blob: 59585442f78da19bea8cfed4bc3377464f05c4f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "ipc/ipc_channel_proxy.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_platform_file.h"
#include "ppapi/c/private/pp_file_handle.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/tracked_callback.h"
namespace nacl {
struct PnaclCacheInfo;
// A class to keep track of requests made to the browser for resources that the
// PNaCl translator needs (e.g. descriptors for the translator nexes, temp
// files, and cached translations).
// "Resource" might not be the best name for the various things that pnacl
// needs from the browser since "Resource" is a Pepper thing...
class PnaclTranslationResourceHost : public IPC::ChannelProxy::MessageFilter {
explicit PnaclTranslationResourceHost(
const scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy>& io_message_loop);
void RequestNexeFd(int render_view_id,
PP_Instance instance,
const nacl::PnaclCacheInfo& cache_info,
PP_Bool* is_hit,
PP_FileHandle* file_handle,
scoped_refptr<ppapi::TrackedCallback> callback);
void ReportTranslationFinished(PP_Instance instance, PP_Bool success);
// Ensure that PNaCl resources (pnacl-llc.nexe, linker, libs) are installed.
void EnsurePnaclInstalled(PP_Instance instance,
scoped_refptr<ppapi::TrackedCallback> callback);
virtual ~PnaclTranslationResourceHost();
class CacheRequestInfo {
CacheRequestInfo(PP_Bool* hit,
PP_FileHandle* handle,
scoped_refptr<ppapi::TrackedCallback> cb);
PP_Bool* is_hit;
PP_FileHandle* file_handle;
scoped_refptr<ppapi::TrackedCallback> callback;
// Maps the instance with an outstanding cache request to the info
// about that request.
typedef std::map<PP_Instance, CacheRequestInfo> CacheRequestInfoMap;
// A list of outstanding EnsurePnaclInstalled requests.
typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<ppapi::TrackedCallback> >
// IPC::ChannelProxy::MessageFilter implementation.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnFilterAdded(IPC::Channel* channel) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnFilterRemoved() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnChannelClosing() OVERRIDE;
void SendRequestNexeFd(int render_view_id,
PP_Instance instance,
const nacl::PnaclCacheInfo& cache_info,
PP_Bool* is_hit,
PP_FileHandle* file_handle,
scoped_refptr<ppapi::TrackedCallback> callback);
void SendReportTranslationFinished(PP_Instance instance,
PP_Bool success);
void SendEnsurePnaclInstalled(PP_Instance instance,
scoped_refptr<ppapi::TrackedCallback> callback);
void OnNexeTempFileReply(PP_Instance instance,
bool is_hit,
IPC::PlatformFileForTransit file);
void CleanupCacheRequests();
void OnEnsurePnaclInstalledReply(PP_Instance instance, bool success);
void CleanupEnsurePnaclRequests();
scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> io_message_loop_;
// Should be accessed on the io thread.
IPC::Channel* channel_;
CacheRequestInfoMap pending_cache_requests_;
EnsurePnaclInstalledList pending_ensure_pnacl_requests_;