blob: f02aef4244ce009523a0be32b1e1ae544a0986a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/contacts/contact_map.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/contacts/contact.pb.h"
namespace contacts {
ContactMap::ContactMap() : contacts_deleter_(&contacts_) {}
ContactMap::~ContactMap() {}
const Contact* ContactMap::Find(const std::string& contact_id) const {
Map::const_iterator it = contacts_.find(contact_id);
return (it != contacts_.end()) ? it->second : NULL;
void ContactMap::Erase(const std::string& contact_id) {
Map::iterator it = contacts_.find(contact_id);
if (it == contacts_.end())
delete it->second;
void ContactMap::Clear() {
void ContactMap::Merge(scoped_ptr<ScopedVector<Contact> > updated_contacts,
DeletedContactPolicy policy) {
for (ScopedVector<Contact>::iterator it = updated_contacts->begin();
it != updated_contacts->end(); ++it) {
Contact* contact = *it;
Map::iterator map_it = contacts_.find(contact->contact_id());
if (contact->deleted() && policy == DROP_DELETED_CONTACTS) {
// Also delete the previous version of the contact, if any.
if (map_it != contacts_.end()) {
delete map_it->second;
delete contact;
} else {
if (map_it != contacts_.end()) {
delete map_it->second;
map_it->second = contact;
} else {
contacts_[contact->contact_id()] = contact;
// Make sure that the Contact objects that we just saved to the map won't be
// destroyed when |updated_contacts| is destroyed.
} // namespace contacts