blob: 8e272121fb71448f1af131fde489ab035db019b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace gfx {
class Image;
class SkBitmap;
namespace profiles {
// Avatar access.
extern const char kGAIAPictureFileName[];
extern const char kHighResAvatarFolderName[];
// Avatar formatting.
extern const int kAvatarIconWidth;
extern const int kAvatarIconHeight;
extern const SkColor kAvatarTutorialBackgroundColor;
extern const SkColor kAvatarTutorialContentTextColor;
extern const SkColor kAvatarBubbleAccountsBackgroundColor;
extern const SkColor kAvatarBubbleGaiaBackgroundColor;
extern const SkColor kUserManagerBackgroundColor;
// Gets the number of default avatar icons that exist.
size_t GetDefaultAvatarIconCount();
// Gets the index for the (grey silhouette) avatar used as a placeholder.
int GetPlaceholderAvatarIndex();
// Gets the resource ID of the placeholder avatar icon.
int GetPlaceholderAvatarIconResourceID();
// Gets the number of generic avatar icons that exist.
size_t GetGenericAvatarIconCount();
// Gets the resource ID of the default avatar icon at |index|.
int GetDefaultAvatarIconResourceIDAtIndex(size_t index);
// Gets the resource filename of the default avatar icon at |index|.
const char* GetDefaultAvatarIconFileNameAtIndex(size_t index);
// Gets the file name of an avatar that has no high res version.
const char* GetNoHighResAvatarFileName();
// Gets the full path of the high res avatar icon at |index|.
base::FilePath GetPathOfHighResAvatarAtIndex(size_t index);
// Returns a URL for the default avatar icon with specified index.
std::string GetDefaultAvatarIconUrl(size_t index);
// Checks if |index| is a valid avatar icon index
bool IsDefaultAvatarIconIndex(size_t index);
// Checks if the given URL points to one of the default avatar icons. If it
// is, returns true and its index through |icon_index|. If not, returns false.
bool IsDefaultAvatarIconUrl(const std::string& icon_url, size_t *icon_index);
// Returns a version of |image| of a specific size. Note that no checks are
// done on the width/height so make sure they're reasonable values; in the
// range of 16-256 is probably best.
gfx::Image GetSizedAvatarIcon(const gfx::Image& image,
bool is_rectangle,
int width, int height);
// Returns a version of |image| suitable for use in menus.
gfx::Image GetAvatarIconForMenu(const gfx::Image& image,
bool is_rectangle);
// Returns a version of |image| suitable for use in WebUI.
gfx::Image GetAvatarIconForWebUI(const gfx::Image& image,
bool is_rectangle);
// Returns a version of |image| suitable for use in title bars. The returned
// image is scaled to fit |dst_width| and |dst_height|.
gfx::Image GetAvatarIconForTitleBar(const gfx::Image& image,
bool is_rectangle,
int dst_width,
int dst_height);
// Returns a bitmap with a couple of columns shaved off so it is more square,
// so that when resized to a square aspect ratio it looks pretty.
SkBitmap GetAvatarIconAsSquare(const SkBitmap& source_bitmap, int scale_factor);
} // namespace profiles