blob: 968c4ae053e27f10db30f8d2b6d1bf5ca5a78930 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file provides utility functions for "file tasks".
// File tasks are representatiosn of actions that can be performed over the
// currently selected files from A task can be either of:
// 1) Chrome extension or app, registered via "file_handlers" or
// "file_browser_handlers" in manifest.json (ex. This information
// comes from FileBrowserHandler::GetHandlers()
// See also:
// 2) Built-in handlers provided from provides lots of
// file_browser_handlers, such as "play", "watch", "mount-archive". These
// built-in handlers are often handled in special manners inside
// This information also comes from FileBrowserHandler::GetHandlers().
// See also:
// chrome/browser/resources/file_manager/manifest.json
// 3) Drive app, which is a hosted app (i.e. just web site), that can work
// with Drive (ex. Pixlr Editor). This information comes from
// drive::DriveAppRegistry.
// See also:
// For example, if the user is now selecting a JPEG file, will
// receive file tasks represented as a JSON object via
// chrome.fileBrowserPrivate.getFileTasks() API, which look like:
// [
// {
// "driveApp": true,
// "iconUrl": "<app_icon_url>",
// "isDefault": false,
// "taskId": "<drive_app_id>|drive|open-with",
// "title": "Drive App Name (ex. Pixlr Editor)"
// },
// {
// "driveApp": false,
// "iconUrl": "chrome://extension-icon/hhaomjibdihmijegdhdafkllkbggdgoj/16/1",
// "isDefault": true,
// "taskId": "hhaomjibdihmijegdhdafkllkbggdgoj|file|gallery",
// "title": "__MSG_OPEN_ACTION__"
// }
// ]
// The first file task is a Drive app. The second file task is a built-in
// handler from
// You may have noticed that "taskId" fields in the above example look
// awakard. Apparently "taskId" encodes three types of information delimited
// by "|". This is a weird format for something called as an ID.
// 1) Why are the three types information encoded in this way?
// It's just a historical reason. The reason is that a simple string can be
// easily stored in user's preferences. We should stop doing this, by storing
// this information in instead.
// 2) OK, then what are the three types of information encoded here?
// The task ID encodes the folloing structure:
// <app-id>|<task-type>|<task-action-id>
// <app-id> is either of Chrome Extension/App ID or Drive App ID. For some
// reason, Chrome Extension/App IDs and Drive App IDs look differently. As of
// writing, the fomer looks like "hhaomjibdihmijegdhdafkllkbggdgoj"
// ( and the latter looks like "419782477519" (Pixlr Editor).
// <task-type> is either of
// - "file" - File browser handler - app/extension declaring
// "file_browser_handlers" in manifest.
// - "app" - File handler - app declaring "file_handlers" in manifest.json.
// - "drive" - Drive App
// <task-action-id> is an ID string used for identifying actions provided
// from a single Chrome Extension/App. In other words, a single
// Chrome/Extension can provide multiple file handlers hence each of them
// needs to have a unique action ID. For Drive apps, <task-action-id> is
// always "open-with".
// chrome.fileBrowserPrivate.viewFiles() is used to open a file in a browser,
// without any handler. Browser will take care of handling the file (ex. PDF).
// chrome.fileBrowserPrivate.executeTasks() is used to open a file with a
// handler (Chrome Extension/App or Drive App).
// Some built-in handlers such as "play" and "watch" are handled internally
// in "mount-archive" is handled very differently. The task
// execution business should be simplified:
// See also:
// chrome/browser/resources/file_manager/js/file_tasks.js
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/file_handlers/app_file_handler_util.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class PrefService;
class Profile;
namespace drive {
class DriveAppRegistry;
namespace fileapi {
class FileSystemURL;
namespace file_manager {
namespace file_tasks {
// Task types as explained in the comment above. Search for <task-type>.
enum TaskType {
TASK_TYPE_UNKNOWN, // Used only for handling errors.
// Describes a task.
// See the comment above for <app-id>, <task-type>, and <action-id>.
struct TaskDescriptor {
TaskDescriptor(const std::string& in_app_id,
TaskType in_task_type,
const std::string& in_action_id)
: app_id(in_app_id),
action_id(in_action_id) {
TaskDescriptor() {
std::string app_id;
TaskType task_type;
std::string action_id;
// Describes a task with extra information such as icon URL.
class FullTaskDescriptor {
FullTaskDescriptor(const TaskDescriptor& task_descriptor,
const std::string& task_title,
const GURL& icon_url,
bool is_default);
const TaskDescriptor& task_descriptor() const { return task_descriptor_; }
// The title of the task.
const std::string& task_title() const { return task_title_; }
// The icon URL for the task (ex. app icon)
const GURL& icon_url() const { return icon_url_; }
// True if this task is set as default.
bool is_default() const { return is_default_; }
void set_is_default(bool is_default) { is_default_ = is_default; }
TaskDescriptor task_descriptor_;
std::string task_title_;
GURL icon_url_;
bool is_default_;
// Update the default file handler for the given sets of suffixes and MIME
// types.
void UpdateDefaultTask(PrefService* pref_service,
const std::string& task_id,
const std::set<std::string>& suffixes,
const std::set<std::string>& mime_types);
// Returns the task ID of the default task for the given |mime_type|/|suffix|
// combination. If it finds a MIME type match, then it prefers that over a
// suffix match. If it a default can't be found, then it returns the empty
// string.
std::string GetDefaultTaskIdFromPrefs(const PrefService& pref_service,
const std::string& mime_type,
const std::string& suffix);
// Generates task id for the task specified by |app_id|, |task_type| and
// |action_id|.
// |app_id| is either of Chrome Extension/App ID or Drive App ID.
// |action_id| is a free-form string ID for the action.
std::string MakeTaskID(const std::string& app_id,
TaskType task_type,
const std::string& action_id);
// Returns a task id for the Drive app with |app_id|.
// TODO(gspencer): For now, the action id is always "open-with", but we
// could add any actions that the drive app supports.
std::string MakeDriveAppTaskId(const std::string& app_id);
// Converts |task_descriptor| to a task ID.
std::string TaskDescriptorToId(const TaskDescriptor& task_descriptor);
// Parses the task ID and extracts app ID, task type, and action ID into
// |task|. On failure, returns false, and the contents of |task| are
// undefined.
// See also the comment at the beginning of the file for details for how
// "task_id" looks like.
bool ParseTaskID(const std::string& task_id, TaskDescriptor* task);
// The callback is used for ExecuteFileTask(). Will be called with true if
// the file task execution is successful, or false if unsuccessful.
typedef base::Callback<void(bool success)> FileTaskFinishedCallback;
// Executes file handler task for each element of |file_urls|.
// Returns |false| if the execution cannot be initiated. Otherwise returns
// |true| and then eventually calls |done| when all the files have been handled.
// |done| can be a null callback.
// Parameters:
// profile - The profile used for making this function call.
// app_id - The ID of the app requesting the file task execution.
// source_url - The source URL which originates this function call.
// task - See the comment at TaskDescriptor struct.
// file_urls - URLs of the target files.
// done - The callback which will be called on completion.
// The callback won't be called if the function returns
// false.
bool ExecuteFileTask(Profile* profile,
const GURL& source_url,
const std::string& app_id,
const TaskDescriptor& task,
const std::vector<fileapi::FileSystemURL>& file_urls,
const FileTaskFinishedCallback& done);
typedef extensions::app_file_handler_util::PathAndMimeTypeSet
// Finds the Drive app tasks that can be used with the given |path_mime_set|
// from |drive_app_registry|, and append them to the |result_list|.
// Drive app tasks will be found only if all of the files are on Drive.
void FindDriveAppTasks(const drive::DriveAppRegistry& drive_app_registry,
const PathAndMimeTypeSet& path_mime_set,
std::vector<FullTaskDescriptor>* result_list);
// Finds the file handler tasks (apps declaring "file_handlers" in
// manifest.json) that can be used with the given files, appending them to
// the |result_list|.
void FindFileHandlerTasks(Profile* profile,
const PathAndMimeTypeSet& path_mime_set,
std::vector<FullTaskDescriptor>* result_list);
// Finds the file browser handler tasks (app/extensions declaring
// "file_browser_handlers" in manifest.json) that can be used with the
// given files, appending them to the |result_list|.
void FindFileBrowserHandlerTasks(
Profile* profile,
const std::vector<GURL>& file_urls,
std::vector<FullTaskDescriptor>* result_list);
// Finds all types (drive, file handlers, file browser handlers) of
// tasks. See the comment at FindDriveAppTasks() about |result_list|.
// Drive app tasks will be found only if all of the files are on Drive.
// |drive_app_registry| can be NULL if the drive app registry is not
// present.
// If |path_mime_set| contains a Google document, only the internal tasks of
// (i.e., tasks having the app ID of are listed.
// This is to avoid dups between Drive app tasks and an internal handler that
// provides, and to avoid listing normal file handler and file browser
// handler tasks, which can handle only normal files.
void FindAllTypesOfTasks(
Profile* profile,
const drive::DriveAppRegistry* drive_app_registry,
const PathAndMimeTypeSet& path_mime_set,
const std::vector<GURL>& file_urls,
std::vector<FullTaskDescriptor>* result_list);
// Chooses the default task in |tasks| and sets it as default, if the default
// task is found (i.e. the default task may not exist in |tasks|). No tasks
// should be set as default before calling this function.
void ChooseAndSetDefaultTask(const PrefService& pref_service,
const PathAndMimeTypeSet& path_mime_set,
std::vector<FullTaskDescriptor>* tasks);
} // namespace file_tasks
} // namespace file_manager