blob: e810dbb7db2528976919fc51141f3fd0160606b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/values.h"
class PrefValueMap;
namespace policy {
class PolicyErrorMap;
class PolicyMap;
// Maps a policy type to a preference path, and to the expected value type.
struct PolicyToPreferenceMapEntry {
const char* const policy_name;
const char* const preference_path;
const base::Value::Type value_type;
// An abstract super class that subclasses should implement to map policies to
// their corresponding preferences, and to check whether the policies are valid.
class ConfigurationPolicyHandler {
static std::string ValueTypeToString(Value::Type type);
virtual ~ConfigurationPolicyHandler();
// Returns whether the policy settings handled by this
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler can be applied. Fills |errors| with error
// messages or warnings. |errors| may contain error messages even when
// |CheckPolicySettings()| returns true.
virtual bool CheckPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PolicyErrorMap* errors) = 0;
// Processes the policies handled by this ConfigurationPolicyHandler and sets
// the appropriate preferences in |prefs|.
virtual void ApplyPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PrefValueMap* prefs) = 0;
// Modifies the values of some of the policies in |policies| so that they
// are more suitable to display to the user. This can be used to remove
// sensitive values such as passwords, or to pretty-print values.
// The base implementation just converts DictionaryValue policies to a
// StringValue representation.
virtual void PrepareForDisplaying(PolicyMap* policies) const;
// Abstract class derived from ConfigurationPolicyHandler that should be
// subclassed to handle a single policy (not a combination of policies).
class TypeCheckingPolicyHandler : public ConfigurationPolicyHandler {
TypeCheckingPolicyHandler(const char* policy_name,
base::Value::Type value_type);
virtual ~TypeCheckingPolicyHandler();
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler methods:
virtual bool CheckPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PolicyErrorMap* errors) OVERRIDE;
const char* policy_name() const;
// Runs policy checks and returns the policy value if successful.
bool CheckAndGetValue(const PolicyMap& policies,
PolicyErrorMap* errors,
const Value** value);
// The name of the policy.
const char* policy_name_;
// The type the value of the policy should have.
base::Value::Type value_type_;
// Abstract class derived from TypeCheckingPolicyHandler that ensures an int
// policy's value lies in an allowed range. Either clamps or rejects values
// outside the range.
class IntRangePolicyHandlerBase : public TypeCheckingPolicyHandler {
IntRangePolicyHandlerBase(const char* policy_name,
int min,
int max,
bool clamp);
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler:
virtual bool CheckPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PolicyErrorMap* errors) OVERRIDE;
virtual ~IntRangePolicyHandlerBase();
// Ensures that the value is in the allowed range. Returns false if the value
// cannot be parsed or lies outside the allowed range and clamping is
// disabled.
bool EnsureInRange(const base::Value* input,
int* output,
PolicyErrorMap* errors);
// The minimum value allowed.
int min_;
// The maximum value allowed.
int max_;
// Whether to clamp values lying outside the allowed range instead of
// rejecting them.
bool clamp_;
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler for policies that map directly to a preference.
class SimplePolicyHandler : public TypeCheckingPolicyHandler {
SimplePolicyHandler(const char* policy_name,
const char* pref_path,
base::Value::Type value_type);
virtual ~SimplePolicyHandler();
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler methods:
virtual void ApplyPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PrefValueMap* prefs) OVERRIDE;
// The DictionaryValue path of the preference the policy maps to.
const char* pref_path_;
// A policy handler implementation that maps a string enum list to an int enum
// list as specified by a mapping table.
class StringToIntEnumListPolicyHandler : public TypeCheckingPolicyHandler {
struct MappingEntry {
const char* enum_value;
int int_value;
StringToIntEnumListPolicyHandler(const char* policy_name,
const char* pref_path,
const MappingEntry* mapping_begin,
const MappingEntry* mapping_end);
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler methods:
virtual bool CheckPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PolicyErrorMap* errors) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ApplyPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PrefValueMap* prefs) OVERRIDE;
// Attempts to convert the list in |input| to |output| according to the table,
// returns false on errors.
bool Convert(const base::Value* input,
base::ListValue* output,
PolicyErrorMap* errors);
// Name of the pref to write.
const char* pref_path_;
// The mapping table.
const MappingEntry* mapping_begin_;
const MappingEntry* mapping_end_;
// A policy handler implementation that ensures an int policy's value lies in an
// allowed range.
class IntRangePolicyHandler : public IntRangePolicyHandlerBase {
IntRangePolicyHandler(const char* policy_name,
const char* pref_path,
int min,
int max,
bool clamp);
virtual ~IntRangePolicyHandler();
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler:
virtual void ApplyPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PrefValueMap* prefs) OVERRIDE;
// Name of the pref to write.
const char* pref_path_;
// A policy handler implementation that maps an int percentage value to a
// double.
class IntPercentageToDoublePolicyHandler : public IntRangePolicyHandlerBase {
IntPercentageToDoublePolicyHandler(const char* policy_name,
const char* pref_path,
int min,
int max,
bool clamp);
virtual ~IntPercentageToDoublePolicyHandler();
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler:
virtual void ApplyPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PrefValueMap* prefs) OVERRIDE;
// Name of the pref to write.
const char* pref_path_;
} // namespace policy