blob: 69f427f21aa018e5e777d1a3dd7054e788da712c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "config.h"
#include "platform/animation/TimingFunction.h"
#include "wtf/MathExtras.h"
namespace blink {
String LinearTimingFunction::toString() const
return "linear";
double LinearTimingFunction::evaluate(double fraction, double) const
return fraction;
void LinearTimingFunction::range(double* minValue, double* maxValue) const
String CubicBezierTimingFunction::toString() const
switch (this->subType()) {
case CubicBezierTimingFunction::Ease:
return "ease";
case CubicBezierTimingFunction::EaseIn:
return "ease-in";
case CubicBezierTimingFunction::EaseOut:
return "ease-out";
case CubicBezierTimingFunction::EaseInOut:
return "ease-in-out";
case CubicBezierTimingFunction::Custom:
return "cubic-bezier(" + String::numberToStringECMAScript(this->x1()) + ", " +
String::numberToStringECMAScript(this->y1()) + ", " + String::numberToStringECMAScript(this->x2()) +
", " + String::numberToStringECMAScript(this->y2()) + ")";
return "";
double CubicBezierTimingFunction::evaluate(double fraction, double accuracy) const
if (!m_bezier)
m_bezier = adoptPtr(new UnitBezier(m_x1, m_y1, m_x2, m_y2));
return m_bezier->solve(fraction, accuracy);
// This works by taking taking the derivative of the cubic bezier, on the y
// axis. We can then solve for where the derivative is zero to find the min
// and max distace along the line. We the have to solve those in terms of time
// rather than distance on the x-axis
void CubicBezierTimingFunction::range(double* minValue, double* maxValue) const
if (0 <= m_y1 && m_y2 < 1 && 0 <= m_y2 && m_y2 <= 1) {
double a = 3.0 * (m_y1 - m_y2) + 1.0;
double b = 2.0 * (m_y2 - 2.0 * m_y1);
double c = m_y1;
if (std::abs(a) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
&& std::abs(b) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
double t1 = 0.0;
double t2 = 0.0;
if (std::abs(a) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
t1 = -c / b;
} else {
double discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if (discriminant < 0)
double discriminantSqrt = sqrt(discriminant);
t1 = (-b + discriminantSqrt) / (2 * a);
t2 = (-b - discriminantSqrt) / (2 * a);
double solution1 = 0.0;
double solution2 = 0.0;
// If the solution is in the range [0,1] then we include it, otherwise we
// ignore it.
if (!m_bezier)
m_bezier = adoptPtr(new UnitBezier(m_x1, m_y1, m_x2, m_y2));
// An interesting fact about these beziers is that they are only
// actually evaluated in [0,1]. After that we take the tangent at that point
// and linearly project it out.
if (0 < t1 && t1 < 1)
solution1= m_bezier->sampleCurveY(t1);
if (0 < t2 && t2 < 1)
solution2 = m_bezier->sampleCurveY(t2);
// Since our input values can be out of the range 0->1 so we must also
// consider the minimum and maximum points.
double solutionMin = m_bezier->solve(*minValue, std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
double solutionMax = m_bezier->solve(*maxValue, std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
*minValue = std::min(std::min(solutionMin, solutionMax), 0.0);
*maxValue = std::max(std::max(solutionMin, solutionMax), 1.0);
*minValue = std::min(std::min(*minValue, solution1), solution2);
*maxValue = std::max(std::max(*maxValue, solution1), solution2);
String StepsTimingFunction::toString() const
StringBuilder builder;
switch (this->subType()) {
case StepsTimingFunction::Start:
return "step-start";
case StepsTimingFunction::Middle:
return "step-middle";
case StepsTimingFunction::End:
return "step-end";
case StepsTimingFunction::Custom:
builder.append("steps(" + String::numberToStringECMAScript(this->numberOfSteps()) + ", ");
if (this->stepAtPosition() == StepsTimingFunction::StepAtStart)
else if (this->stepAtPosition() == StepsTimingFunction::StepAtMiddle)
else if (this->stepAtPosition() == StepsTimingFunction::StepAtEnd)
return builder.toString();
void StepsTimingFunction::range(double* minValue, double* maxValue) const
*minValue = 0;
*maxValue = 1;
double StepsTimingFunction::evaluate(double fraction, double) const
double startOffset = 0;
switch (m_stepAtPosition) {
case StepAtStart:
startOffset = 1;
case StepAtMiddle:
startOffset = 0.5;
case StepAtEnd:
startOffset = 0;
return clampTo(floor((m_steps * fraction) + startOffset) / m_steps, 0.0, 1.0);
// Equals operators
bool operator==(const LinearTimingFunction& lhs, const TimingFunction& rhs)
return rhs.type() == TimingFunction::LinearFunction;
bool operator==(const CubicBezierTimingFunction& lhs, const TimingFunction& rhs)
if (rhs.type() != TimingFunction::CubicBezierFunction)
return false;
const CubicBezierTimingFunction& ctf = toCubicBezierTimingFunction(rhs);
if ((lhs.subType() == CubicBezierTimingFunction::Custom) && (ctf.subType() == CubicBezierTimingFunction::Custom))
return (lhs.x1() == ctf.x1()) && (lhs.y1() == ctf.y1()) && (lhs.x2() == ctf.x2()) && (lhs.y2() == ctf.y2());
return lhs.subType() == ctf.subType();
bool operator==(const StepsTimingFunction& lhs, const TimingFunction& rhs)
if (rhs.type() != TimingFunction::StepsFunction)
return false;
const StepsTimingFunction& stf = toStepsTimingFunction(rhs);
if ((lhs.subType() == StepsTimingFunction::Custom) && (stf.subType() == StepsTimingFunction::Custom))
return (lhs.numberOfSteps() == stf.numberOfSteps()) && (lhs.stepAtPosition() == stf.stepAtPosition());
return lhs.subType() == stf.subType();
// The generic operator== *must* come after the
// non-generic operator== otherwise it will end up calling itself.
bool operator==(const TimingFunction& lhs, const TimingFunction& rhs)
switch (lhs.type()) {
case TimingFunction::LinearFunction: {
const LinearTimingFunction& linear = toLinearTimingFunction(lhs);
return (linear == rhs);
case TimingFunction::CubicBezierFunction: {
const CubicBezierTimingFunction& cubic = toCubicBezierTimingFunction(lhs);
return (cubic == rhs);
case TimingFunction::StepsFunction: {
const StepsTimingFunction& step = toStepsTimingFunction(lhs);
return (step == rhs);
return false;
// No need to define specific operator!= as they can all come via this function.
bool operator!=(const TimingFunction& lhs, const TimingFunction& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
} // namespace blink