blob: e8db24b41f2c53064480e53354144eb90cfb193e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/common/cancelable_request.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index_cache.pb.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/scored_history_match.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h"
class BookmarkService;
class HistoryQuickProviderTest;
namespace in_memory_url_index {
class InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem;
namespace history {
namespace imui = in_memory_url_index;
class HistoryDatabase;
class InMemoryURLIndex;
class RefCountedBool;
// Current version of the cache file.
static const int kCurrentCacheFileVersion = 4;
// A structure private to InMemoryURLIndex describing its internal data and
// providing for restoring, rebuilding and updating that internal data. As
// this class is for exclusive use by the InMemoryURLIndex class there should
// be no calls from any other class.
// All public member functions are called on the main thread unless otherwise
// annotated.
class URLIndexPrivateData
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<URLIndexPrivateData> {
// Given a string16 in |term_string|, scans the history index and returns a
// vector with all scored, matching history items. The |term_string| is
// broken down into individual terms (words), each of which must occur in the
// candidate history item's URL or page title for the item to qualify;
// however, the terms do not necessarily have to be adjacent. We
// also allow breaking |term_string| at |cursor_position| (if
// set). Once we have a set of candidates, they are filtered to ensure
// that all |term_string| terms, as separated by whitespace and the
// cursor (if set), occur within the candidate's URL or page title.
// Scores are then calculated on no more than |kItemsToScoreLimit|
// candidates, as the scoring of such a large number of candidates may
// cause perceptible typing response delays in the omnibox. This is
// likely to occur for short omnibox terms such as 'h' and 'w' which
// will be found in nearly all history candidates. Results are sorted by
// descending score. The full results set (i.e. beyond the
// |kItemsToScoreLimit| limit) will be retained and used for subsequent calls
// to this function. |bookmark_service| is used to boost a result's score if
// its URL is referenced by one or more of the user's bookmarks. |languages|
// is used to help parse/format the URLs in the history index.
ScoredHistoryMatches HistoryItemsForTerms(string16 term_string,
size_t cursor_position,
const std::string& languages,
BookmarkService* bookmark_service);
// Adds the history item in |row| to the index if it does not already already
// exist and it meets the minimum 'quick' criteria. If the row already exists
// in the index then the index will be updated if the row still meets the
// criteria, otherwise the row will be removed from the index. Returns true
// if the index was actually updated. |languages| gives a list of language
// encodings by which the URLs and page titles are broken down into words and
// characters. |scheme_whitelist| is used to filter non-qualifying schemes.
// |history_service| is used to schedule an update to the recent visits
// component of this URL's entry in the index.
bool UpdateURL(HistoryService* history_service,
const URLRow& row,
const std::string& languages,
const std::set<std::string>& scheme_whitelist);
// Updates the entry for |url_id| in the index, replacing its
// recent visits information with |recent_visits|. If |url_id|
// is not in the index, does nothing.
void UpdateRecentVisits(URLID url_id,
const VisitVector& recent_visits);
// Using |history_service| schedules an update (using the historyDB
// thread) for the recent visits information for |url_id|. Unless
// something unexpectedly goes wrong, UdpateRecentVisits() should
// eventually be called from a callback.
void ScheduleUpdateRecentVisits(HistoryService* history_service,
URLID url_id);
// Deletes index data for the history item with the given |url|.
// The item may not have actually been indexed, which is the case if it did
// not previously meet minimum 'quick' criteria. Returns true if the index
// was actually updated.
bool DeleteURL(const GURL& url);
// Constructs a new object by restoring its contents from the cache file
// at |path|. Returns the new URLIndexPrivateData which on success will
// contain the restored data but upon failure will be empty. |languages|
// is used to break URLs and page titles into words. This function
// should be run on the the file thread.
static scoped_refptr<URLIndexPrivateData> RestoreFromFile(
const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& languages);
// Constructs a new object by rebuilding its contents from the history
// database in |history_db|. Returns the new URLIndexPrivateData which on
// success will contain the rebuilt data but upon failure will be empty.
// |languages| gives a list of language encodings by which the URLs and page
// titles are broken down into words and characters.
static scoped_refptr<URLIndexPrivateData> RebuildFromHistory(
HistoryDatabase* history_db,
const std::string& languages,
const std::set<std::string>& scheme_whitelist);
// Writes |private_data| as a cache file to |file_path| and returns success.
static bool WritePrivateDataToCacheFileTask(
scoped_refptr<URLIndexPrivateData> private_data,
const base::FilePath& file_path);
// Stops all pending updates to recent visits fields. This should be
// called during shutdown.
void CancelPendingUpdates();
// Creates a copy of ourself.
scoped_refptr<URLIndexPrivateData> Duplicate() const;
// Returns true if there is no data in the index.
bool Empty() const;
// Initializes all index data members in preparation for restoring the index
// from the cache or a complete rebuild from the history database.
void Clear();
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<URLIndexPrivateData>;
friend class AddHistoryMatch;
friend class ::HistoryQuickProviderTest;
friend class InMemoryURLIndexTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InMemoryURLIndexTest, CacheSaveRestore);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InMemoryURLIndexTest, HugeResultSet);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InMemoryURLIndexTest, ReadVisitsFromHistory);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InMemoryURLIndexTest, RebuildFromHistoryIfCacheOld);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InMemoryURLIndexTest, TitleSearch);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InMemoryURLIndexTest, TypedCharacterCaching);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InMemoryURLIndexTest, WhitelistedURLs);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(LimitedInMemoryURLIndexTest, Initialization);
// Support caching of term results so that we can optimize searches which
// build upon a previous search. Each entry in this map represents one
// search term from the most recent search. For example, if the user had
// typed "google blog trans" and then typed an additional 'l' (at the end,
// of course) then there would be four items in the cache: 'blog', 'google',
// 'trans', and 'transl'. All would be marked as being in use except for the
// 'trans' item; its cached data would have been used when optimizing the
// construction of the search results candidates for 'transl' but then would
// no longer needed.
// Items stored in the search term cache. If a search term exactly matches one
// in the cache then we can quickly supply the proper |history_id_set_| (and
// marking the cache item as being |used_|. If we find a prefix for a search
// term in the cache (which is very likely to occur as the user types each
// term into the omnibox) then we can short-circuit the index search for those
// characters in the prefix by returning the |word_id_set|. In that case we do
// not mark the item as being |used_|.
struct SearchTermCacheItem {
SearchTermCacheItem(const WordIDSet& word_id_set,
const HistoryIDSet& history_id_set);
// Creates a cache item for a term which has no results.
WordIDSet word_id_set_;
HistoryIDSet history_id_set_;
bool used_; // True if this item has been used for the current term search.
typedef std::map<string16, SearchTermCacheItem> SearchTermCacheMap;
// A helper class which performs the final filter on each candidate
// history URL match, inserting accepted matches into |scored_matches_|.
class AddHistoryMatch : public std::unary_function<HistoryID, void> {
AddHistoryMatch(const URLIndexPrivateData& private_data,
const std::string& languages,
BookmarkService* bookmark_service,
const string16& lower_string,
const String16Vector& lower_terms,
const base::Time now);
void operator()(const HistoryID history_id);
ScoredHistoryMatches ScoredMatches() const { return scored_matches_; }
const URLIndexPrivateData& private_data_;
const std::string& languages_;
BookmarkService* bookmark_service_;
ScoredHistoryMatches scored_matches_;
const string16& lower_string_;
const String16Vector& lower_terms_;
const base::Time now_;
// A helper predicate class used to filter excess history items when the
// candidate results set is too large.
class HistoryItemFactorGreater
: public std::binary_function<HistoryID, HistoryID, void> {
explicit HistoryItemFactorGreater(const HistoryInfoMap& history_info_map);
bool operator()(const HistoryID h1, const HistoryID h2);
const history::HistoryInfoMap& history_info_map_;
// URL History indexing support functions.
// Composes a set of history item IDs by intersecting the set for each word
// in |unsorted_words|.
HistoryIDSet HistoryIDSetFromWords(const String16Vector& unsorted_words);
// Helper function to HistoryIDSetFromWords which composes a set of history
// ids for the given term given in |term|.
HistoryIDSet HistoryIDsForTerm(const string16& term);
// Given a set of Char16s, finds words containing those characters.
WordIDSet WordIDSetForTermChars(const Char16Set& term_chars);
// Indexes one URL history item as described by |row|. Returns true if the
// row was actually indexed. |languages| gives a list of language encodings by
// which the URLs and page titles are broken down into words and characters.
// |scheme_whitelist| is used to filter non-qualifying schemes. If
// |history_db| is not NULL then this function uses the history database
// synchronously to get the URL's recent visits information. This mode should
// only be used on the historyDB thread. If |history_db| is NULL, then
// this function uses |history_service| to schedule a task on the
// historyDB thread to fetch and update the recent visits
// information.
bool IndexRow(HistoryDatabase* history_db,
HistoryService* history_service,
const URLRow& row,
const std::string& languages,
const std::set<std::string>& scheme_whitelist);
// Parses and indexes the words in the URL and page title of |row| and
// calculate the word starts in each, saving the starts in |word_starts|.
// |languages| gives a list of language encodings by which the URLs and page
// titles are broken down into words and characters.
void AddRowWordsToIndex(const URLRow& row,
RowWordStarts* word_starts,
const std::string& languages);
// Given a single word in |uni_word|, adds a reference for the containing
// history item identified by |history_id| to the index.
void AddWordToIndex(const string16& uni_word, HistoryID history_id);
// Creates a new entry in the word/history map for |word_id| and add
// |history_id| as the initial element of the word's set.
void AddWordHistory(const string16& uni_word, HistoryID history_id);
// Updates an existing entry in the word/history index by adding the
// |history_id| to set for |word_id| in the word_id_history_map_.
void UpdateWordHistory(WordID word_id, HistoryID history_id);
// Adds |word_id| to |history_id|'s entry in the history/word map,
// creating a new entry if one does not already exist.
void AddToHistoryIDWordMap(HistoryID history_id, WordID word_id);
// Removes |row| and all associated words and characters from the index.
void RemoveRowFromIndex(const URLRow& row);
// Removes all words and characters associated with |row| from the index.
void RemoveRowWordsFromIndex(const URLRow& row);
// Clears |used_| for each item in the search term cache.
void ResetSearchTermCache();
// Caches the index private data and writes the cache file to the profile
// directory. Called by WritePrivateDataToCacheFileTask.
bool SaveToFile(const base::FilePath& file_path);
// Encode a data structure into the protobuf |cache|.
void SavePrivateData(imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const;
void SaveWordList(imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const;
void SaveWordMap(imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const;
void SaveCharWordMap(imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const;
void SaveWordIDHistoryMap(imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const;
void SaveHistoryInfoMap(imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const;
void SaveWordStartsMap(imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const;
// Decode a data structure from the protobuf |cache|. Return false if there
// is any kind of failure. |languages| will be used to break URLs and page
// titles into words
bool RestorePrivateData(const imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache,
const std::string& languages);
bool RestoreWordList(const imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache);
bool RestoreWordMap(const imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache);
bool RestoreCharWordMap(const imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache);
bool RestoreWordIDHistoryMap(const imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache);
bool RestoreHistoryInfoMap(const imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache);
bool RestoreWordStartsMap(const imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache,
const std::string& languages);
// Determines if |gurl| has a whitelisted scheme and returns true if so.
static bool URLSchemeIsWhitelisted(const GURL& gurl,
const std::set<std::string>& whitelist);
// Cache of search terms.
SearchTermCacheMap search_term_cache_;
// Allows canceling pending requests to update recent visits information.
CancelableRequestConsumer recent_visits_consumer_;
// Start of data members that are cached -------------------------------------
// The version of the cache file most recently used to restore this instance
// of the private data. If the private data was rebuilt from the history
// database this will be 0.
int restored_cache_version_;
// The last time the data was rebuilt from the history database.
base::Time last_time_rebuilt_from_history_;
// A list of all of indexed words. The index of a word in this list is the
// ID of the word in the word_map_. It reduces the memory overhead by
// replacing a potentially long and repeated string with a simple index.
String16Vector word_list_;
// A list of available words slots in |word_list_|. An available word slot
// is the index of a unused word in word_list_ vector, also referred to as
// a WordID. As URL visits are added or modified new words may be added to
// the index, in which case any available words are used, if any, and then
// words are added to the end of the word_list_. When URL visits are
// modified or deleted old words may be removed from the index, in which
// case the slots for those words are added to available_words_ for resuse
// by future URL updates.
WordIDSet available_words_;
// A one-to-one mapping from the a word string to its slot number (i.e.
// WordID) in the |word_list_|.
WordMap word_map_;
// A one-to-many mapping from a single character to all WordIDs of words
// containing that character.
CharWordIDMap char_word_map_;
// A one-to-many mapping from a WordID to all HistoryIDs (the row_id as
// used in the history database) of history items in which the word occurs.
WordIDHistoryMap word_id_history_map_;
// A one-to-many mapping from a HistoryID to all WordIDs of words that occur
// in the URL and/or page title of the history item referenced by that
// HistoryID.
HistoryIDWordMap history_id_word_map_;
// A one-to-one mapping from HistoryID to the history item data governing
// index inclusion and relevance scoring.
HistoryInfoMap history_info_map_;
// A one-to-one mapping from HistoryID to the word starts detected in each
// item's URL and page title.
WordStartsMap word_starts_map_;
// End of data members that are cached ---------------------------------------
// For unit testing only. Specifies the version of the cache file to be saved.
// Used only for testing upgrading of an older version of the cache upon
// restore.
int saved_cache_version_;
// Used for unit testing only. Records the number of candidate history items
// at three stages in the index searching process.
size_t pre_filter_item_count_; // After word index is queried.
size_t post_filter_item_count_; // After trimming large result set.
size_t post_scoring_item_count_; // After performing final filter/scoring.
} // namespace history