blob: 4f3e186b6f35d1624df31352dc39117b35d67b7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "config.h"
#include "modules/encryptedmedia/MediaKeySystemAccess.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptPromiseResolver.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptState.h"
#include "core/dom/DOMException.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/ExceptionCode.h"
#include "modules/encryptedmedia/MediaKeys.h"
#include "modules/encryptedmedia/MediaKeysController.h"
#include "platform/Logging.h"
#include "platform/Timer.h"
#include "public/platform/WebContentDecryptionModule.h"
namespace {
// This class allows a MediaKeys object to be created asynchronously.
class MediaKeysInitializer final : public blink::ScriptPromiseResolver {
static blink::ScriptPromise create(blink::ScriptState*, const String& keySystem);
virtual ~MediaKeysInitializer();
MediaKeysInitializer(blink::ScriptState*, const String& keySystem);
void timerFired(blink::Timer<MediaKeysInitializer>*);
const String m_keySystem;
blink::Timer<MediaKeysInitializer> m_timer;
blink::ScriptPromise MediaKeysInitializer::create(blink::ScriptState* scriptState, const String& keySystem)
RefPtr<MediaKeysInitializer> initializer = adoptRef(new MediaKeysInitializer(scriptState, keySystem));
return initializer->promise();
MediaKeysInitializer::MediaKeysInitializer(blink::ScriptState* scriptState, const String& keySystem)
: blink::ScriptPromiseResolver(scriptState)
, m_keySystem(keySystem)
, m_timer(this, &MediaKeysInitializer::timerFired)
// Start the timer so that MediaKeys can be created asynchronously.
// FIXME: When createContentDecryptionModule() is made asynchronous, wait
// for the event rather than using a timer.
m_timer.startOneShot(0, FROM_HERE);
void MediaKeysInitializer::timerFired(blink::Timer<MediaKeysInitializer>*)
// NOTE: Continued from step 2. of MediaKeySystemAccess::createMediaKeys().
// 2.1 Let cdm be the CDM corresponding to this object.
// 2.2 Load and initialize the cdm if necessary.
blink::Document* document = toDocument(executionContext());
blink::MediaKeysController* controller = blink::MediaKeysController::from(document->page());
// FIXME: Should this return an error code so there can be a better error
// message than UnknownError? Should it be asynchronous (maybe use
// webContentDecryptionModuleResult)?
OwnPtr<blink::WebContentDecryptionModule> cdm = controller->createContentDecryptionModule(executionContext(), m_keySystem);
// 2.3 If cdm fails to load or initialize, reject promise with a new
// DOMException whose name is the appropriate error name.
if (!cdm) {
String message("A CDM instance could not be created for the '" + m_keySystem + "' key system.");
reject(blink::DOMException::create(blink::UnknownError, message));
// 2.4 Let media keys be a new MediaKeys object.
blink::MediaKeys* mediaKeys = new blink::MediaKeys(executionContext(), m_keySystem, cdm.release());
// 2.5 Resolve promise with media keys.
// Note: As soon as the promise is resolved (or rejected), the
// ScriptPromiseResolver object (|this|) is freed. So access to
// any members will crash once the promise is fulfilled.
} // namespace
namespace blink {
MediaKeySystemAccess::MediaKeySystemAccess(const String& keySystem)
: m_keySystem(keySystem)
// FIXME: There should be a Chromium-side equivalent object that contains
// any information, including the key system, from the results of the
// request call. It would also give us a place to put the createCDM() call.
ScriptPromise MediaKeySystemAccess::createMediaKeys(ScriptState* scriptState)
// From
// When this method is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps:
// 1. Let promise be a new promise.
// 2. Asynchronously create and initialize the MediaKeys object.
// 3. Return promise.
return MediaKeysInitializer::create(scriptState, m_keySystem);
void MediaKeySystemAccess::trace(Visitor*)
} // namespace blink