blob: 8b10a7f764308bca6d501b4399a94be2f7891ea4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "remoting/host/chromoting_param_traits.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
namespace IPC {
// static
void ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopVector>::Write(Message* m,
const webrtc::DesktopVector& p) {
// static
bool ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopVector>::Read(const Message* m,
PickleIterator* iter,
webrtc::DesktopVector* r) {
int x, y;
if (!m->ReadInt(iter, &x) || !m->ReadInt(iter, &y))
return false;
*r = webrtc::DesktopVector(x, y);
return true;
// static
void ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopVector>::Log(const webrtc::DesktopVector& p,
std::string* l) {
l->append(base::StringPrintf("webrtc::DesktopVector(%d, %d)",
p.x(), p.y()));
// static
void ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopSize>::Write(Message* m,
const webrtc::DesktopSize& p) {
// static
bool ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopSize>::Read(const Message* m,
PickleIterator* iter,
webrtc::DesktopSize* r) {
int width, height;
if (!m->ReadInt(iter, &width) || !m->ReadInt(iter, &height))
return false;
*r = webrtc::DesktopSize(width, height);
return true;
// static
void ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopSize>::Log(const webrtc::DesktopSize& p,
std::string* l) {
l->append(base::StringPrintf("webrtc::DesktopSize(%d, %d)",
p.width(), p.height()));
// static
void ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopRect>::Write(Message* m,
const webrtc::DesktopRect& p) {
// static
bool ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopRect>::Read(const Message* m,
PickleIterator* iter,
webrtc::DesktopRect* r) {
int left, right, top, bottom;
if (!m->ReadInt(iter, &left) || !m->ReadInt(iter, &top) ||
!m->ReadInt(iter, &right) || !m->ReadInt(iter, &bottom)) {
return false;
*r = webrtc::DesktopRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
return true;
// static
void ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopRect>::Log(const webrtc::DesktopRect& p,
std::string* l) {
l->append(base::StringPrintf("webrtc::DesktopRect(%d, %d, %d, %d)",
p.left(),, p.right(), p.bottom()));
// static
void ParamTraits<remoting::ScreenResolution>::Write(
Message* m,
const remoting::ScreenResolution& p) {
ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopSize>::Write(m, p.dimensions());
ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopVector>::Write(m, p.dpi());
// static
bool ParamTraits<remoting::ScreenResolution>::Read(
const Message* m,
PickleIterator* iter,
remoting::ScreenResolution* r) {
webrtc::DesktopSize size;
webrtc::DesktopVector dpi;
if (!ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopSize>::Read(m, iter, &size) ||
!ParamTraits<webrtc::DesktopVector>::Read(m, iter, &dpi)) {
return false;
if (size.width() < 0 || size.height() < 0 ||
dpi.x() < 0 || dpi.y() < 0) {
return false;
*r = remoting::ScreenResolution(size, dpi);
return true;
// static
void ParamTraits<remoting::ScreenResolution>::Log(
const remoting::ScreenResolution& p,
std::string* l) {
l->append(base::StringPrintf("webrtc::ScreenResolution(%d, %d, %d, %d)",
p.dimensions().width(), p.dimensions().height(),
p.dpi().x(), p.dpi().y()));
} // namespace IPC