blob: e1b5971201f40dde0f57b51597bbb530933c12b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace local_discovery {
extern const char kPrivetKeyError[];
extern const char kPrivetInfoKeyToken[];
extern const char kPrivetKeyDeviceID[];
extern const char kPrivetKeyClaimURL[];
extern const char kPrivetKeyClaimToken[];
extern const char kPrivetKeyTimeout[];
extern const char kPrivetErrorDeviceBusy[];
extern const char kPrivetErrorPendingUserAction[];
extern const char kPrivetErrorInvalidXPrivetToken[];
extern const char kPrivetActionStart[];
extern const char kPrivetActionGetClaimToken[];
extern const char kPrivetActionComplete[];
// Name for pseudo-action "info", used only to show info stage in errors.
extern const char kPrivetActionNameInfo[];
extern const char kPrivetDefaultDeviceType[];
extern const char kPrivetSubtypeTemplate[];
const double kPrivetMaximumTimeScaling = 1.2;
extern const char kPrivetTxtKeyName[];
extern const char kPrivetTxtKeyDescription[];
extern const char kPrivetTxtKeyURL[];
extern const char kPrivetTxtKeyType[];
extern const char kPrivetTxtKeyID[];
extern const char kPrivetTxtKeyConnectionState[];
extern const char kPrivetConnectionStatusOnline[];
extern const char kPrivetConnectionStatusOffline[];
extern const char kPrivetConnectionStatusConnecting[];
extern const char kPrivetConnectionStatusNotConfigured[];
const int kPrivetDefaultTimeout = 15;
const double kPrivetMaximumTimeRandomAddition = 0.2;
} // namespace local_discovery