blob: a8a0eef1e3b2a6a67dcdcd784588e60409e2a835 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "remoting/host/desktop_resizer.h"
#include "remoting/host/resizing_host_observer.h"
#include "remoting/host/screen_resolution.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_geometry.h"
namespace remoting {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ScreenResolution& resolution) {
return os << resolution.dimensions().width() << "x"
<< resolution.dimensions().height() << " @ "
<< resolution.dpi().x() << "x" << resolution.dpi().y();
bool operator==(const ScreenResolution& a, const ScreenResolution& b) {
return a.Equals(b);
const int kDefaultDPI = 96;
ScreenResolution MakeResolution(int width, int height) {
return ScreenResolution(webrtc::DesktopSize(width, height),
webrtc::DesktopVector(kDefaultDPI, kDefaultDPI));
class FakeDesktopResizer : public DesktopResizer {
FakeDesktopResizer(const ScreenResolution& initial_resolution,
bool exact_size_supported,
const ScreenResolution* supported_resolutions,
int num_supported_resolutions)
: initial_resolution_(initial_resolution),
set_resolution_call_count_(0) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_supported_resolutions; ++i) {
virtual ~FakeDesktopResizer() {
EXPECT_EQ(initial_resolution_, GetCurrentResolution());
int set_resolution_call_count() { return set_resolution_call_count_; }
// remoting::DesktopResizer interface
virtual ScreenResolution GetCurrentResolution() OVERRIDE {
return current_resolution_;
virtual std::list<ScreenResolution> GetSupportedResolutions(
const ScreenResolution& preferred) OVERRIDE {
std::list<ScreenResolution> result = supported_resolutions_;
if (exact_size_supported_) {
return result;
virtual void SetResolution(const ScreenResolution& resolution) OVERRIDE {
current_resolution_ = resolution;
virtual void RestoreResolution(const ScreenResolution& resolution) OVERRIDE {
current_resolution_ = resolution;
ScreenResolution initial_resolution_;
ScreenResolution current_resolution_;
bool exact_size_supported_;
std::list<ScreenResolution> supported_resolutions_;
int set_resolution_call_count_;
class ResizingHostObserverTest : public testing::Test {
: desktop_resizer_(NULL),
now_(base::Time::Now()) {
// This needs to be public because the derived test-case class needs to
// pass it to Bind, which fails if it's protected.
base::Time GetTime() {
return now_;
void SetDesktopResizer(scoped_ptr<FakeDesktopResizer> desktop_resizer) {
CHECK(!desktop_resizer_) << "Call SetDeskopResizer once per test";
desktop_resizer_ = desktop_resizer.get();
new ResizingHostObserver(desktop_resizer.PassAs<DesktopResizer>()));
ScreenResolution GetBestResolution(const ScreenResolution& client_size) {
return desktop_resizer_->GetCurrentResolution();
void VerifySizes(const ScreenResolution* client_sizes,
const ScreenResolution* expected_sizes,
int number_of_sizes) {
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_sizes; ++i) {
ScreenResolution best_size = GetBestResolution(client_sizes[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_sizes[i], best_size)
<< "Input resolution = " << client_sizes[i];
base::Time GetTimeAndIncrement() {
base::Time result = now_;
now_ += base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1);
return result;
scoped_ptr<ResizingHostObserver> resizing_host_observer_;
FakeDesktopResizer* desktop_resizer_;
base::Time now_;
// Check that the host is not resized if GetSupportedSizes returns an empty
// list (even if GetCurrentSize is supported).
TEST_F(ResizingHostObserverTest, EmptyGetSupportedSizes) {
ScreenResolution initial = MakeResolution(640, 480);
scoped_ptr<FakeDesktopResizer> desktop_resizer(
new FakeDesktopResizer(initial, false, NULL, 0));
ScreenResolution client_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(200, 100),
MakeResolution(100, 200) };
ScreenResolution expected_sizes[] = { initial, initial };
VerifySizes(client_sizes, expected_sizes, arraysize(client_sizes));
// Check that if the implementation supports exact size matching, it is used.
TEST_F(ResizingHostObserverTest, SelectExactSize) {
scoped_ptr<FakeDesktopResizer> desktop_resizer(
new FakeDesktopResizer(MakeResolution(640, 480), true, NULL, 0));
ScreenResolution client_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(200, 100),
MakeResolution(100, 200),
MakeResolution(640, 480),
MakeResolution(480, 640),
MakeResolution(1280, 1024) };
VerifySizes(client_sizes, client_sizes, arraysize(client_sizes));
// Check that if the implementation supports a size that is no larger than
// the requested size, then the largest such size is used.
TEST_F(ResizingHostObserverTest, SelectBestSmallerSize) {
ScreenResolution supported_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(639, 479),
MakeResolution(640, 480) };
scoped_ptr<FakeDesktopResizer> desktop_resizer(
new FakeDesktopResizer(MakeResolution(640, 480), false,
supported_sizes, arraysize(supported_sizes)));
ScreenResolution client_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(639, 479),
MakeResolution(640, 480),
MakeResolution(641, 481),
MakeResolution(999, 999) };
ScreenResolution expected_sizes[] = { supported_sizes[0], supported_sizes[1],
supported_sizes[1], supported_sizes[1] };
VerifySizes(client_sizes, expected_sizes, arraysize(client_sizes));
// Check that if the implementation supports only sizes that are larger than
// the requested size, then the one that requires the least down-scaling.
TEST_F(ResizingHostObserverTest, SelectBestScaleFactor) {
ScreenResolution supported_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(100, 100),
MakeResolution(200, 100) };
scoped_ptr<FakeDesktopResizer> desktop_resizer(
new FakeDesktopResizer(MakeResolution(200, 100), false,
supported_sizes, arraysize(supported_sizes)));
ScreenResolution client_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(1, 1),
MakeResolution(99, 99),
MakeResolution(199, 99) };
ScreenResolution expected_sizes[] = { supported_sizes[0], supported_sizes[0],
supported_sizes[1] };
VerifySizes(client_sizes, expected_sizes, arraysize(client_sizes));
// Check that if the implementation supports two sizes that have the same
// resultant scale factor, then the widest one is selected.
TEST_F(ResizingHostObserverTest, SelectWidest) {
ScreenResolution supported_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(640, 480),
MakeResolution(480, 640) };
scoped_ptr<FakeDesktopResizer> desktop_resizer(
new FakeDesktopResizer(MakeResolution(480, 640), false,
supported_sizes, arraysize(supported_sizes)));
ScreenResolution client_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(100, 100),
MakeResolution(480, 480),
MakeResolution(500, 500),
MakeResolution(640, 640),
MakeResolution(1000, 1000) };
ScreenResolution expected_sizes[] = { supported_sizes[0], supported_sizes[0],
supported_sizes[0], supported_sizes[0],
supported_sizes[0] };
VerifySizes(client_sizes, expected_sizes, arraysize(client_sizes));
// Check that if the best match for the client size doesn't change, then we
// don't call SetSize.
TEST_F(ResizingHostObserverTest, NoSetSizeForSameSize) {
ScreenResolution supported_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(640, 480),
MakeResolution(480, 640) };
FakeDesktopResizer* desktop_resizer =
new FakeDesktopResizer(MakeResolution(640, 480), false,
supported_sizes, arraysize(supported_sizes));
ScreenResolution client_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(640, 640),
MakeResolution(1024, 768),
MakeResolution(640, 480) };
ScreenResolution expected_sizes[] = { MakeResolution(640, 480),
MakeResolution(640, 480),
MakeResolution(640, 480) };
VerifySizes(client_sizes, expected_sizes, arraysize(client_sizes));
EXPECT_EQ(desktop_resizer->set_resolution_call_count(), 0);
// Check that desktop resizes are rate-limited, and that if multiple resize
// requests are received in the time-out period, the most recent is respected.
TEST_F(ResizingHostObserverTest, RateLimited) {
FakeDesktopResizer* desktop_resizer =
new FakeDesktopResizer(MakeResolution(640, 480), true, NULL, 0);
base::Bind(&ResizingHostObserverTest::GetTime, base::Unretained(this)));
base::MessageLoop message_loop;
base::RunLoop run_loop;
EXPECT_EQ(GetBestResolution(MakeResolution(100, 100)),
MakeResolution(100, 100));
now_ += base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(900);
EXPECT_EQ(GetBestResolution(MakeResolution(200, 200)),
MakeResolution(100, 100));
now_ += base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(99);
EXPECT_EQ(GetBestResolution(MakeResolution(300, 300)),
MakeResolution(100, 100));
now_ += base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1);
// Due to the kMinimumResizeIntervalMs constant in,
// We need to wait a total of 1000ms for the final resize to be processed.
// Since it was queued 900 + 99 ms after the first, we need to wait an
// additional 1ms. However, since RunLoop is not guaranteed to process tasks
// with the same due time in FIFO order, wait an additional 1ms for safety.
// If the QuitClosure fired before the final resize, it's a test failure.
EXPECT_EQ(desktop_resizer_->GetCurrentResolution(), MakeResolution(300, 300));
} // namespace remoting