blob: 1ad3b16f9dd7159d05a04318deb4ee2677f2975d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_input.h"
// This class manages the Omnibox field trials.
class OmniboxFieldTrial {
// Creates the static field trial groups.
static void ActivateStaticTrials();
// Activates all dynamic field trials. The main difference between
// the autocomplete dynamic and static field trials is that the former
// don't require any code changes on the Chrome side as they are controlled
// on the server side. Chrome binary simply propagates all necessary
// information through the X-Chrome-Variations header.
// This method, unlike ActivateStaticTrials(), may be called multiple times.
static void ActivateDynamicTrials();
// Returns a bitmap containing AutocompleteProvider::Type values
// that should be disabled in AutocompleteController.
// This method simply goes over all autocomplete dynamic field trial groups
// and looks for group names like "ProvidersDisabled_NNN" where NNN is
// an integer corresponding to a bitmap mask. All extracted bitmaps
// are OR-ed together and returned as the final result.
static int GetDisabledProviderTypes();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the suggest field trial.
// Populates |field_trial_hash| with hashes of the active suggest field trial
// names, if any.
static void GetActiveSuggestFieldTrialHashes(
std::vector<uint32>* field_trial_hash);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the HistoryURL provider disable culling redirects field trial.
// Returns whether the user is in any group for this field trial.
// (Should always be true unless initialization went wrong.)
static bool InHUPCullRedirectsFieldTrial();
// Returns whether we should disable culling of redirects in
// HistoryURL provider.
static bool InHUPCullRedirectsFieldTrialExperimentGroup();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the HistoryURL provider disable creating a shorter match
// field trial.
// Returns whether the user is in any group for this field trial.
// (Should always be true unless initialization went wrong.)
static bool InHUPCreateShorterMatchFieldTrial();
// Returns whether we should disable creating a shorter match in
// HistoryURL provider.
static bool InHUPCreateShorterMatchFieldTrialExperimentGroup();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the AutocompleteController "stop timer" field trial.
// Returns whether the user should get the experimental setup or the
// default setup for this field trial. The experiment group uses
// a timer in AutocompleteController to tell the providers to stop
// looking for matches after too much time has passed. In other words,
// it tries to tell the providers to stop updating the list of suggested
// matches if updating the matches would probably be disruptive because
// they're arriving so late.
static bool InStopTimerFieldTrialExperimentGroup();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the ZeroSuggestProvider field trial.
// Returns whether the user is in any field trial where the
// ZeroSuggestProvider should be used to get suggestions when the
// user clicks on the omnibox but has not typed anything yet.
static bool InZeroSuggestFieldTrial();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the ShortcutsScoring field trial.
// If the field trial is active and the user is in an experiment
// group, extract from the experiment group name the maximum
// relevance score ShortcutsProvider:: CalculateScore() can return.
// Returns true on a successful extraction. If the extraction failed,
// if the field trial is not active, etc., returns false.
// CalculateScore()'s return value is a product of this maximum
// relevance score and some attenuating factors that are all between
// 0 and 1. (Note that Shortcuts results may have their scores
// reduced later if the assigned score is higher than allowed for
// non-inlineable results. Shortcuts results are not allowed to be
// inlined.)
static bool ShortcutsScoringMaxRelevance(int* max_relevance);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the SearchHistory experiment that's part of the bundled omnibox
// field trial.
// Returns true if the user is in the experiment group that, given the
// provided |current_page_classification| context, scores search history
// query suggestions less aggressively so that they don't inline.
static bool SearchHistoryPreventInlining(
AutocompleteInput::PageClassification current_page_classification);
// Returns true if the user is in the experiment group that, given the
// provided |current_page_classification| context, disables all query
// suggestions from search history.
static bool SearchHistoryDisable(
AutocompleteInput::PageClassification current_page_classification);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(OmniboxFieldTrialTest, GetValueForRuleInContext);
// The bundled omnibox experiment comes with a set of parameters
// (key-value pairs). Each key indicates a certain rule that applies in
// a certain context. The value indicates what the consequences of
// applying the rule are. For example, the value of a SearchHistory rule
// in the context of a search results page might indicate that we should
// prevent search history matches from inlining.
// This function returns the value associated with the |rule| that applies
// in the current context (which currently only consists of
// |page_classification| but will soon contain other features, some not
// passed in as parameters, such as whether Instant Extended is enabled).
// If no such rule exists in the current context, looks for that rule in
// the global context and return its value if found. If the rule remains
// unfound in the global context, returns the empty string. For more
// details, see the implementation. How to interpret the value is left
// to the caller; this is rule-dependent.
static std::string GetValueForRuleInContext(
const std::string& rule,
AutocompleteInput::PageClassification page_classification);