blob: bcc9b90f9f1b265f89be9ca6e5ac87343404791f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
@echo off
rem Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
rem Author: Lincoln Smith
rem Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
rem you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
rem You may obtain a copy of the License at
rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
rem limitations under the License.
rem This script tests the correctness of the vcdiff.exe command-line
rem executable. It is the Windows equivalent of the src/
rem shell script for Unix systems, though some of the tests from that
rem script are not included here.
rem If you add a new test here, please add the same test to
rem src/
rem The script should be passed one argument which is the location of the
rem vcdiff.exe executable.
if not exist %1 ^
( echo Must pass location of vcdiff.exe as script argument ^
&&exit /b 1 )
set VCDIFF=%1
rem These options are only needed for the encoder;
rem the decoder will recognize the interleaved and checksum formats
rem without needing to specify any options.
set TESTDATA_DIR=..\..\testdata
set VCD_OPTIONS=-interleaved -checksum
set MALICIOUS_ENCODING=%TESTDATA_DIR%\allocates_4gb.vcdiff
set EMPTY_FILE=%TESTDATA_DIR%\empty_file.txt
rem vcdiff with no arguments shows usage information & error result
&& ( echo vcdiff with no arguments should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 1 ok
rem vcdiff with three arguments but without "encode" or "decode"
rem shows usage information & error result
-dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% -target %TARGET_FILE% -delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
&& ( echo vcdiff without operation argument should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 2 ok
rem vcdiff with all three arguments. Verify that output file matches target file
encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Encode with three arguments failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
%VCDIFF% decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Decode with three arguments failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
|| ( echo Decoded target does not match original ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 3 ok
rem open-vcdiff Issue 7
rem (
rem vcdiff using stdin/stdout. Verify that output file matches target file
encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Encode using stdin/stdout failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
%VCDIFF% decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Decode using stdin/stdout failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
|| ( echo Decoded target does not match original ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 4 ok
rem vcdiff with mixed stdin/stdout.
encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Encode with mixed arguments failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
%VCDIFF% decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Decode with mixed arguments failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
|| ( echo Decoded target does not match original ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 5 ok
encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Encode with mixed arguments failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
%VCDIFF% decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Decode with mixed arguments failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
|| ( echo Decoded target does not match original ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 6 ok
rem Don't remove %DELTA_FILE%; use it for the next test
rem If using the wrong dictionary, and dictionary is smaller than the original
rem dictionary, vcdiff will spot the mistake and return an error. (It can't
rem detect the case where the wrong dictionary is larger than the right one.)
%VCDIFF% decode -dictionary %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
&& ( echo Decode using larger dictionary should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 7 ok
rem "vcdiff test" with all three arguments.
test -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
|| ( echo vcdiff test with three arguments failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 8 ok
rem Dictionary file not found.
encode -dictionary %TEMP%\nonexistent_file ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
&& ( echo vcdiff with missing dictionary file should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 9 ok
rem Target file not found.
encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TEMP%\nonexistent_file ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
&& ( echo vcdiff with missing target file should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 10 ok
rem Delta file not found.
%VCDIFF% decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-delta %TEMP%\nonexistent_file ^
&& ( echo vcdiff with missing delta file should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 11 ok
rem Test using -stats flag
encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-stats ^
|| ( echo Encode with -stats failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
%VCDIFF% -stats ^
decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Decode with -stats failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
|| ( echo Decoded target does not match original ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 13 ok
rem open-vcdiff Issue 6
rem (
rem Using empty file as dictionary should work, but (because dictionary is empty)
rem it will not produce a small delta file.
test -dictionary %EMPTY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-stats ^
|| ( echo vcdiff test with empty file as dictionary failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 14 ok
rem Decode using something that isn't a delta file
%VCDIFF% decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
&& ( echo vcdiff with invalid delta file should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 17 ok
encode -target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-dictionary ^
&& ( echo -dictionary option with no file name should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 18 ok
encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-target ^
&& ( echo -target option with no file name should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 19 ok
encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta ^
&& ( echo -delta option with no file name should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 20 ok
encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-buffersize ^
&& ( echo -buffersize option with no argument should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 21 ok
rem Using -buffersize=1 should still work.
test -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-buffersize 1 ^
-stats ^
|| ( echo vcdiff test with -buffersize=1 failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 22 ok
rem Using -buffersize=1 with stdin/stdout means that vcdiff
rem will create a separate target window for each byte read.
%VCDIFF% encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-buffersize 1 ^
-stats ^
|| ( echo Encode using stdin/stdout with -buffersize=1 failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
%VCDIFF% decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-buffersize 1 ^
-stats ^
|| ( echo Decode using stdin/stdout with -buffersize=1 failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
|| ( echo Decoded target does not match original with -buffersize=1 ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 23 ok
rem Using -buffersize=0 should fail.
test -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-buffersize 0 ^
&& ( echo vcdiff test with -buffersize=0 should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 24 ok
rem Using -buffersize=128M (larger than default maximum) should still work.
test -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-buffersize 134217728 ^
-stats ^
|| ( echo vcdiff test with -buffersize=128M failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 25 ok
test -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-froobish ^
&& ( echo vdiff test with unrecognized option should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 26 ok
encode -target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
&& ( echo encode with no dictionary option should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 27 ok
%VCDIFF% decode -target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
&& ( echo decode with no dictionary option should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 28 ok
rem Remove -interleaved and -checksum options
%VCDIFF% encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Encode without -interleaved and -checksum options failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
%VCDIFF% decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Decode non-interleaved output failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
|| ( echo Decoded target does not match original with -interleaved ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 29 ok
rem -target_matches option
%VCDIFF% encode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target_matches ^
-stats ^
|| ( echo Encode with -target_matches option failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
rem The decode operation ignores the -target_matches option.
%VCDIFF% decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
|| ( echo Decode output failed with -target_matches ^
&&exit /b 1 )
|| ( echo Decoded target does not match original with -target_matches ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 30 ok
dencode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
&& ( echo vdiff with unrecognized action should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 31 ok
test -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
&& ( echo vdiff test without delta option should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 32 ok
test -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
&& ( echo vdiff test without target option should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 33 ok
rem open-vcdiff Issue 8
rem (
rem A malicious encoding that tries to produce a 4GB target file made up of 64
rem windows, each window having a size of 64MB.
decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-max_target_file_size=65536 ^
&& ( echo Decoding malicious file should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 34 ok
decode -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-max_target_window_size=65536 ^
&& ( echo Decoding malicious file should fail, but succeeded ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 35 ok
rem Decoding a small target with the -max_target_file_size option should succeed.
test -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-max_target_file_size=65536 ^
|| ( echo vcdiff test with -max_target_file_size failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 36 ok
rem Decoding a small target with -max_target_window_size option should succeed.
test -dictionary %DICTIONARY_FILE% ^
-target %TARGET_FILE% ^
-delta %DELTA_FILE% ^
-max_target_window_size=65536 ^
|| ( echo vcdiff test with -max_target_window_size failed ^
&&exit /b 1 )
echo Test 37 ok
echo PASS