blob: eb298954ec86feeba2233d525eea723d77f2f644 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/language_state.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_details.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h"
using content::NavigationController;
LanguageState::LanguageState(NavigationController* nav_controller)
: navigation_controller_(nav_controller),
in_page_navigation_(false) {
LanguageState::~LanguageState() {
void LanguageState::DidNavigate(
const content::LoadCommittedDetails& details) {
in_page_navigation_ = details.is_in_page;
if (in_page_navigation_ || !details.is_main_frame)
return; // Don't reset our states, the page has not changed.
bool reload =
details.entry->GetTransitionType() == content::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD ||
details.type == content::NAVIGATION_TYPE_SAME_PAGE;
if (reload) {
// We might not get a LanguageDetermined notifications on reloads. Make sure
// to keep the original language and to set current_lang_ so
// IsPageTranslated() returns false.
current_lang_ = original_lang_;
} else {
prev_original_lang_ = original_lang_;
prev_current_lang_ = current_lang_;
translation_pending_ = false;
translation_declined_ = false;
void LanguageState::LanguageDetermined(const std::string& page_language,
bool page_needs_translation) {
if (in_page_navigation_ && !original_lang_.empty()) {
// In-page navigation, we don't expect our states to change.
// Note that we'll set the languages if original_lang_ is empty. This might
// happen if the we did not get called on the top-page.
page_needs_translation_ = page_needs_translation;
original_lang_ = page_language;
current_lang_ = page_language;
bool LanguageState::InTranslateNavigation() const {
// The user is in the same translate session if
// - no translation is pending
// - this page is in the same language as the previous page
// - the previous page had been translated
// - the new page was navigated through a link.
!translation_pending_ &&
prev_original_lang_ == original_lang_ &&
prev_original_lang_ != prev_current_lang_ &&
navigation_controller_->GetActiveEntry() &&
navigation_controller_->GetActiveEntry()->GetTransitionType() ==
std::string LanguageState::AutoTranslateTo() const {
if (InTranslateNavigation() &&
// The page is not yet translated.
original_lang_ == current_lang_ ) {
return prev_current_lang_;
return std::string();