blob: f8d9fc017628d61c1a10b97107d3ca13618cdea4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
namespace ui {
namespace internal {
class InputMethodDelegate;
class RemoteInputMethodDelegateWin;
} // namespace internal
class InputMethod;
struct CompositionText;
// RemoteInputMethodWin is a special implementation of ui::InputMethod that
// works as a proxy of an IME handler running in the metro_driver process.
// RemoteInputMethodWin works as follows.
// - Any action to RemoteInputMethodWin should be delegated to the
// metro_driver process via RemoteInputMethodDelegateWin.
// - Data retrieval from RemoteInputMethodPrivateWin is implemented with
// data cache. Whenever the IME state in the metro_driver process is changed,
// RemoteRootWindowHostWin, which receives IPCs from metro_driver process,
// will call RemoteInputMethodPrivateWin::OnCandidatePopupChanged and/or
// RemoteInputMethodPrivateWin::OnInputSourceChanged accordingly so that
// the state cache should be updated.
// - Some IPC messages that represent actions to TextInputClient should be
// delegated to RemoteInputMethodPrivateWin so that RemoteInputMethodWin can
// work as a real proxy.
// Returns true if |widget| requires RemoteInputMethodWin.
bool IsRemoteInputMethodWinRequired(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget);
// Returns the public interface of RemoteInputMethodWin.
// Caveats: Currently only one instance of RemoteInputMethodWin is able to run
// at the same time.
UI_EXPORT scoped_ptr<InputMethod> CreateRemoteInputMethodWin(
internal::InputMethodDelegate* delegate);
// Private interface of RemoteInputMethodWin.
class UI_EXPORT RemoteInputMethodPrivateWin {
// Returns the private interface of RemoteInputMethodWin when and only when
// |input_method| is instanciated via CreateRemoteInputMethodWin. Caller does
// not take the ownership of the returned object.
// As you might notice, this is yet another reinplementation of dynamic_cast
// or IUnknown::QueryInterface.
static RemoteInputMethodPrivateWin* Get(InputMethod* input_method);
// Installs RemoteInputMethodDelegateWin delegate. Set NULL to |delegate| to
// unregister.
virtual void SetRemoteDelegate(
internal::RemoteInputMethodDelegateWin* delegate) = 0;
// Updates internal cache so that subsequent calls of
// RemoteInputMethodWin::IsCandidatePopupOpen can return the correct value
// based on remote IME activities in the metro_driver process.
virtual void OnCandidatePopupChanged(bool visible) = 0;
// Updates internal cache so that subsequent calls of
// RemoteInputMethodWin::GetInputLocale and
// RemoteInputMethodWin::GetInputTextDirection can return the correct
// values based on remote IME activities in the metro_driver process.
virtual void OnInputSourceChanged(LANGID langid, bool is_ime) = 0;
// Handles composition-update events occurred in the metro_driver process.
// Caveats: This method is designed to be used only with
// metro_driver::TextService. In other words, there is no garantee that this
// method works a wrapper to call ui::TextInputClient::SetCompositionText.
virtual void OnCompositionChanged(
const CompositionText& composition_text) = 0;
// Handles text-commit events occurred in the metro_driver process.
// Caveats: This method is designed to be used only with
// metro_driver::TextService. In other words, there is no garantee that this
// method works a wrapper to call ui::TextInputClient::InsertText. In fact,
// this method may call ui::TextInputClient::InsertChar when the text input
// type of the focused text input client is TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE.
virtual void OnTextCommitted(const base::string16& text) = 0;
} // namespace ui