blob: 28b8d67540c562e3221c073b8da6efbe5db0e2dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/search_provider.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_classifier_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_input.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider_listener.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/omnibox/omnibox_field_trial.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search/search.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/common/metrics/entropy_provider.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/testing_browser_process.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
#include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread_bundle.h"
#include "net/url_request/test_url_fetcher_factory.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
// SearchProviderTest ---------------------------------------------------------
// The following environment is configured for these tests:
// . The TemplateURL default_t_url_ is set as the default provider.
// . The TemplateURL keyword_t_url_ is added to the TemplateURLService. This
// TemplateURL has a valid suggest and search URL.
// . The URL created by using the search term term1_ with default_t_url_ is
// added to history.
// . The URL created by using the search term keyword_term_ with keyword_t_url_
// is added to history.
// . test_factory_ is set as the URLFetcherFactory.
class SearchProviderTest : public testing::Test,
public AutocompleteProviderListener {
struct ResultInfo {
ResultInfo() : result_type(AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES) {
ResultInfo(GURL gurl,
AutocompleteMatch::Type result_type,
string16 fill_into_edit)
: gurl(gurl),
fill_into_edit(fill_into_edit) {
const GURL gurl;
const AutocompleteMatch::Type result_type;
const string16 fill_into_edit;
struct TestData {
const string16 input;
const size_t num_results;
const ResultInfo output[3];
: default_t_url_(NULL),
run_loop_(NULL) {
static void SetUpTestCase();
static void TearDownTestCase();
// See description above class for what this registers.
virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE;
virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE;
void RunTest(TestData* cases, int num_cases, bool prefer_keyword);
// Needed for AutocompleteFieldTrial::ActivateStaticTrials();
static base::FieldTrialList* field_trial_list_;
// Default value used for testing.
static const std::string kNotApplicable;
// Adds a search for |term|, using the engine |t_url| to the history, and
// returns the URL for that search.
GURL AddSearchToHistory(TemplateURL* t_url, string16 term, int visit_count);
// Looks for a match in |provider_| with |contents| equal to |contents|.
// Sets |match| to it if found. Returns whether |match| was set.
bool FindMatchWithContents(const string16& contents,
AutocompleteMatch* match);
// Looks for a match in |provider_| with destination |url|. Sets |match| to
// it if found. Returns whether |match| was set.
bool FindMatchWithDestination(const GURL& url, AutocompleteMatch* match);
// AutocompleteProviderListener:
// If we're waiting for the provider to finish, this exits the message loop.
virtual void OnProviderUpdate(bool updated_matches) OVERRIDE;
// Runs a nested message loop until provider_ is done. The message loop is
// exited by way of OnProviderUpdate.
void RunTillProviderDone();
// Invokes Start on provider_, then runs all pending tasks.
void QueryForInput(const string16& text,
bool prevent_inline_autocomplete,
bool prefer_keyword);
// Calls QueryForInput(), finishes any suggest query, then if |wyt_match| is
// non-NULL, sets it to the "what you typed" entry for |text|.
void QueryForInputAndSetWYTMatch(const string16& text,
AutocompleteMatch* wyt_match);
// Notifies the URLFetcher for the suggest query corresponding to the default
// search provider that it's done.
// Be sure and wrap calls to this in ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE.
void FinishDefaultSuggestQuery();
// See description above class for details of these fields.
TemplateURL* default_t_url_;
const string16 term1_;
GURL term1_url_;
TemplateURL* keyword_t_url_;
const string16 keyword_term_;
GURL keyword_url_;
content::TestBrowserThreadBundle thread_bundle_;
// URLFetcherFactory implementation registered.
net::TestURLFetcherFactory test_factory_;
// Profile we use.
TestingProfile profile_;
// The provider.
scoped_refptr<SearchProvider> provider_;
// If non-NULL, OnProviderUpdate quits the current |run_loop_|.
base::RunLoop* run_loop_;
// static
base::FieldTrialList* SearchProviderTest::field_trial_list_ = NULL;
const std::string SearchProviderTest::kNotApplicable = "Not Applicable";
// static
void SearchProviderTest::SetUpTestCase() {
// Set up Suggest experiments.
field_trial_list_ = new base::FieldTrialList(
new metrics::SHA1EntropyProvider("foo"));
base::FieldTrial* trial = base::FieldTrialList::CreateFieldTrial(
"AutocompleteDynamicTrial_0", "DefaultGroup");
// static
void SearchProviderTest::TearDownTestCase() {
// Make sure the global instance of FieldTrialList is gone.
delete field_trial_list_;
void SearchProviderTest::SetUp() {
// Make sure that fetchers are automatically ungregistered upon destruction.
// We need both the history service and template url model loaded.
ASSERT_TRUE(profile_.CreateHistoryService(true, false));
&profile_, &TemplateURLServiceFactory::BuildInstanceFor);
TemplateURLService* turl_model =
// Reset the default TemplateURL.
TemplateURLData data;
data.short_name = ASCIIToUTF16("t");
data.suggestions_url = "http://defaultturl2/{searchTerms}";
data.instant_url = "http://does/not/exist?strk=1";
data.search_terms_replacement_key = "strk";
default_t_url_ = new TemplateURL(&profile_, data);
TemplateURLID default_provider_id = default_t_url_->id();
ASSERT_NE(0, default_provider_id);
// Add url1, with search term term1_.
term1_url_ = AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, term1_, 1);
// Create another TemplateURL.
data.short_name = ASCIIToUTF16("k");
data.suggestions_url = "http://suggest_keyword/{searchTerms}";
keyword_t_url_ = new TemplateURL(&profile_, data);
ASSERT_NE(0, keyword_t_url_->id());
// Add a page and search term for keyword_t_url_.
keyword_url_ = AddSearchToHistory(keyword_t_url_, keyword_term_, 1);
// Keywords are updated by the InMemoryHistoryBackend only after the message
// has been processed on the history thread. Block until history processes all
// requests to ensure the InMemoryDatabase is the state we expect it.
provider_ = new SearchProvider(this, &profile_);
provider_->kMinimumTimeBetweenSuggestQueriesMs = 0;
void SearchProviderTest::TearDown() {
// Shutdown the provider before the profile.
provider_ = NULL;
void SearchProviderTest::RunTest(TestData* cases,
int num_cases,
bool prefer_keyword) {
ACMatches matches;
for (int i = 0; i < num_cases; ++i) {
AutocompleteInput input(cases[i].input, string16::npos, string16(), GURL(),
AutocompleteInput::INVALID_SPEC, false,
prefer_keyword, true,
provider_->Start(input, false);
matches = provider_->matches();
string16 diagnostic_details = ASCIIToUTF16("Input was: ") + cases[i].input +
ASCIIToUTF16("; prefer_keyword was: ") +
(prefer_keyword ? ASCIIToUTF16("true") : ASCIIToUTF16("false"));
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].num_results, matches.size()) << diagnostic_details;
if (matches.size() == cases[i].num_results) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < cases[i].num_results; ++j) {
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output[j].gurl, matches[j].destination_url) <<
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output[j].result_type, matches[j].type) <<
matches[j].fill_into_edit) <<
void SearchProviderTest::OnProviderUpdate(bool updated_matches) {
if (run_loop_ && provider_->done()) {
run_loop_ = NULL;
void SearchProviderTest::RunTillProviderDone() {
if (provider_->done())
base::RunLoop run_loop;
run_loop_ = &run_loop;
void SearchProviderTest::QueryForInput(const string16& text,
bool prevent_inline_autocomplete,
bool prefer_keyword) {
// Start a query.
AutocompleteInput input(text, string16::npos, string16(), GURL(),
prevent_inline_autocomplete, prefer_keyword, true,
provider_->Start(input, false);
// RunUntilIdle so that the task scheduled by SearchProvider to create the
// URLFetchers runs.
void SearchProviderTest::QueryForInputAndSetWYTMatch(
const string16& text,
AutocompleteMatch* wyt_match) {
QueryForInput(text, false, false);
if (!wyt_match)
ASSERT_GE(provider_->matches().size(), 1u);
GURL SearchProviderTest::AddSearchToHistory(TemplateURL* t_url,
string16 term,
int visit_count) {
HistoryService* history =
GURL search(t_url->url_ref().ReplaceSearchTerms(
static base::Time last_added_time;
last_added_time = std::max(base::Time::Now(),
last_added_time + base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1));
history->AddPageWithDetails(search, string16(), visit_count, visit_count,
last_added_time, false, history::SOURCE_BROWSED);
history->SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(search, t_url->id(), term);
return search;
bool SearchProviderTest::FindMatchWithContents(const string16& contents,
AutocompleteMatch* match) {
for (ACMatches::const_iterator i = provider_->matches().begin();
i != provider_->matches().end(); ++i) {
if (i->contents == contents) {
*match = *i;
return true;
return false;
bool SearchProviderTest::FindMatchWithDestination(const GURL& url,
AutocompleteMatch* match) {
for (ACMatches::const_iterator i = provider_->matches().begin();
i != provider_->matches().end(); ++i) {
if (i->destination_url == url) {
*match = *i;
return true;
return false;
void SearchProviderTest::FinishDefaultSuggestQuery() {
net::TestURLFetcher* default_fetcher =
// Tell the SearchProvider the default suggest query is done.
// Actual Tests ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure we query history for the default provider and a URLFetcher is
// created for the default provider suggest results.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, QueryDefaultProvider) {
string16 term = term1_.substr(0, term1_.length() - 1);
QueryForInput(term, false, false);
// Make sure the default providers suggest service was queried.
net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = test_factory_.GetFetcherByID(
// And the URL matches what we expected.
GURL expected_url(default_t_url_->suggestions_url_ref().ReplaceSearchTerms(
ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->GetOriginalURL() == expected_url);
// Tell the SearchProvider the suggest query is done.
fetcher = NULL;
// Run till the history results complete.
// The SearchProvider is done. Make sure it has a result for the history
// term term1.
AutocompleteMatch term1_match;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term1_url_, &term1_match));
// Term1 should not have a description, it's set later.
AutocompleteMatch wyt_match;
TemplateURLRef::SearchTermsArgs(term))), &wyt_match));
// The match for term1 should be more relevant than the what you typed result.
EXPECT_GT(term1_match.relevance, wyt_match.relevance);
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, HonorPreventInlineAutocomplete) {
string16 term = term1_.substr(0, term1_.length() - 1);
QueryForInput(term, true, false);
// Issues a query that matches the registered keyword and makes sure history
// is queried as well as URLFetchers getting created.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, QueryKeywordProvider) {
string16 term = keyword_term_.substr(0, keyword_term_.length() - 1);
QueryForInput(keyword_t_url_->keyword() + ASCIIToUTF16(" ") + term,
// Make sure the default providers suggest service was queried.
net::TestURLFetcher* default_fetcher = test_factory_.GetFetcherByID(
// Tell the SearchProvider the default suggest query is done.
default_fetcher = NULL;
// Make sure the keyword providers suggest service was queried.
net::TestURLFetcher* keyword_fetcher = test_factory_.GetFetcherByID(
// And the URL matches what we expected.
GURL expected_url(keyword_t_url_->suggestions_url_ref().ReplaceSearchTerms(
ASSERT_TRUE(keyword_fetcher->GetOriginalURL() == expected_url);
// Tell the SearchProvider the keyword suggest query is done.
keyword_fetcher = NULL;
// Run till the history results complete.
// The SearchProvider is done. Make sure it has a result for the history
// term keyword.
AutocompleteMatch match;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(keyword_url_, &match));
// The match should have an associated keyword.
// The fill into edit should contain the keyword.
EXPECT_EQ(keyword_t_url_->keyword() + char16(' ') + keyword_term_,
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, DontSendPrivateDataToSuggest) {
// None of the following input strings should be sent to the suggest server,
// because they may contain private data.
const char* inputs[] = {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(inputs); ++i) {
QueryForInput(ASCIIToUTF16(inputs[i]), false, false);
// Make sure the default providers suggest service was not queried.
SearchProvider::kDefaultProviderURLFetcherID) == NULL);
// Run till the history results complete.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, DontAutocompleteURLLikeTerms) {
&profile_, &AutocompleteClassifierFactory::BuildInstanceFor);
GURL url = AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_,
ASCIIToUTF16(""), 1);
// Add the term as a url.
HistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(&profile_, Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS)->
AddPageWithDetails(GURL(""), string16(), 1, 1,
base::Time::Now(), false, history::SOURCE_BROWSED);
AutocompleteMatch wyt_match;
// There should be two matches, one for what you typed, the other for
// ''. The search term should have a lower priority than the
// what you typed match.
ASSERT_EQ(2u, provider_->matches().size());
AutocompleteMatch term_match;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(url, &term_match));
EXPECT_GT(wyt_match.relevance, term_match.relevance);
// A multiword search with one visit should not autocomplete until multiple
// words are typed.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, DontAutocompleteUntilMultipleWordsTyped) {
GURL term_url(AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, ASCIIToUTF16("one search"),
AutocompleteMatch wyt_match;
ASSERT_EQ(2u, provider_->matches().size());
AutocompleteMatch term_match;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url, &term_match));
EXPECT_GT(wyt_match.relevance, term_match.relevance);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, provider_->matches().size());
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url, &term_match));
EXPECT_GT(term_match.relevance, wyt_match.relevance);
// A multiword search with more than one visit should autocomplete immediately.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, AutocompleteMultipleVisitsImmediately) {
GURL term_url(AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, ASCIIToUTF16("two searches"),
AutocompleteMatch wyt_match;
ASSERT_EQ(2u, provider_->matches().size());
AutocompleteMatch term_match;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url, &term_match));
EXPECT_GT(term_match.relevance, wyt_match.relevance);
// Autocompletion should work at a word boundary after a space.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, AutocompleteAfterSpace) {
GURL term_url(AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, ASCIIToUTF16("two searches"),
AutocompleteMatch wyt_match;
ASSERT_EQ(2u, provider_->matches().size());
AutocompleteMatch term_match;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url, &term_match));
EXPECT_GT(term_match.relevance, wyt_match.relevance);
// Newer multiword searches should score more highly than older ones.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, ScoreNewerSearchesHigher) {
GURL term_url_a(AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_,
ASCIIToUTF16("three searches aaa"), 1));
GURL term_url_b(AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_,
ASCIIToUTF16("three searches bbb"), 1));
AutocompleteMatch wyt_match;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(QueryForInputAndSetWYTMatch(ASCIIToUTF16("three se"),
ASSERT_EQ(3u, provider_->matches().size());
AutocompleteMatch term_match_a;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url_a, &term_match_a));
AutocompleteMatch term_match_b;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url_b, &term_match_b));
EXPECT_GT(term_match_b.relevance, term_match_a.relevance);
EXPECT_GT(term_match_a.relevance, wyt_match.relevance);
// An autocompleted multiword search should not be replaced by a different
// autocompletion while the user is still typing a valid prefix.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, DontReplacePreviousAutocompletion) {
GURL term_url_a(AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_,
ASCIIToUTF16("four searches aaa"), 2));
GURL term_url_b(AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_,
ASCIIToUTF16("four searches bbb"), 1));
AutocompleteMatch wyt_match;
ASSERT_EQ(3u, provider_->matches().size());
AutocompleteMatch term_match_a;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url_a, &term_match_a));
AutocompleteMatch term_match_b;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url_b, &term_match_b));
EXPECT_GT(term_match_a.relevance, wyt_match.relevance);
EXPECT_GT(wyt_match.relevance, term_match_b.relevance);
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(QueryForInputAndSetWYTMatch(ASCIIToUTF16("four se"),
ASSERT_EQ(3u, provider_->matches().size());
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url_a, &term_match_a));
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url_b, &term_match_b));
EXPECT_GT(term_match_a.relevance, wyt_match.relevance);
EXPECT_GT(wyt_match.relevance, term_match_b.relevance);
// Non-completable multiword searches should not crowd out single-word searches.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, DontCrowdOutSingleWords) {
GURL term_url(AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, ASCIIToUTF16("five"), 1));
AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, ASCIIToUTF16("five searches bbb"), 1);
AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, ASCIIToUTF16("five searches ccc"), 1);
AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, ASCIIToUTF16("five searches ddd"), 1);
AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, ASCIIToUTF16("five searches eee"), 1);
AutocompleteMatch wyt_match;
ASSERT_EQ(AutocompleteProvider::kMaxMatches + 1, provider_->matches().size());
AutocompleteMatch term_match;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url, &term_match));
EXPECT_GT(term_match.relevance, wyt_match.relevance);
// Inline autocomplete matches regardless of case differences from the input.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, InlineMixedCaseMatches) {
GURL term_url(AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, ASCIIToUTF16("FOO"), 1));
AutocompleteMatch wyt_match;
ASSERT_EQ(2u, provider_->matches().size());
AutocompleteMatch term_match;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(term_url, &term_match));
EXPECT_GT(term_match.relevance, wyt_match.relevance);
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("FOO"), term_match.fill_into_edit);
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("OO"), term_match.inline_autocompletion);
// Verifies AutocompleteControllers return results (including keyword
// results) in the right order and set descriptions for them correctly.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, KeywordOrderingAndDescriptions) {
// Add an entry that corresponds to a keyword search with 'term2'.
AddSearchToHistory(keyword_t_url_, ASCIIToUTF16("term2"), 1);
AutocompleteController controller(&profile_, NULL,
ASCIIToUTF16("k t"), string16::npos, string16(), GURL(),
AutocompleteInput::INVALID_SPEC, false, false, true,
const AutocompleteResult& result = controller.result();
// There should be three matches, one for the keyword history, one for
// keyword provider's what-you-typed, and one for the default provider's
// what you typed, in that order.
ASSERT_EQ(3u, result.size());
EXPECT_EQ(AutocompleteMatchType::SEARCH_HISTORY, result.match_at(0).type);
EXPECT_GT(result.match_at(0).relevance, result.match_at(1).relevance);
EXPECT_GT(result.match_at(1).relevance, result.match_at(2).relevance);
// The two keyword results should come with the keyword we expect.
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("k"), result.match_at(0).keyword);
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("k"), result.match_at(1).keyword);
// The default provider has a different keyword. (We don't explicitly
// set it during this test, so all we do is assert that it's different.)
EXPECT_NE(result.match_at(0).keyword, result.match_at(2).keyword);
// The top result will always have a description. The third result,
// coming from a different provider than the first two, should also.
// Whether the second result has one doesn't matter much. (If it was
// missing, people would infer that it's the same search provider as
// the one above it.)
EXPECT_NE(result.match_at(0).description, result.match_at(2).description);
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, KeywordVerbatim) {
TestData cases[] = {
// Test a simple keyword input.
{ ASCIIToUTF16("k foo"), 2,
{ ResultInfo(GURL("http://keyword/foo"),
ASCIIToUTF16("k foo")),
ASCIIToUTF16("k foo") ) } },
// Make sure extra whitespace after the keyword doesn't change the
// keyword verbatim query.
{ ASCIIToUTF16("k foo"), 2,
{ ResultInfo(GURL("http://keyword/foo"),
ASCIIToUTF16("k foo")),
ASCIIToUTF16("k foo")) } },
// Leading whitespace should be stripped before SearchProvider gets the
// input; hence there are no tests here about how it handles those inputs.
// But whitespace elsewhere in the query string should matter to both
// matches.
{ ASCIIToUTF16("k foo bar"), 2,
{ ResultInfo(GURL("http://keyword/foo%20%20bar"),
ASCIIToUTF16("k foo bar")),
ASCIIToUTF16("k foo bar")) } },
// Note in the above test case we don't test trailing whitespace because
// SearchProvider still doesn't handle this well. See related bugs:
// 102690, 99239, 164635.
// Keywords can be prefixed by certain things that should get ignored
// when constructing the keyword match.
{ ASCIIToUTF16("www.k foo"), 2,
{ ResultInfo(GURL("http://keyword/foo"),
ASCIIToUTF16("k foo")),
ASCIIToUTF16("www.k foo")) } },
{ ASCIIToUTF16("http://k foo"), 2,
{ ResultInfo(GURL("http://keyword/foo"),
ASCIIToUTF16("k foo")),
ASCIIToUTF16("http://k foo")) } },
{ ASCIIToUTF16("http://www.k foo"), 2,
{ ResultInfo(GURL("http://keyword/foo"),
ASCIIToUTF16("k foo")),
ASCIIToUTF16("http://www.k foo")) } },
// A keyword with no remaining input shouldn't get a keyword
// verbatim match.
{ ASCIIToUTF16("k"), 1,
{ ResultInfo(GURL("http://defaultturl/k"),
ASCIIToUTF16("k")) } },
{ ASCIIToUTF16("k "), 1,
{ ResultInfo(GURL("http://defaultturl/k%20"),
ASCIIToUTF16("k ")) } }
// The fact that verbatim queries to keyword are handled by KeywordProvider
// not SearchProvider is tested in
// chrome/browser/extensions/api/omnibox/
// Test not in keyword mode.
RunTest(cases, arraysize(cases), false);
// Test in keyword mode. (Both modes should give the same result.)
RunTest(cases, arraysize(cases), true);
// Ensures command-line flags are reflected in the URLs the search provider
// generates.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, CommandLineOverrides) {
TemplateURLService* turl_model =
TemplateURLData data;
data.short_name = ASCIIToUTF16("default");
default_t_url_ = new TemplateURL(&profile_, data);
switches::kExtraSearchQueryParams, "a=b");
TestData cases[] = {
{ ASCIIToUTF16("k a"), 2,
{ ResultInfo(GURL("http://keyword/a"),
ASCIIToUTF16("k a")),
ASCIIToUTF16("k a")) } },
RunTest(cases, arraysize(cases), false);
// Verifies Navsuggest results don't set a TemplateURL, which Instant relies on.
// Also verifies that just the *first* navigational result is listed as a match
// if suggested relevance scores were not sent.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, NavSuggestNoSuggestedRelevanceScores) {
QueryForInput(ASCIIToUTF16("a.c"), false, false);
// Make sure the default providers suggest service was queried.
net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = test_factory_.GetFetcherByID(
// Tell the SearchProvider the suggest query is done.
"[\"a.c\",[\"\", \"\"],[\"a\", \"b\"],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"]}]");
fetcher = NULL;
// Run till the history results complete.
// Make sure the only match is '' and it doesn't have a template_url.
AutocompleteMatch nav_match;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithDestination(GURL(""), &nav_match));
EXPECT_FALSE(FindMatchWithDestination(GURL(""), &nav_match));
// Verifies that the most relevant suggest results are added properly.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, SuggestRelevance) {
QueryForInput(ASCIIToUTF16("a"), false, false);
// Make sure the default provider's suggest service was queried.
net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = test_factory_.GetFetcherByID(
// Tell the SearchProvider the suggest query is done.
fetcher->SetResponseString("[\"a\",[\"a1\", \"a2\", \"a3\", \"a4\"]]");
fetcher = NULL;
// Run till the history results complete.
// Check the expected verbatim and (first 3) suggestions' relative relevances.
AutocompleteMatch verbatim, match_a1, match_a2, match_a3, match_a4;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithContents(ASCIIToUTF16("a"), &verbatim));
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithContents(ASCIIToUTF16("a1"), &match_a1));
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithContents(ASCIIToUTF16("a2"), &match_a2));
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithContents(ASCIIToUTF16("a3"), &match_a3));
EXPECT_FALSE(FindMatchWithContents(ASCIIToUTF16("a4"), &match_a4));
EXPECT_GT(verbatim.relevance, match_a1.relevance);
EXPECT_GT(match_a1.relevance, match_a2.relevance);
EXPECT_GT(match_a2.relevance, match_a3.relevance);
// Verifies that suggest results with relevance scores are added
// properly when using the default fetcher. When adding a new test
// case to this test, please consider adding it to the tests in
// KeywordFetcherSuggestRelevance below.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, DefaultFetcherSuggestRelevance) {
struct {
const std::string json;
const std::string matches[4];
const std::string inline_autocompletion;
} cases[] = {
// Ensure that suggestrelevance scores reorder matches.
{ "[\"a\",[\"b\", \"c\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2]}]",
{ "a", "c", "b", kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2]}]",
{ "a", "", "", kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
// Without suggested relevance scores, we should only allow one
// navsuggest result to be be displayed.
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"]}]",
{ "a", "", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
// Ensure that verbatimrelevance scores reorder or suppress verbatim.
// Negative values will have no effect; the calculated value will be used.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":9999,"
{ "a", "a1", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":9998,"
{ "a1", "a", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, "1" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":0,"
{ "a1", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, "1" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":-1,"
{ "a1", "a", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, "1" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ "a", "", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ "", "a", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, ".com" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ "", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, ".com" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ "", "a", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, ".com" },
// Ensure that both types of relevance scores reorder matches together.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 9997],"
{ "a1", "a", "a2", kNotApplicable }, "1" },
// Ensure that only inlinable matches may be ranked as the highest result.
// Ignore all suggested relevance scores if this constraint is violated.
{ "[\"a\",[\"b\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999]}]",
{ "a", "b", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"b\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999],"
{ "a", "b", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ "a", "", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ "a", "", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
// Ensure that the top result is ranked as highly as calculated verbatim.
// Ignore the suggested verbatim relevance if this constraint is violated.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":0}]",
{ "a", "a1", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":1}]",
{ "a", "a1", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1],"
{ "a", "a1", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2],"
{ "a", "a2", "a1", kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 3],"
{ "a", "a2", "a1", kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ "a", "", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2],"
{ "a", "", "", kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
// Ensure that all suggestions are considered, regardless of order.
{ "[\"a\",[\"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\", \"f\", \"g\", \"h\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}]",
{ "a", "h", "g", "f" }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"\","
"\"\", \"\", \"\","
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\","
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}]",
{ "a", "", "", "" }, std::string() },
// Ensure that incorrectly sized suggestion relevance lists are ignored.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1]}]",
{ "a", "a1", "a2", kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 1]}]",
{ "a", "a1", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
{ "a", "", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 1]}]",
{ "a", "", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
// Ensure that all 'verbatim' results are merged with their maximum score.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a\", \"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9997, 9999]}]",
{ "a2", "a", "a1", kNotApplicable }, "2" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a\", \"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9997, 9999],"
{ "a2", "a", "a1", kNotApplicable }, "2" },
// Ensure that verbatim is always generated without other suggestions.
// TODO(msw): Ensure verbatimrelevance is respected (except suppression).
{ "[\"a\",[],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":1}]",
{ "a", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":0}]",
{ "a", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable }, std::string() },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); i++) {
QueryForInput(ASCIIToUTF16("a"), false, false);
net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher =
const std::string description = "for input with json=" + cases[i].json;
const ACMatches& matches = provider_->matches();
// The top match must inline and score as highly as calculated verbatim.
matches[0].inline_autocompletion) << description;
EXPECT_GE(matches[0].relevance, 1300) << description;
size_t j = 0;
// Ensure that the returned matches equal the expectations.
for (; j < matches.size(); ++j)
matches[j].contents) << description;
// Ensure that no expected matches are missing.
for (; j < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases[i].matches); ++j)
EXPECT_EQ(kNotApplicable, cases[i].matches[j]) <<
"Case # " << i << " " << description;
// Verifies that suggest results with relevance scores are added
// properly when using the keyword fetcher. This is similar to the
// test DefaultFetcherSuggestRelevance above but this uses inputs that
// trigger keyword suggestions (i.e., "k a" rather than "a") and has
// different expectations (because now the results are a mix of
// keyword suggestions and default provider suggestions). When a new
// test is added to this TEST_F, please consider if it would be
// appropriate to add to DefaultFetcherSuggestRelevance as well.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, KeywordFetcherSuggestRelevance) {
struct {
const std::string json;
const struct {
const std::string contents;
const bool from_keyword;
} matches[5];
const std::string inline_autocompletion;
} cases[] = {
// Ensure that suggest relevance scores reorder matches and that
// the keyword verbatim (lacking a suggested verbatim score) beats
// the default provider verbatim.
{ "[\"a\",[\"b\", \"c\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ "c", true },
{ "b", true },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// Again, check that relevance scores reorder matches, just this
// time with navigation matches. This also checks that with
// suggested relevance scores we allow multiple navsuggest results.
// It's odd that navsuggest results that come from a keyword
// provider are marked as not a keyword result. I think this
// comes from them not going to a keyword search engine).
// TODO(mpearson): Investigate the implications (if any) of
// tagging these results appropriately. If so, do it because it
// makes more sense.
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"d\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1301, 1302, 1303]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "d", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false }, },
std::string() },
// Without suggested relevance scores, we should only allow one
// navsuggest result to be be displayed.
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// Ensure that verbatimrelevance scores reorder or suppress verbatim.
// Negative values will have no effect; the calculated value will be used.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":9999,"
{ { "a", true },
{ "a1", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":9998,"
{ { "a1", true },
{ "a", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
"1" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":0,"
{ { "a1", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
"1" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":-1,"
{ { "a1", true },
{ "a", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
"1" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// Ensure that both types of relevance scores reorder matches together.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 9997],"
{ { "a1", true },
{ "a", true },
{ "a2", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
"1" },
// Ensure that only inlinable matches may be ranked as the highest result.
// Ignore all suggested relevance scores if this constraint is violated.
{ "[\"a\",[\"b\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "b", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"b\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999],"
{ { "a", true },
{ "b", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// Ensure that the top result is ranked as highly as calculated verbatim.
// Ignore the suggested verbatim relevance if this constraint is violated.
// Note that keyword suggestions by default (not in suggested relevance
// mode) score more highly than the default verbatim.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":0}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "a1", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":1}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "a1", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// Continuing the same category of tests, but make sure we keep the
// suggested relevance scores even as we discard the verbatim relevance
// scores.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1],"
{ { "a", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ "a1", true },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2],"
{ { "a", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ "a2", true },
{ "a1", true },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 3],"
{ { "a", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ "a2", true },
{ "a1", true },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// Ensure that all suggestions are considered, regardless of order.
{ "[\"a\",[\"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\", \"f\", \"g\", \"h\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ "h", true },
{ "g", true },
{ "f", true } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"\","
"\"\", \"\", \"\","
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\","
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "", false } },
std::string() },
// Ensure that incorrectly sized suggestion relevance lists are ignored.
// Note that keyword suggestions by default (not in suggested relevance
// mode) score more highly than the default verbatim.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "a1", true },
{ "a2", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a1\"],[],[],{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 1]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "a1", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// In this case, ignored the suggested relevance scores means we keep
// only one navsuggest result.
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\"],[],[],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 1]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// Ensure that all 'verbatim' results are merged with their maximum score.
{ "[\"a\",[\"a\", \"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9997, 9999]}]",
{ { "a2", true },
{ "a", true },
{ "a1", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
"2" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"a\", \"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9997, 9999],"
{ { "a2", true },
{ "a", true },
{ "a1", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
"2" },
// Ensure that verbatim is always generated without other suggestions.
// TODO(mpearson): Ensure the value of verbatimrelevance is respected
// (except when suggested relevances are ignored).
{ "[\"a\",[],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":1}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[],[],[],{\"google:verbatimrelevance\":0}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// Check that navsuggestions will be demoted below queries.
// (Navsuggestions are not allowed to appear first.) In the process,
// make sure the navsuggestions still remain in the same order.
// First, check the situation where navsuggest scores more than verbatim
// and there are no query suggestions.
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9999]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 9998]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// Check when navsuggest scores more than verbatim and there is query
// suggestion but it scores lower.
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"a3\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9999, 1300]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "a3", true },
{ "k a", false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"a3\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 9998, 1300]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "a3", true },
{ "k a", false } },
std::string() },
// Check when navsuggest scores more than a query suggestion. There is
// a verbatim but it scores lower.
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"a3\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9999, 9997]}]",
{ { "a3", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "a", true },
{ "k a", false } },
"3" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"a3\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 9998, 9997]}]",
{ { "a3", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "a", true },
{ "k a", false } },
"3" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"a3\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9999, 9997]}]",
{ { "a3", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
"3" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"a3\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 9998, 9997]}]",
{ { "a3", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
"3" },
// Check when there is neither verbatim nor a query suggestion that,
// because we can't demote navsuggestions below a query suggestion,
// we abandon suggested relevance scores entirely. One consequence is
// that this means we restore the keyword verbatim match. Note
// that in this case of abandoning suggested relevance scores, we still
// keep the navsuggestions in the same order, but we revert to only allowing
// one navigation to appear because the scores are completely local.
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9999]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 9998]}]",
{ { "a", true },
{ "", false },
{ "k a", false },
{ kNotApplicable, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false } },
std::string() },
// More checks that everything works when it's not necessary to demote.
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"a3\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9997, 9998, 9999]}]",
{ { "a3", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "a", true },
{ "k a", false } },
"3" },
{ "[\"a\",[\"\", \"\", \"a3\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"NAVIGATION\", \"NAVIGATION\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9997, 9999]}]",
{ { "a3", true },
{ "", false },
{ "", false },
{ "a", true },
{ "k a", false } },
"3" },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); i++) {
QueryForInput(ASCIIToUTF16("k a"), false, true);
// Set up a default fetcher with no results.
net::TestURLFetcher* default_fetcher =
default_fetcher = NULL;
// Set up a keyword fetcher with provided results.
net::TestURLFetcher* keyword_fetcher =
keyword_fetcher = NULL;
const std::string description = "for input with json=" + cases[i].json;
const ACMatches& matches = provider_->matches();
// The top match must inline and score as highly as calculated verbatim.
matches[0].inline_autocompletion) << description;
EXPECT_GE(matches[0].relevance, 1300) << description;
size_t j = 0;
// Ensure that the returned matches equal the expectations.
for (; j < matches.size(); ++j) {
matches[j].contents) << description;
matches[j].keyword == ASCIIToUTF16("k")) << description;
// Ensure that no expected matches are missing.
for (; j < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases[i].matches); ++j)
EXPECT_EQ(kNotApplicable, cases[i].matches[j].contents) <<
"Case # " << i << " " << description;
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, LocalAndRemoteRelevances) {
// Enable Instant Extended in order to allow an increased number of
// suggestions.
// We hardcode the string "term1" below, so ensure that the search term that
// got added to history already is that string.
ASSERT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("term1"), term1_);
string16 term = term1_.substr(0, term1_.length() - 1);
AddSearchToHistory(default_t_url_, term + ASCIIToUTF16("2"), 2);
struct {
const string16 input;
const std::string json;
const std::string matches[6];
} cases[] = {
// The history results outscore the default verbatim score. term2 has more
// visits so it outscores term1. The suggestions are still returned since
// they're server-scored.
{ term,
"[\"term\",[\"a1\", \"a2\", \"a3\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"QUERY\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1, 2, 3]}]",
{ "term2", "term1", "term", "a3", "a2", "a1" } },
// Because we already have three suggestions by the time we see the history
// results, they don't get returned.
{ term,
"[\"term\",[\"a1\", \"a2\", \"a3\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"QUERY\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1440, 1430, 1420]}]",
{ "term", "a1", "a2", "a3", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable } },
// If we only have two suggestions, we have room for a history result.
{ term,
"[\"term\",[\"a1\", \"a2\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1430, 1410]}]",
{ "term", "a1", "a2", "term2", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable } },
// If we have more than three suggestions, they should all be returned as
// long as we have enough total space for them.
{ term,
"[\"term\",[\"a1\", \"a2\", \"a3\", \"a4\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"QUERY\", \"QUERY\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1440, 1430, 1420, 1410]}]",
{ "term", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", kNotApplicable } },
{ term,
"[\"term\",[\"a1\", \"a2\", \"a3\", \"a4\", \"a5\", \"a6\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"QUERY\", \"QUERY\", \"QUERY\","
"\"QUERY\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1440, 1430, 1420, 1410, 1400, 1390]}]",
{ "term", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5" } },
{ term,
"[\"term\",[\"a1\", \"a2\", \"a3\", \"a4\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"QUERY\", \"QUERY\", \"QUERY\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[1430, 1410, 1390, 1370]}]",
{ "term", "a1", "a2", "term2", "a3", "a4" } },
// When the input looks like a URL, we disallow having a query as the
// highest-ranking result. If the query was provided by a suggestion, we
// reset the suggest scores to enforce this (see
// SearchProvider::UpdateMatches()). Even if we reset the suggest scores,
// however, we should still allow navsuggestions to be treated as
// server-provided.
{ ASCIIToUTF16(""),
"[\"\",[\"a1\", \"a2\", \"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"QUERY\", \"NAVIGATION\","
// A verbatim query for URL-like input scores 850, so the navigation
// scores here should bracket it.
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 9998, 900, 800]}]",
{ "", "", "", "a1", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable } },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); i++) {
QueryForInput(cases[i].input, false, false);
net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher =
const std::string description = "for input with json=" + cases[i].json;
const ACMatches& matches = provider_->matches();
// Ensure no extra matches are present.
ASSERT_LE(matches.size(), 6U);
size_t j = 0;
// Ensure that the returned matches equal the expectations.
for (; j < matches.size(); ++j)
matches[j].contents) << description;
// Ensure that no expected matches are missing.
for (; j < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases[i].matches); ++j)
EXPECT_EQ(kNotApplicable, cases[i].matches[j]) <<
"Case # " << i << " " << description;
// Verifies suggest relevance behavior for URL input.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, DefaultProviderSuggestRelevanceScoringUrlInput) {
struct {
const std::string input;
const std::string json;
const std::string match_contents[4];
const AutocompleteMatch::Type match_types[4];
} cases[] = {
// Ensure topmost NAVIGATION matches are allowed for URL input.
{ "", "[\"\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ "", "", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable },
{ AutocompleteMatchType::NAVSUGGEST,
AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES } },
// Ensure topmost SUGGEST matches are not allowed for URL input.
// SearchProvider disregards search and verbatim suggested relevances.
{ "", "[\"\",[\" info\"],[],[],"
{ "", " info", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable },
{ AutocompleteMatchType::SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED,
AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES, AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES } },
{ "", "[\"\",[\"\"],[],[],"
{ "", "", kNotApplicable, kNotApplicable },
{ AutocompleteMatchType::SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED,
AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES, AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES } },
// Ensure the fallback mechanism allows inlinable NAVIGATION matches.
{ "", "[\"\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 9998]}]",
{ "", "", "", kNotApplicable },
{ AutocompleteMatchType::NAVSUGGEST,
AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES } },
{ "", "[\"\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9997],"
{ "", "", "", kNotApplicable },
{ AutocompleteMatchType::NAVSUGGEST,
AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES } },
// Ensure the fallback mechanism disallows non-inlinable NAVIGATION matches.
{ "", "[\"\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9999, 9998]}]",
{ "", "", "", kNotApplicable },
{ AutocompleteMatchType::SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED,
AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES } },
{ "", "[\"\",[\"\", \"\"],[],[],"
"{\"google:suggesttype\":[\"QUERY\", \"NAVIGATION\"],"
"\"google:suggestrelevance\":[9998, 9997],"
{ "", "", "", kNotApplicable },
{ AutocompleteMatchType::SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED,
AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES } },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); i++) {
QueryForInput(ASCIIToUTF16(cases[i].input), false, false);
net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher =
size_t j = 0;
const ACMatches& matches = provider_->matches();
// Ensure that the returned matches equal the expectations.
for (; j < matches.size(); ++j) {
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(cases[i].match_contents[j]), matches[j].contents);
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].match_types[j], matches[j].type);
// Ensure that no expected matches are missing.
for (; j < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases[i].match_contents); ++j) {
EXPECT_EQ(kNotApplicable, cases[i].match_contents[j]);
EXPECT_EQ(AutocompleteMatchType::NUM_TYPES, cases[i].match_types[j]);
// A basic test that verifies the field trial triggered parsing logic.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, FieldTrialTriggeredParsing) {
QueryForInput(ASCIIToUTF16("foo"), false, false);
// Make sure the default providers suggest service was queried.
net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = test_factory_.GetFetcherByID(
// Tell the SearchProvider the suggest query is done.
"[\"foo\",[\"foo bar\"],[\"\"],[],"
fetcher = NULL;
// Run till the history results complete.
// Check for the match and field trial triggered bits.
AutocompleteMatch match;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindMatchWithContents(ASCIIToUTF16("foo bar"), &match));
ProvidersInfo providers_info;
ASSERT_EQ(1U, providers_info.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, providers_info[0].field_trial_triggered_size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, providers_info[0].field_trial_triggered_in_session_size());
// Reset the session and check that bits are reset.
ProvidersInfo providers_info;
ASSERT_EQ(1U, providers_info.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, providers_info[0].field_trial_triggered_size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, providers_info[0].field_trial_triggered_in_session_size());
// Verifies inline autocompletion of navigational results.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, NavigationInline) {
struct {
const std::string input;
const std::string url;
// Test the expected fill_into_edit, which may drop "http://".
// Some cases do not trim "http://" to match from the start of the scheme.
const std::string fill_into_edit;
const std::string inline_autocompletion;
} cases[] = {
// Do not inline matches that do not contain the input; trim http as needed.
{ "x", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "https:", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "", "",
"", std::string() },
// Do not inline matches with invalid input prefixes; trim http as needed.
{ "ttp", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "://w", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "ww.", "",
"", std::string() },
{ ".ab", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "bc", "",
"", std::string() },
{ ".com", "",
"", std::string() },
// Do not inline matches that omit input domain labels; trim http as needed.
{ "www.a", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "http://www.a", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "www.a", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "ftp://www.a", "",
"", std::string() },
// Input matching but with nothing to inline will not yield an offset.
{ "", "",
"", std::string() },
{ "", "",
"", std::string() },
// Inline matches when the input is a leading substring of the scheme.
{ "h", "",
"", "ttp://" },
{ "http", "",
"", "://" },
// Inline matches when the input is a leading substring of the full URL.
{ "http:", "",
"", "//" },
{ "http://w", "",
"", "" },
{ "http://www.", "",
"", "" },
{ "http://www.ab", "",
"", "" },
{ "", "",
"ath/file.htm?q=x#foo" },
{ "", "",
// Inline matches with valid URLPrefixes; only trim "http://".
{ "w", "",
"", "" },
{ "www.a", "",
"", "" },
{ "abc", "",
"", ".com" },
{ "abc.c", "",
"", "om" },
{ "", "",
"ath/file.htm?q=x#foo" },
{ "", "",
"ath/file.htm?q=x#foo" },
// Inline matches using the maximal URLPrefix components.
{ "h", "",
"", "" },
{ "http", "",
"", ".com" },
{ "h", "",
"", "" },
{ "http", "",
"", ".com" },
{ "w", "",
"", "" },
// Test similar behavior for the ftp and https schemes.
{ "ftp://www.ab", "",
"" },
{ "www.ab", "",
"" },
{ "ab", "",
"" },
{ "ab", "",
"" },
{ "https://www.ab", "",
"" },
{ "www.ab", "",
"" },
{ "ab", "",
"" },
{ "ab", "",
// Forced query input should inline and retain the "?" prefix.
{ "?http://www.ab", "",
"?", "" },
{ "?www.ab", "",
"?", "" },
{ "?ab", "",
"?", "" },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); i++) {
QueryForInput(ASCIIToUTF16(cases[i].input), false, false);
AutocompleteMatch match(
*provider_.get(), GURL(cases[i].url), string16(), false, 0,
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(cases[i].fill_into_edit), match.fill_into_edit);
// Verifies that "http://" is not trimmed for input that is a leading substring.
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, NavigationInlineSchemeSubstring) {
const string16 input(ASCIIToUTF16("ht"));
const string16 url(ASCIIToUTF16(""));
const SearchProvider::NavigationResult result(
*provider_.get(), GURL(url), string16(), false, 0, false);
// Check the offset and strings when inline autocompletion is allowed.
QueryForInput(input, false, false);
AutocompleteMatch match_inline(provider_->NavigationToMatch(result));
EXPECT_EQ(url, match_inline.fill_into_edit);
EXPECT_EQ(url.substr(2), match_inline.inline_autocompletion);
EXPECT_EQ(url, match_inline.contents);
// Check the same offset and strings when inline autocompletion is prevented.
QueryForInput(input, true, false);
AutocompleteMatch match_prevent(provider_->NavigationToMatch(result));
EXPECT_EQ(url, match_prevent.fill_into_edit);
EXPECT_EQ(url, match_prevent.contents);
// Verifies that input "w" marks a more significant domain label than "www.".
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, NavigationInlineDomainClassify) {
QueryForInput(ASCIIToUTF16("w"), false, false);
AutocompleteMatch match(
*provider_.get(), GURL(""), string16(), false, 0,
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(""), match.inline_autocompletion);
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(""), match.fill_into_edit);
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(""), match.contents);
// Ensure that the match for input "w" is marked on "wow" and not "www".
ASSERT_EQ(3U, match.contents_class.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0U, match.contents_class[0].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(4U, match.contents_class[1].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(AutocompleteMatch::ACMatchClassification::URL |
EXPECT_EQ(5U, match.contents_class[2].offset);
TEST_F(SearchProviderTest, RemoveStaleResultsTest) {
// TODO(mpearson): Consider expanding this test to explicitly cover
// testing staleness for keyword results.
struct {
const std::string omnibox_input;
const int verbatim_relevance;
// These cached suggestions should already be sorted.
// The particular number 5 as the length of the array is
// unimportant; it's merely enough cached results to fully test
// the functioning of RemoveAllStaleResults().
struct {
const std::string suggestion;
const bool is_navigation_result;
const int relevance;
// |expect_match| is true if this result should survive
// RemoveAllStaleResults() filtering against |omnibox_input| below.
const bool expect_match;
} results[5];
} cases[] = {
// Simple case: multiple query suggestions and no navsuggestions.
// All query suggestions score less than search-what-you-typed and
// thus none should be filtered because none will appear first.
{ "x", 1300,
{ { "food", false, 1299, true },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, true },
{ "crazy", false, 1297, true },
{ "friend", false, 1296, true },
{ kNotApplicable, false, 0, false } } },
// Similarly simple cases, but the query suggestion appears first.
{ "f", 1200,
{ { "food", false, 1299, true },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, true },
{ "crazy", false, 1297, true },
{ "friend", false, 1296, true },
{ kNotApplicable, false, 0, false } } },
{ "c", 1200,
{ { "food", false, 1299, false },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, false },
{ "crazy", false, 1297, true },
{ "friend", false, 1296, true },
{ kNotApplicable, false, 0, false } } },
{ "x", 1200,
{ { "food", false, 1299, false },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, false },
{ "crazy", false, 1297, false },
{ "friend", false, 1296, false },
{ kNotApplicable, false, 0, false } } },
// The same sort of cases, just using a mix of queries and navsuggestions.
{ "x", 1300,
{ { "", true, 1299, true },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, true },
{ "", true, 1297, true },
{ "friend", false, 1296, true },
{ "", true, 1295, true } } },
{ "f", 1200,
{ { "", true, 1299, true },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, true },
{ "", true, 1297, true },
{ "friend", false, 1296, true },
{ "", true, 1295, true } } },
{ "c", 1200,
{ { "", true, 1299, false },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, false },
{ "", true, 1297, true },
{ "friend", false, 1296, true },
{ "", true, 1295, true } } },
{ "x", 1200,
{ { "", true, 1299, false },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, false },
{ "", true, 1297, false },
{ "friend", false, 1296, false },
{ "", true, 1295, false } } },
// Run the three tests immediately above again, just with verbatim
// suppressed. Note that in the last case, all results are filtered.
// Because verbatim is also suppressed, SearchProvider will realize
// in UpdateMatches() that it needs to restore verbatim to fulfill
// its constraints. This restoration does not happen in
// RemoveAllStaleResults() and hence is not tested here. This restoration
// is tested in the DefaultFetcherSuggestRelevance test.
{ "f", 0,
{ { "", true, 1299, true },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, true },
{ "", true, 1297, true },
{ "friend", false, 1296, true },
{ "", true, 1295, true } } },
{ "c", 0,
{ { "", true, 1299, false },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, false },
{ "", true, 1297, true },
{ "friend", false, 1296, true },
{ "", true, 1295, true } } },
{ "x", 0,
{ { "", true, 1299, false },
{ "foobar", false, 1298, false },
{ "", true, 1297, false },
{ "friend", false, 1296, false },
{ "", true, 1295, false } } },
// The same sort of tests again, just with verbatim with a score
// that would place it in between other suggestions.
{ "f", 1290,
{ { "", true, 1299, true },
{ "foobar", false, 1288, true },
{ "", true, 1277, true },
{ "friend", false, 1266, true },
{ "", true, 1255, true } } },
{ "c", 1290,
{ { "", true, 1299, false },
{ "foobar", false, 1288, true },
{ "", true, 1277, true },
{ "friend", false, 1266, true },
{ "", true, 1255, true } } },
{ "c", 1270,
{ { "", true, 1299, false },
{ "foobar", false, 1288, false },
{ "", true, 1277, true },
{ "friend", false, 1266, true },
{ "", true, 1255, true } } },
{ "x", 1280,
{ { "", true, 1299, false },
{ "foobar", false, 1288, false },
{ "", true, 1277, true },
{ "friend", false, 1266, true },
{ "", true, 1255, true } } },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); i++) {
// Initialize cached results for this test case.
provider_->default_results_.verbatim_relevance =
for (size_t j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases[i].results); ++j) {
const std::string& suggestion = cases[i].results[j].suggestion;
if (suggestion == kNotApplicable)
if (cases[i].results[j].is_navigation_result) {
*provider_.get(), GURL(suggestion), string16(), false,
cases[i].results[j].relevance, false));
} else {
SearchProvider::SuggestResult(ASCIIToUTF16(suggestion), false,
provider_->input_ = AutocompleteInput(
ASCIIToUTF16(cases[i].omnibox_input), string16::npos, string16(),
GURL(), AutocompleteInput::INVALID_SPEC, false, false, true,
// Check cached results.
SearchProvider::SuggestResults::const_iterator sug_it =
const SearchProvider::SuggestResults::const_iterator sug_end =
SearchProvider::NavigationResults::const_iterator nav_it =
const SearchProvider::NavigationResults::const_iterator nav_end =
for (size_t j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases[i].results); ++j) {
const std::string& suggestion = cases[i].results[j].suggestion;
if (suggestion == kNotApplicable)
if (!cases[i].results[j].expect_match)
if (cases[i].results[j].is_navigation_result) {
ASSERT_NE(nav_end, nav_it) << "Failed to find " << suggestion;
EXPECT_EQ(suggestion, nav_it->url().spec());
} else {
ASSERT_NE(sug_end, sug_it) << "Failed to find " << suggestion;
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(suggestion), sug_it->suggestion());
EXPECT_EQ(sug_end, sug_it);
EXPECT_EQ(nav_end, nav_it);