blob: 804f069f73ae95f0e9681598b47c2d8303d493b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
extern const wchar_t kChromeFrameDllName[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeLauncherExeName[];
// Helper class used to register different chrome frame DLLs while running
// tests. The default constructor registers the DLL found in the build path.
// Programs that use this class MUST include a call to the class's
// RegisterAndExitProcessIfDirected method at the top of their main entrypoint.
// At destruction, again registers the DLL found in the build path if another
// DLL has since been registered. Triggers GTEST asserts on failure.
// TODO(robertshield): Ideally, make this class restore the originally
// registered chrome frame DLL (e.g. by looking in HKCR) on destruction.
class ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar {
enum RegistrationType {
explicit ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar(RegistrationType registration_type);
ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar(const std::wstring& path,
RegistrationType registration_type);
virtual ~ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar();
void RegisterChromeFrameAtPath(const std::wstring& path);
void UnegisterChromeFrameAtPath(const std::wstring& path);
void RegisterReferenceChromeFrameBuild();
std::wstring GetChromeFrameDllPath() const;
static void RegisterAtPath(const std::wstring& path,
RegistrationType registration_type);
static void UnregisterAtPath(const std::wstring& path,
RegistrationType registration_type);
static void RegisterDefaults();
static base::FilePath GetReferenceChromeFrameDllPath();
// Registers or unregisters a COM DLL and exits the process if the process's
// command line is:
// this.exe --call-registration-entrypoint path_to_dll entrypoint
// Otherwise simply returns. This method should be invoked at the start of the
// entrypoint in each executable that uses ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar to
// register or unregister DLLs.
static void RegisterAndExitProcessIfDirected();
enum RegistrationOperation {
// The string "--call-registration-entrypoint".
static const wchar_t kCallRegistrationEntrypointSwitch[];
static void DoRegistration(const string16& path,
RegistrationType registration_type,
RegistrationOperation registration_operation);
// Contains the path of the most recently registered Chrome Frame DLL.
std::wstring new_chrome_frame_dll_path_;
// Contains the path of the Chrome Frame DLL to be registered at destruction.
std::wstring original_dll_path_;
// Indicates whether per user or per machine registration is needed.
RegistrationType registration_type_;
// We need to register the chrome path provider only once per process. This
// flag keeps track of that.
static bool register_chrome_path_provider_;
// Returns the path to the Chrome Frame DLL in the build directory. Assumes
// that the test executable is running from the build folder or a similar
// folder structure.
base::FilePath GetChromeFrameBuildPath();
// Callback description for onload, onloaderror, onmessage
static _ATL_FUNC_INFO g_single_param = {CC_STDCALL, VT_EMPTY, 1, {VT_VARIANT}};
// Simple class that forwards the callbacks.
template <typename T>
class DispCallback
: public IDispEventSimpleImpl<1, DispCallback<T>, &IID_IDispatch> {
typedef HRESULT (T::*Method)(const VARIANT* param);
DispCallback(T* owner, Method method) : owner_(owner), method_(method) {
SINK_ENTRY_INFO(1, IID_IDispatch, DISPID_VALUE, OnCallback, &g_single_param)
return owner_->AddRef();
return owner_->Release();
STDMETHOD(OnCallback)(VARIANT param) {
return (owner_->*method_)(&param);
IDispatch* ToDispatch() {
return reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(this);
T* owner_;
Method method_;
// If the workstation is locked and cannot receive user input.
bool IsWorkstationLocked();