blob: 937af221faba90713bb652db83ac34458de47d28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/test/automation/value_conversion_traits.h"
#include "chrome/test/webdriver/webdriver_error.h"
class AutomationId;
class WebViewId;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace webdriver {
// Generates a random, 32-character hexidecimal ID.
std::string GenerateRandomID();
// Decodes the given base64-encoded string, after removing any newlines,
// which are required in some base64 standards.
// Returns true on success.
bool Base64Decode(const std::string& base64, std::string* bytes);
// Unzip the given zip archive, after base64 decoding, into the given directory.
// Returns true on success.
bool Base64DecodeAndUnzip(const base::FilePath& unzip_dir,
const std::string& base64,
std::string* error_msg);
// Unzips the sole file contained in the given zip data |bytes| into
// |unzip_dir|. The zip data may be a normal zip archive or a single zip file
// entry. If the unzip successfully produced one file, returns true and sets
// |file| to the unzipped file.
// TODO(kkania): Remove the ability to parse single zip file entries when
// the current versions of all WebDriver clients send actual zip files.
bool UnzipSoleFile(const base::FilePath& unzip_dir,
const std::string& bytes,
base::FilePath* file,
std::string* error_msg);
// Returns the equivalent JSON string for the given value.
std::string JsonStringify(const base::Value* value);
// Returns the JSON string for the given value, with the exception that
// long strings are shortened for easier display.
std::string JsonStringifyForDisplay(const base::Value* value);
// Returns the string representation of the given type, for display purposes.
const char* GetJsonTypeName(base::Value::Type type);
// Converts the automation ID to a string.
std::string AutomationIdToString(const AutomationId& id);
// Converts the string to an automation ID and returns true on success.
bool StringToAutomationId(const std::string& string_id, AutomationId* id);
// Converts the web view ID to a string.
std::string WebViewIdToString(const WebViewId& view_id);
// Converts the string to a web view ID and returns true on success.
bool StringToWebViewId(const std::string& string_id, WebViewId* view_id);
// Flattens the given list of strings into one.
Error* FlattenStringArray(const ListValue* src, string16* dest);
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Gets the paths to the user and local application directory.
void GetApplicationDirs(std::vector<base::FilePath>* app_dirs);
// Parses a given value.
class ValueParser {
virtual ~ValueParser();
virtual bool Parse(base::Value* value) const = 0;
// Define a special type and constant that allows users to skip parsing a value.
// Useful when wanting to skip parsing for one value out of many in a list.
enum SkipParsing { };
extern SkipParsing* kSkipParsing;
// Parses a given value using the |ValueConversionTraits| to the appropriate
// type. This assumes that a direct conversion can be performed without
// pulling the value out of a dictionary or list.
template <typename T>
class DirectValueParser : public ValueParser {
explicit DirectValueParser(T* t) : t_(t) { }
virtual ~DirectValueParser() { }
virtual bool Parse(base::Value* value) const OVERRIDE {
return ValueConversionTraits<T>::SetFromValue(value, t_);
T* t_;
// Convenience function for creating a DirectValueParser.
template <typename T>
DirectValueParser<T>* CreateDirectValueParser(T* t) {
return new DirectValueParser<T>(t);
} // namespace webdriver
// Value conversion traits for SkipParsing, which just return true.
template <>
struct ValueConversionTraits<webdriver::SkipParsing> {
static bool SetFromValue(const base::Value* value,
const webdriver::SkipParsing* t);
static bool CanConvert(const base::Value* value);