blob: 73b987df4f3218c539d354d6ac5b61bac8f07d33 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# All paths in this file should be absolute so it can be imported into
# different contexts.
# v8/custom/custom.gypi --------------------------------------------------------
# These paths are relative to v8/custom.
_v8_custom_gypi = exec_script(
[ rebase_path("v8/custom/custom.gypi") ],
[ "v8/custom/custom.gypi" ])
bindings_v8_custom_dir = get_path_info("v8/custom", "abspath")
bindings_v8_custom_files = get_path_info(
rebase_path(_v8_custom_gypi.bindings_v8_custom_files, ".",
# v8/v8.gypi -------------------------------------------------------------------
# These paths are relative to v8.
_v8_gypi = exec_script(
[ rebase_path("v8/v8.gypi") ],
[ "v8/v8.gypi" ])
bindings_v8_dir = get_path_info("v8", "abspath")
# v8.gypi references includes a reference to the custom_files list. Manually
# expand that.
_rel_bindings_v8_files = _v8_gypi.bindings_v8_files
_rel_bindings_v8_files -= [ "<@(bindings_v8_custom_files)" ]
bindings_v8_files = get_path_info(
rebase_path(_rel_bindings_v8_files, ".", "v8"),
bindings_v8_files += bindings_v8_custom_files
# bindings.gypi ----------------------------------------------------------------
bindings_dir = get_path_info(".", "abspath")
blink_output_dir = "$root_gen_dir/blink"
bindings_output_dir = "$root_gen_dir/blink/bindings"
bindings_unittest_files = get_path_info(
rebase_path(_v8_gypi.bindings_v8_unittest_files, ".", bindings_v8_dir),