blob: 8a57c3d5407a8aee3e34f4c5da80b59ff1d4f95a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/id_map.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_view_observer.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
namespace blink {
class WebFrame;
struct WebPluginParams;
namespace content {
class BrowserPlugin;
class BrowserPluginManagerFactory;
class RenderViewImpl;
// BrowserPluginManager manages the routing of messages to the appropriate
// BrowserPlugin object based on its instance ID.
class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserPluginManager
: public RenderViewObserver,
public base::RefCounted<BrowserPluginManager> {
// Returns the one BrowserPluginManager for this process.
static BrowserPluginManager* Create(RenderViewImpl* render_view);
// Overrides factory for testing. Default (NULL) value indicates regular
// (non-test) environment.
static void set_factory_for_testing(BrowserPluginManagerFactory* factory) {
BrowserPluginManager::factory_ = factory;
explicit BrowserPluginManager(RenderViewImpl* render_view);
// Creates a new BrowserPlugin object.
// BrowserPlugin is responsible for associating itself with the
// BrowserPluginManager via AddBrowserPlugin. When it is destroyed, it is
// responsible for removing its association via RemoveBrowserPlugin.
virtual BrowserPlugin* CreateBrowserPlugin(
RenderViewImpl* render_view, blink::WebFrame* frame) = 0;
// Asynchronously requests a new browser-process-allocated instance ID.
// After the browser process allocates an ID, it calls back into the
// |browser_plugin| if it's still alive.
virtual void AllocateInstanceID(
const base::WeakPtr<BrowserPlugin>& browser_plugin) = 0;
void AddBrowserPlugin(int guest_instance_id, BrowserPlugin* browser_plugin);
void RemoveBrowserPlugin(int guest_instance_id);
BrowserPlugin* GetBrowserPlugin(int guest_instance_id) const;
void UpdateDeviceScaleFactor(float device_scale_factor);
void UpdateFocusState();
RenderViewImpl* render_view() const { return render_view_.get(); }
// RenderViewObserver implementation.
// BrowserPluginManager must override the default Send behavior.
virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) OVERRIDE = 0;
// Don't destroy the BrowserPluginManager when the RenderViewImpl goes away.
// BrowserPluginManager's lifetime is managed by a reference count. Once
// the host RenderViewImpl and all BrowserPlugins release their references,
// then the BrowserPluginManager will be destroyed.
virtual void OnDestruct() OVERRIDE {}
// Friend RefCounted so that the dtor can be non-public.
friend class base::RefCounted<BrowserPluginManager>;
// Static factory instance (always NULL for non-test).
static BrowserPluginManagerFactory* factory_;
virtual ~BrowserPluginManager();
// This map is keyed by guest instance IDs.
IDMap<BrowserPlugin> instances_;
base::WeakPtr<RenderViewImpl> render_view_;
} // namespace content