blob: 04c79012ee1ab897dcee2ad4b958658b51dc0ba3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file pretty-prints the contents of a GYP file.
import sys
import re
input = []
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
input_file = open(sys.argv[1])
input =
input =
# This is used to remove comments when we're counting braces.
comment_re = re.compile(r'\s*#.*')
# This is used to remove quoted strings when we're counting braces.
# It takes into account quoted quotes, and makes sure that the quotes
# match.
# NOTE: It does not handle quotes that span more than one line, or
# cases where an escaped quote is preceeded by an escaped backslash.
quote_re_str = r'(?P<q>[\'"])(.*?)(?<![^\\][\\])(?P=q)'
quote_re = re.compile(quote_re_str)
def comment_replace(matchobj):
return + + '#' * len(
def mask_comments(input):
# This is used to mask the quoted strings so we skip braces inside
# quoted strings.
search_re = re.compile(r'(.*?)(#)(.*)')
return [search_re.sub(comment_replace, line) for line in input]
def quote_replace(matchobj):
return "%s%s%s%s" % (,,
def mask_quotes(input):
# This is used to mask the quoted strings so we skip braces inside
# quoted strings.
search_re = re.compile(r'(.*?)' + quote_re_str)
return [search_re.sub(quote_replace, line) for line in input]
def do_split(input, masked_input, search_re):
output = []
mask_output = []
for (line, masked_line) in zip(input, masked_input):
m = search_re.match(masked_line)
while m:
split = len(
line = line[:split] + r'\n' + line[split:]
masked_line = masked_line[:split] + r'\n' + masked_line[split:]
m = search_re.match(masked_line)
return (output, mask_output)
# This masks out the quotes and comments, and then splits appropriate
# lines (lines that matche the double_*_brace re's above) before
# indenting them below.
def split_double_braces(input):
# These are used to split lines which have multiple braces on them, so
# that the indentation looks prettier when all laid out (e.g. closing
# braces make a nice diagonal line).
double_open_brace_re = re.compile(r'(.*?[\[\{\(,])(\s*)([\[\{\(])')
double_close_brace_re = re.compile(r'(.*?[\]\}\)],?)(\s*)([\]\}\)])')
masked_input = mask_quotes(input)
masked_input = mask_comments(masked_input)
(output, mask_output) = do_split(input, masked_input, double_open_brace_re)
(output, mask_output) = do_split(output, mask_output, double_close_brace_re)
return output
# This keeps track of the number of braces on a given line and returns
# the result. It starts at zero and subtracts for closed braces, and
# adds for open braces.
def count_braces(line):
open_braces = ['[', '(', '{']
close_braces = [']', ')', '}']
closing_prefix_re = re.compile(r'(.*?[^\s\]\}\)]+.*?)([\]\}\)],?)\s*$')
cnt = 0
stripline = comment_re.sub(r'', line)
stripline = quote_re.sub(r"''", stripline)
for char in stripline:
for brace in open_braces:
if char == brace:
cnt += 1
for brace in close_braces:
if char == brace:
cnt -= 1
after = False
if cnt > 0:
after = True
# This catches the special case of a closing brace having something
# other than just whitespace ahead of it -- we don't want to
# unindent that until after this line is printed so it stays with
# the previous indentation level.
if cnt < 0 and closing_prefix_re.match(stripline):
after = True
return (cnt, after)
# This does the main work of indenting the input based on the brace counts.
def prettyprint_input(lines):
indent = 0
basic_offset = 2
last_line = ""
for line in lines:
if comment_re.match(line):
print line
line = line.strip('\r\n\t ') # Otherwise doesn't strip \r on Unix.
if len(line) > 0:
(brace_diff, after) = count_braces(line)
if brace_diff != 0:
if after:
print " " * (basic_offset * indent) + line
indent += brace_diff
indent += brace_diff
print " " * (basic_offset * indent) + line
print " " * (basic_offset * indent) + line
print ""
last_line = line
# Split up the double braces.
lines = split_double_braces(input)
# Indent and print the output.