer, ForTextEmphasis);
if (glyphBuffer.isEmpty())
drawEmphasisMarks(context, run, glyphBuffer, mark, FloatPoint(point.x() + initialAdvance, point.y()));
void Font::drawGlyphBuffer(GraphicsContext* context, const TextRun& run, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, const FloatPoint& point) const
// Draw each contiguous run of glyphs that use the same font data.
const SimpleFontData* fontData = glyphBuffer.fontDataAt(0);
FloatSize offset = glyphBuffer.offsetAt(0);
FloatPoint startPoint(point);
float nextX = startPoint.x() + glyphBuffer.advanceAt(0);
int lastFrom = 0;
int nextGlyph = 1;
TextRun::RenderingContext* renderingContext = run.renderingContext();
while (nextGlyph < glyphBuffer.size()) {
const SimpleFontData* nextFontData = glyphBuffer.fontDataAt(nextGlyph);
FloatSize nextOffset = glyphBuffer.offsetAt(nextGlyph);
if (nextFontData != fontData || nextOffset != offset) {
if (renderingContext && fontData->isSVGFont())
renderingContext->drawSVGGlyphs(context, run, fontData, glyphBuffer, lastFrom, nextGlyph - lastFrom, startPoint);
drawGlyphs(context, fontData, glyphBuffer, lastFrom, nextGlyph - lastFrom, startPoint);
lastFrom = nextGlyph;
fontData = nextFontData;
offset = nextOffset;
nextX += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(nextGlyph);
if (renderingContext && fontData->isSVGFont())
renderingContext->drawSVGGlyphs(context, run, fontData, glyphBuffer, lastFrom, nextGlyph - lastFrom, startPoint);
drawGlyphs(context, fontData, glyphBuffer, lastFrom, nextGlyph - lastFrom, startPoint);
inline static float offsetToMiddleOfGlyph(const SimpleFontData* fontData, Glyph glyph)
if (fontData->platformData().orientation() == Horizontal) {
FloatRect bounds = fontData->boundsForGlyph(glyph);
return bounds.x() + bounds.width() / 2;
// FIXME: Use glyph bounds once they make sense for vertical fonts.
return fontData->widthForGlyph(glyph) / 2;
inline static float offsetToMiddleOfGlyphAtIndex(const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, size_t i)
return offsetToMiddleOfGlyph(glyphBuffer.fontDataAt(i), glyphBuffer.glyphAt(i));
void Font::drawEmphasisMarks(GraphicsContext* context, const TextRun& run, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, const AtomicString& mark, const FloatPoint& point) const
GlyphData markGlyphData;
if (!getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(mark, markGlyphData))
const SimpleFontData* markFontData = markGlyphData.fontData;
if (!markFontData)
Glyph markGlyph = markGlyphData.glyph;
Glyph spaceGlyph = markFontData->spaceGlyph();
float middleOfLastGlyph = offsetToMiddleOfGlyphAtIndex(glyphBuffer, 0);
FloatPoint startPoint(point.x() + middleOfLastGlyph - offsetToMiddleOfGlyph(markFontData, markGlyph), point.y());
GlyphBuffer markBuffer;
for (int i = 0; i + 1 < glyphBuffer.size(); ++i) {
float middleOfNextGlyph = offsetToMiddleOfGlyphAtIndex(glyphBuffer, i + 1);
float advance = glyphBuffer.advanceAt(i) - middleOfLastGlyph + middleOfNextGlyph;
markBuffer.add(glyphBuffer.glyphAt(i) ? markGlyph : spaceGlyph, markFontData, advance);
middleOfLastGlyph = middleOfNextGlyph;
markBuffer.add(glyphBuffer.glyphAt(glyphBuffer.size() - 1) ? markGlyph : spaceGlyph, markFontData, 0);
drawGlyphBuffer(context, run, markBuffer, startPoint);
float Font::floatWidthForSimpleText(const TextRun& run, HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow) const
WidthIterator it(this, run, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow);
GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
it.advance(run.length(), (typesettingFeatures() & (Kerning | Ligatures)) ? &glyphBuffer : 0);
if (glyphOverflow) {
glyphOverflow->top = max<int>(glyphOverflow->top, ceilf(-it.minGlyphBoundingBoxY()) - (glyphOverflow->computeBounds ? 0 : fontMetrics().ascent()));
glyphOverflow->bottom = max<int>(glyphOverflow->bottom, ceilf(it.maxGlyphBoundingBoxY()) - (glyphOverflow->computeBounds ? 0 : fontMetrics().descent()));
glyphOverflow->left = ceilf(it.firstGlyphOverflow());
glyphOverflow->right = ceilf(it.lastGlyphOverflow());
return it.m_runWidthSoFar;
FloatRect Font::selectionRectForSimpleText(const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int h, int from, int to) const
GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
WidthIterator it(this, run);
it.advance(from, &glyphBuffer);
float beforeWidth = it.m_runWidthSoFar;
it.advance(to, &glyphBuffer);
float afterWidth = it.m_runWidthSoFar;
// Using roundf() rather than ceilf() for the right edge as a compromise to ensure correct caret positioning.
if (run.rtl()) {
it.advance(run.length(), &glyphBuffer);
float totalWidth = it.m_runWidthSoFar;
return FloatRect(floorf(point.x() + totalWidth - afterWidth), point.y(), roundf(point.x() + totalWidth - beforeWidth) - floorf(point.x() + totalWidth - afterWidth), h);
return FloatRect(floorf(point.x() + beforeWidth), point.y(), roundf(point.x() + afterWidth) - floorf(point.x() + beforeWidth), h);
int Font::offsetForPositionForSimpleText(const TextRun& run, float x, bool includePartialGlyphs) const
float delta = x;
WidthIterator it(this, run);
GlyphBuffer localGlyphBuffer;
unsigned offset;
if (run.rtl()) {
delta -= floatWidthForSimpleText(run);
while (1) {
offset = it.m_currentCharacter;
float w;
if (!it.advanceOneCharacter(w, localGlyphBuffer))
delta += w;
if (includePartialGlyphs) {
if (delta - w / 2 >= 0)
} else {
if (delta >= 0)
} else {
while (1) {
offset = it.m_currentCharacter;
float w;
if (!it.advanceOneCharacter(w, localGlyphBuffer))
delta -= w;
if (includePartialGlyphs) {
if (delta + w / 2 <= 0)
} else {
if (delta <= 0)
return offset;