blob: 55e4c6c08ec9e23ccc39bf4b95d32ca2226e468c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/renderer/pepper/plugin_object.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "content/renderer/pepper/npapi_glue.h"
#include "content/renderer/pepper/pepper_plugin_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/renderer/pepper/plugin_module.h"
#include "ppapi/c/dev/ppb_var_deprecated.h"
#include "ppapi/c/dev/ppp_class_deprecated.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_resource.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_var.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/ppapi_globals.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/resource_tracker.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/var.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/var_tracker.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebBindings.h"
#include "third_party/npapi/bindings/npapi.h"
#include "third_party/npapi/bindings/npruntime.h"
using ppapi::PpapiGlobals;
using ppapi::StringVar;
using ppapi::Var;
using blink::WebBindings;
namespace content {
namespace {
const char kInvalidValueException[] = "Error: Invalid value";
// NPObject implementation in terms of PPP_Class_Deprecated --------------------
NPObject* WrapperClass_Allocate(NPP npp, NPClass* unused) {
return PluginObject::AllocateObjectWrapper();
void WrapperClass_Deallocate(NPObject* np_object) {
PluginObject* plugin_object = PluginObject::FromNPObject(np_object);
if (!plugin_object)
delete plugin_object;
void WrapperClass_Invalidate(NPObject* object) {
bool WrapperClass_HasMethod(NPObject* object, NPIdentifier method_name) {
NPObjectAccessorWithIdentifier accessor(object, method_name, false);
if (!accessor.is_valid())
return false;
PPResultAndExceptionToNPResult result_converter(
accessor.object()->GetNPObject(), NULL);
bool rv = accessor.object()->ppp_class()->HasMethod(
accessor.object()->ppp_class_data(), accessor.identifier(),
return rv;
bool WrapperClass_Invoke(NPObject* object, NPIdentifier method_name,
const NPVariant* argv, uint32_t argc,
NPVariant* result) {
NPObjectAccessorWithIdentifier accessor(object, method_name, false);
if (!accessor.is_valid())
return false;
PPResultAndExceptionToNPResult result_converter(
accessor.object()->GetNPObject(), result);
PPVarArrayFromNPVariantArray args(accessor.object()->instance(),
argc, argv);
// For the OOP plugin case we need to grab a reference on the plugin module
// object to ensure that it is not destroyed courtsey an incoming
// ExecuteScript call which destroys the plugin module and in turn the
// dispatcher.
scoped_refptr<PluginModule> ref(accessor.object()->instance()->module());
return result_converter.SetResult(accessor.object()->ppp_class()->Call(
accessor.object()->ppp_class_data(), accessor.identifier(),
argc, args.array(), result_converter.exception()));
bool WrapperClass_InvokeDefault(NPObject* np_object, const NPVariant* argv,
uint32_t argc, NPVariant* result) {
PluginObject* obj = PluginObject::FromNPObject(np_object);
if (!obj)
return false;
PPVarArrayFromNPVariantArray args(obj->instance(), argc, argv);
PPResultAndExceptionToNPResult result_converter(obj->GetNPObject(), result);
// For the OOP plugin case we need to grab a reference on the plugin module
// object to ensure that it is not destroyed courtsey an incoming
// ExecuteScript call which destroys the plugin module and in turn the
// dispatcher.
scoped_refptr<PluginModule> ref(obj->instance()->module());
obj->ppp_class_data(), PP_MakeUndefined(), argc, args.array(),
return result_converter.success();
bool WrapperClass_HasProperty(NPObject* object, NPIdentifier property_name) {
NPObjectAccessorWithIdentifier accessor(object, property_name, true);
if (!accessor.is_valid())
return false;
PPResultAndExceptionToNPResult result_converter(
accessor.object()->GetNPObject(), NULL);
bool rv = accessor.object()->ppp_class()->HasProperty(
accessor.object()->ppp_class_data(), accessor.identifier(),
return rv;
bool WrapperClass_GetProperty(NPObject* object, NPIdentifier property_name,
NPVariant* result) {
NPObjectAccessorWithIdentifier accessor(object, property_name, true);
if (!accessor.is_valid())
return false;
PPResultAndExceptionToNPResult result_converter(
accessor.object()->GetNPObject(), result);
return result_converter.SetResult(accessor.object()->ppp_class()->GetProperty(
accessor.object()->ppp_class_data(), accessor.identifier(),
bool WrapperClass_SetProperty(NPObject* object, NPIdentifier property_name,
const NPVariant* value) {
NPObjectAccessorWithIdentifier accessor(object, property_name, true);
if (!accessor.is_valid())
return false;
PPResultAndExceptionToNPResult result_converter(
accessor.object()->GetNPObject(), NULL);
PP_Var value_var = NPVariantToPPVar(accessor.object()->instance(), value);
accessor.object()->ppp_class_data(), accessor.identifier(), value_var,
return result_converter.CheckExceptionForNoResult();
bool WrapperClass_RemoveProperty(NPObject* object, NPIdentifier property_name) {
NPObjectAccessorWithIdentifier accessor(object, property_name, true);
if (!accessor.is_valid())
return false;
PPResultAndExceptionToNPResult result_converter(
accessor.object()->GetNPObject(), NULL);
accessor.object()->ppp_class_data(), accessor.identifier(),
return result_converter.CheckExceptionForNoResult();
bool WrapperClass_Enumerate(NPObject* object, NPIdentifier** values,
uint32_t* count) {
*values = NULL;
*count = 0;
PluginObject* obj = PluginObject::FromNPObject(object);
if (!obj)
return false;
uint32_t property_count = 0;
PP_Var* properties = NULL; // Must be freed!
PPResultAndExceptionToNPResult result_converter(obj->GetNPObject(), NULL);
&property_count, &properties,
// Convert the array of PP_Var to an array of NPIdentifiers. If any
// conversions fail, we will set the exception.
if (!result_converter.has_exception()) {
if (property_count > 0) {
*values = static_cast<NPIdentifier*>(
malloc(sizeof(NPIdentifier) * property_count));
*count = 0; // Will be the number of items successfully converted.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < property_count; ++i) {
if (!((*values)[i] = PPVarToNPIdentifier(properties[i]))) {
// Throw an exception for the failed convertion.
*result_converter.exception() =
if (result_converter.has_exception()) {
// We don't actually have to free the identifiers we converted since
// all identifiers leak anyway :( .
*values = NULL;
*count = 0;
// This will actually throw the exception, either from GetAllPropertyNames,
// or if anything was set during the conversion process.
// Release the PP_Var that the plugin allocated. On success, they will all
// be converted to NPVariants, and on failure, we want them to just go away.
ppapi::VarTracker* var_tracker = PpapiGlobals::Get()->GetVarTracker();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < property_count; ++i)
return result_converter.success();
bool WrapperClass_Construct(NPObject* object, const NPVariant* argv,
uint32_t argc, NPVariant* result) {
PluginObject* obj = PluginObject::FromNPObject(object);
if (!obj)
return false;
PPVarArrayFromNPVariantArray args(obj->instance(), argc, argv);
PPResultAndExceptionToNPResult result_converter(obj->GetNPObject(), result);
return result_converter.SetResult(obj->ppp_class()->Construct(
obj->ppp_class_data(), argc, args.array(),
const NPClass wrapper_class = {
} // namespace
// PluginObject ----------------------------------------------------------------
struct PluginObject::NPObjectWrapper : public NPObject {
// Points to the var object that owns this wrapper. This value may be NULL
// if there is no var owning this wrapper. This can happen if the plugin
// releases all references to the var, but a reference to the underlying
// NPObject is still held by script on the page.
PluginObject* obj;
PluginObject::PluginObject(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance,
NPObjectWrapper* object_wrapper,
const PPP_Class_Deprecated* ppp_class,
void* ppp_class_data)
: instance_(instance),
ppp_class_data_(ppp_class_data) {
// Make the object wrapper refer back to this class so our NPObject
// implementation can call back into the Pepper layer.
object_wrapper_->obj = this;
PluginObject::~PluginObject() {
// The wrapper we made for this NPObject may still have a reference to it
// from JavaScript, so we clear out its ObjectVar back pointer which will
// cause all calls "up" to the plugin to become NOPs. Our ObjectVar base
// class will release our reference to the object, which may or may not
// delete the NPObject.
DCHECK(object_wrapper_->obj == this);
object_wrapper_->obj = NULL;
PP_Var PluginObject::Create(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance,
const PPP_Class_Deprecated* ppp_class,
void* ppp_class_data) {
// This will internally end up calling our AllocateObjectWrapper via the
// WrapperClass_Allocated function which will have created an object wrapper
// appropriate for this class (derived from NPObject).
NPObjectWrapper* wrapper = static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(
// This object will register itself both with the NPObject and with the
// PluginModule. The NPObject will normally handle its lifetime, and it
// will get deleted in the destroy method. It may also get deleted when the
// plugin module is deallocated.
new PluginObject(instance, wrapper, ppp_class, ppp_class_data);
// We can just use a normal ObjectVar to refer to this object from the
// plugin. It will hold a ref to the underlying NPObject which will in turn
// hold our pluginObject.
PP_Var obj_var(NPObjectToPPVar(instance, wrapper));
// Note that the ObjectVar constructor incremented the reference count, and so
// did WebBindings::createObject above. Now that the PP_Var has taken
// ownership, we need to release to balance out the createObject reference
// count bump.
return obj_var;
NPObject* PluginObject::GetNPObject() const {
return object_wrapper_;
// static
bool PluginObject::IsInstanceOf(NPObject* np_object,
const PPP_Class_Deprecated* ppp_class,
void** ppp_class_data) {
// Validate that this object is implemented by our wrapper class before
// trying to get the PluginObject.
if (np_object->_class != &wrapper_class)
return false;
PluginObject* plugin_object = FromNPObject(np_object);
if (!plugin_object)
return false; // Object is no longer alive.
if (plugin_object->ppp_class() != ppp_class)
return false;
if (ppp_class_data)
*ppp_class_data = plugin_object->ppp_class_data();
return true;
// static
PluginObject* PluginObject::FromNPObject(NPObject* object) {
return static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(object)->obj;
// static
NPObject* PluginObject::AllocateObjectWrapper() {
NPObjectWrapper* wrapper = new NPObjectWrapper;
memset(wrapper, 0, sizeof(NPObjectWrapper));
return wrapper;
} // namespace content