blob: acd51ae0dd89df5db1de08265bdbc2a3fb5b4c35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/id_map.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/file_system_interface.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/job_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/job_queue.h"
#include "chrome/browser/drive/drive_service_interface.h"
#include "chrome/browser/drive/drive_uploader.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
class PrefService;
namespace base {
class SeqencedTaskRunner;
namespace drive {
// The JobScheduler is responsible for queuing and scheduling drive
// jobs.
// All jobs are processed in order of priority.
// - Jobs that occur as a result of a direct user action are handled
// immediately (i.e. the client context is USER_INITIATED).
// - Jobs that are done in response to state changes or server actions are run
// in the background (i.e. the client context is BACKGROUND).
// All jobs are retried a maximum of kMaxRetryCount when they fail due to
// throttling or server error. The delay before retrying a job is shared
// between jobs. It doubles in length on each failure, up to 16 seconds.
// Jobs are grouped into two types:
// - File jobs are any job that transfer the contents of files.
// By default, they are only run when connected to WiFi.
// - Metadata jobs are any jobs that operate on File metadata or
// the directory structure. Up to kMaxJobCount[METADATA_QUEUE] jobs are run
// concurrently.
// Because jobs are executed by priority and the potential for network failures,
// there is no guarantee of ordering of operations.
class JobScheduler
: public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver,
public JobListInterface {
JobScheduler(PrefService* pref_service,
DriveServiceInterface* drive_service,
base::SequencedTaskRunner* blocking_task_runner);
virtual ~JobScheduler();
// JobListInterface overrides.
virtual std::vector<JobInfo> GetJobInfoList() OVERRIDE;
virtual void AddObserver(JobListObserver* observer) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RemoveObserver(JobListObserver* observer) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CancelJob(JobID job_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CancelAllJobs() OVERRIDE;
// Adds a GetAppList operation to the queue.
// |callback| must not be null.
void GetAppList(const google_apis::GetAppListCallback& callback);
// Adds a GetAboutResource operation to the queue.
// |callback| must not be null.
void GetAboutResource(const google_apis::GetAboutResourceCallback& callback);
// Adds a GetAllResourceList operation to the queue.
// |callback| must not be null.
void GetAllResourceList(const google_apis::GetResourceListCallback& callback);
// Adds a GetResourceListInDirectory operation to the queue.
// |callback| must not be null.
void GetResourceListInDirectory(
const std::string& directory_resource_id,
const google_apis::GetResourceListCallback& callback);
// Adds a Search operation to the queue.
// |callback| must not be null.
void Search(const std::string& search_query,
const google_apis::GetResourceListCallback& callback);
// Adds a GetChangeList operation to the queue.
// |callback| must not be null.
void GetChangeList(int64 start_changestamp,
const google_apis::GetResourceListCallback& callback);
// Adds ContinueGetResourceList operation to the queue.
// |callback| must not be null.
void ContinueGetResourceList(
const GURL& next_url,
const google_apis::GetResourceListCallback& callback);
// Adds a GetResourceEntry operation to the queue.
void GetResourceEntry(const std::string& resource_id,
const ClientContext& context,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback);
// Adds a GetShareUrl operation to the queue.
void GetShareUrl(const std::string& resource_id,
const GURL& embed_origin,
const ClientContext& context,
const google_apis::GetShareUrlCallback& callback);
// Adds a DeleteResource operation to the queue.
void DeleteResource(const std::string& resource_id,
const google_apis::EntryActionCallback& callback);
// Adds a CopyResource operation to the queue.
void CopyResource(
const std::string& resource_id,
const std::string& parent_resource_id,
const std::string& new_title,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback);
// Adds a CopyHostedDocument operation to the queue.
void CopyHostedDocument(
const std::string& resource_id,
const std::string& new_title,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback);
// Adds a RenameResource operation to the queue.
void RenameResource(const std::string& resource_id,
const std::string& new_title,
const google_apis::EntryActionCallback& callback);
// Adds a TouchResource operation to the queue.
void TouchResource(const std::string& resource_id,
const base::Time& modified_date,
const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback);
// Adds a AddResourceToDirectory operation to the queue.
void AddResourceToDirectory(const std::string& parent_resource_id,
const std::string& resource_id,
const google_apis::EntryActionCallback& callback);
// Adds a RemoveResourceFromDirectory operation to the queue.
void RemoveResourceFromDirectory(
const std::string& parent_resource_id,
const std::string& resource_id,
const google_apis::EntryActionCallback& callback);
// Adds a AddNewDirectory operation to the queue.
void AddNewDirectory(const std::string& parent_resource_id,
const std::string& directory_title,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback);
// Adds a DownloadFile operation to the queue.
JobID DownloadFile(
const base::FilePath& virtual_path,
const base::FilePath& local_cache_path,
const std::string& resource_id,
const ClientContext& context,
const google_apis::DownloadActionCallback& download_action_callback,
const google_apis::GetContentCallback& get_content_callback);
// Adds an UploadNewFile operation to the queue.
void UploadNewFile(const std::string& parent_resource_id,
const base::FilePath& drive_file_path,
const base::FilePath& local_file_path,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& content_type,
const ClientContext& context,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback);
// Adds an UploadExistingFile operation to the queue.
void UploadExistingFile(
const std::string& resource_id,
const base::FilePath& drive_file_path,
const base::FilePath& local_file_path,
const std::string& content_type,
const std::string& etag,
const ClientContext& context,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback);
// Adds a CreateFile operation to the queue.
void CreateFile(const std::string& parent_resource_id,
const base::FilePath& drive_file_path,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& content_type,
const ClientContext& context,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback);
friend class JobSchedulerTest;
enum QueueType {
static const int kMaxJobCount[NUM_QUEUES];
// Represents a single entry in the job map.
struct JobEntry {
explicit JobEntry(JobType type);
// General user-visible information on the job.
JobInfo job_info;
// Context of the job.
ClientContext context;
// The number of times the jobs is retried due to server errors.
int retry_count;
// The callback to start the job. Called each time it is retry.
base::Callback<google_apis::CancelCallback()> task;
// The callback to cancel the running job. It is returned from task.Run().
google_apis::CancelCallback cancel_callback;
// The callback to notify an error to the client of JobScheduler.
// This is used to notify cancel of a job that is not running yet.
base::Callback<void(google_apis::GDataErrorCode)> abort_callback;
// Parameters for DriveUploader::ResumeUploadFile.
struct ResumeUploadParams;
// Creates a new job and add it to the job map.
JobEntry* CreateNewJob(JobType type);
// Adds the specified job to the queue and starts the job loop for the queue
// if needed.
void StartJob(JobEntry* job);
// Adds the specified job to the queue.
void QueueJob(JobID job_id);
// Determines the next job that should run, and starts it.
void DoJobLoop(QueueType queue_type);
// Returns the lowest acceptable priority level of the operations that is
// currently allowed to start for the |queue_type|.
int GetCurrentAcceptedPriority(QueueType queue_type);
// Updates |wait_until_| to throttle requests.
void UpdateWait();
// Retries the job if needed and returns false. Otherwise returns true.
bool OnJobDone(JobID job_id, google_apis::GDataErrorCode error);
// Callback for job finishing with a GetResourceListCallback.
void OnGetResourceListJobDone(
JobID job_id,
const google_apis::GetResourceListCallback& callback,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode error,
scoped_ptr<google_apis::ResourceList> resource_list);
// Callback for job finishing with a GetResourceEntryCallback.
void OnGetResourceEntryJobDone(
JobID job_id,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode error,
scoped_ptr<google_apis::ResourceEntry> entry);
// Callback for job finishing with a GetAboutResourceCallback.
void OnGetAboutResourceJobDone(
JobID job_id,
const google_apis::GetAboutResourceCallback& callback,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode error,
scoped_ptr<google_apis::AboutResource> about_resource);
// Callback for job finishing with a GetShareUrlCallback.
void OnGetShareUrlJobDone(
JobID job_id,
const google_apis::GetShareUrlCallback& callback,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode error,
const GURL& share_url);
// Callback for job finishing with a GetAppListCallback.
void OnGetAppListJobDone(
JobID job_id,
const google_apis::GetAppListCallback& callback,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode error,
scoped_ptr<google_apis::AppList> app_list);
// Callback for job finishing with a EntryActionCallback.
void OnEntryActionJobDone(JobID job_id,
const google_apis::EntryActionCallback& callback,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode error);
// Callback for job finishing with a DownloadActionCallback.
void OnDownloadActionJobDone(
JobID job_id,
const google_apis::DownloadActionCallback& callback,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode error,
const base::FilePath& temp_file);
// Callback for job finishing with a UploadCompletionCallback.
void OnUploadCompletionJobDone(
JobID job_id,
const ResumeUploadParams& resume_params,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode error,
const GURL& upload_location,
scoped_ptr<google_apis::ResourceEntry> resource_entry);
// Callback for DriveUploader::ResumeUploadFile().
void OnResumeUploadFileDone(
JobID job_id,
const base::Callback<google_apis::CancelCallback()>& original_task,
const google_apis::GetResourceEntryCallback& callback,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode error,
const GURL& upload_location,
scoped_ptr<google_apis::ResourceEntry> resource_entry);
// Updates the progress status of the specified job.
void UpdateProgress(JobID job_id, int64 progress, int64 total);
// net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver override.
virtual void OnConnectionTypeChanged(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type) OVERRIDE;
// Get the type of queue the specified job should be put in.
QueueType GetJobQueueType(JobType type);
// For testing only. Disables throttling so that testing is faster.
void SetDisableThrottling(bool disable) { disable_throttling_ = disable; }
// Aborts a job which is not in STATE_RUNNING.
void AbortNotRunningJob(JobEntry* job, google_apis::GDataErrorCode error);
// Notifies updates to observers.
void NotifyJobAdded(const JobInfo& job_info);
void NotifyJobDone(const JobInfo& job_info,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode error);
void NotifyJobUpdated(const JobInfo& job_info);
// Gets information of the queue of the given type as string.
std::string GetQueueInfo(QueueType type) const;
// Returns a string representation of QueueType.
static std::string QueueTypeToString(QueueType type);
// The number of times operations have failed in a row, capped at
// kMaxThrottleCount. This is used to calculate the delay before running the
// next task.
int throttle_count_;
// Jobs should not start running until this time. Used for throttling.
base::Time wait_until_;
// Disables throttling for testing.
bool disable_throttling_;
// The queues of jobs.
scoped_ptr<JobQueue> queue_[NUM_QUEUES];
// The list of queued job info indexed by job IDs.
typedef IDMap<JobEntry, IDMapOwnPointer> JobIDMap;
JobIDMap job_map_;
// The list of observers for the scheduler.
ObserverList<JobListObserver> observer_list_;
DriveServiceInterface* drive_service_;
scoped_ptr<DriveUploaderInterface> uploader_;
PrefService* pref_service_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<JobScheduler> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace drive