blob: ea90a53558cca569858e9eeb3c59143badaa0421 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "content/public/common/injection_test_mac.h"
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
//--------------------- Sandbox Tests ---------------------
// Below is a list of test functions that check the renderer sandbox.
// In order for a test function to be executed, it must be added to the
// |sandbox_test_cases| array in +[RendererSandboxTestsRunner runTests] below.
// TODO(ofri): Consider moving these to another file once there are enough tests
// to justify.
// Test case for checking sandboxing of clipboard access.
bool SandboxTestClipboardTestCase(void) {
return [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] == nil;
// Test case for checking sandboxing of filesystem apis.
bool SandboxTestFileAccessTestCase(void) {
int fdes = open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY);
if (fdes == -1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//--------------------- Test Execution ---------------------
static LogRendererSandboxTestMessage log_function = NULL;
static inline void LogInfoMessage(std::string message) {
log_function(message, false);
static inline void LogErrorMessage(std::string message) {
log_function(message, true);
@implementation RendererSandboxTestsRunner
+ (void)setLogFunction:(LogRendererSandboxTestMessage)logFunction {
log_function = logFunction;
+ (BOOL)runTests {
// A test case entry. One must exist for each test.
struct SandboxTestCase {
std::string name;
bool (*test_function)(void);
const struct SandboxTestCase sandbox_test_cases[] = {
#define DEFINE_TEST_CASE(testFunction) { #testFunction, testFunction }
// The list of registered tests
// Termination entry
{ "", NULL }
// Execute the tests
BOOL tests_passed = YES;
for (const struct SandboxTestCase* test_case = sandbox_test_cases;
test_case->test_function != NULL;
++test_case) {
LogInfoMessage("Running sandbox test: " + test_case->name);
if (test_case->test_function()) {
LogInfoMessage("Test: " + test_case->name + " - PASSED");
} else {
LogErrorMessage("Test: " + test_case->name + " - FAILED");
tests_passed = NO;
return tests_passed;