blob: 540f1802ac3bb47976815172a76f816164f5df88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome_frame/infobars/infobar_content.h"
#include "chrome_frame/infobars/infobar_manager.h"
struct FunctionStub;
// Manages the display of an InfobarContent instance within a container window.
// Positions the infobar content by displacing other "natural" content of the
// window (see ReserveSpace). Allows positioning either above or below the
// natural content.
class InfobarWindow {
// Integrates the InfobarWindow with its environment.
class Host {
virtual ~Host() {}
// Returns a handle to the window within which infobar content should be
// created. All windows associated with the infobar content should be
// descendants of the container window.
virtual HWND GetContainerWindow() = 0;
// Triggers an immediate re-evaluation of the dimensions of the displaced
// content. InfobarWindow::ReserveSpace will be called with the natural
// dimensions of the displaced content.
virtual void UpdateLayout() = 0;
}; // class Host
explicit InfobarWindow(InfobarType type);
void SetHost(Host* host);
// Shows the supplied content in this InfobarWindow. Normally,
// InfobarContent::InstallInFrame will be called with an InfobarContent::Frame
// instance the content may use to interact with the InfobarWindow.
// InfobarContent is deleted when the InfobarWindow is finished with the
// content (either through failure or when successfully hidden).
bool Show(InfobarContent* content);
// Hides the infobar.
void Hide();
// Receives the total space requested by the displaced content and subtracts
// any space required by this infobar. Passes the reserved dimensions to
// InfobarContent::SetDimensions.
void ReserveSpace(RECT* rect);
// Provides InfobarContent with access to this InfobarWindow.
class FrameImpl : public InfobarContent::Frame {
explicit FrameImpl(InfobarWindow* infobar_window);
// InfobarContent::Frame implementation
virtual HWND GetFrameWindow();
virtual void CloseInfobar();
InfobarWindow* infobar_window_;
}; // class FrameImpl
// Sets up our state to show or hide and calls Host::UpdateLayout to cause a
// call to ReserveSpace. Sets up a timer to periodically call UpdateLayout.
void StartSlidingTowards(int height);
// Based on the initial height, how long (and if) we have been sliding, and
// the target height, decides what the current height should be.
int CalculateHeight();
// Manage a timer that repeatedly calls Host::UpdateLayout
bool StartTimer();
bool StopTimer();
scoped_ptr<InfobarContent> content_;
Host* host_;
FrameImpl frame_impl_;
InfobarType type_;
int current_width_;
int current_height_;
// These variables control our state for sliding and are used to calculate
// the desired height at any given time.
base::Time slide_start_; // When we started sliding, or the null time if we
// are not sliding.
int initial_height_; // Where we started sliding from
int target_height_; // Where we are sliding to
// ID and thunk for the slide-effect timer
int timer_id_;
FunctionStub* timer_stub_;
}; // class InfobarWindow