blob: cf2abac409286da311c6cbcb9986821d039ec2a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "chrome_frame/infobars/internal/subclassing_window_with_delegate.h"
class DisplacedWindowManager;
// HostWindowManager observes the HWND passed to Initialize and:
// 1) Monitors the lifecycle of a specific child window (as identified by
// FindDisplacedWindow).
// 2) Intercepts NCCALCSIZE events on the child window, allowing the client to
// modify the child window's requested dimensions.
// 3) Allows the client to request a recalculation of the child window's
// dimensions (resulting in a callback as in [2]).
// See documentation of SubclasingWindowWithDelegate for further information.
class HostWindowManager
: public SubclassingWindowWithDelegate<HostWindowManager> {
virtual ~HostWindowManager();
// Triggers an immediate re-evaluation of the dimensions of the displaced
// window. Delegate::AdjustDisplacedWindowDimensions will be called with the
// natural dimensions of the displaced window.
void UpdateLayout();
class DisplacedWindowDelegate;
friend class DisplacedWindowDelegate;
// Finds the window to be displaced and instantiate a DisplacedWindowManager
// for it if one does not already exist. Returns true if
// displaced_window_manager_ is non-NULL at the end of the call.
bool FindDisplacedWindow(HWND old_window);
// Subclasses and observes changes to the displaced window.
DisplacedWindowManager* displaced_window_manager_;
}; // class HostWindowManager