blob: 36a3393fe1d5427af037c8c4687be805258b4268 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
namespace fileapi {
// A wrapper for dispatching method.
template <class T, class Method, class Params>
void NotifyWrapper(T obj, Method m, const Params& p) {
DispatchToMethod(base::internal::UnwrapTraits<T>::Unwrap(obj), m, p);
// An observer list helper to notify on a given task runner.
// Observer pointers (stored as ObserverStoreType) must be kept alive
// until this list dispatches all the notifications.
// Unlike regular ObserverList or ObserverListThreadSafe internal observer
// list is immutable (though not declared const) and cannot be modified after
// constructed.
// It is ok to specify scoped_refptr<Observer> as ObserverStoreType to
// explicitly keep references if necessary.
template <class Observer, class ObserverStoreType = Observer*>
class TaskRunnerBoundObserverList {
typedef scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> TaskRunnerPtr;
typedef std::map<ObserverStoreType, TaskRunnerPtr> ObserversListMap;
// Creates an empty list.
TaskRunnerBoundObserverList<Observer, ObserverStoreType>() {}
// Creates a new list with given |observers|.
explicit TaskRunnerBoundObserverList<Observer, ObserverStoreType>(
const ObserversListMap& observers)
: observers_(observers) {}
virtual ~TaskRunnerBoundObserverList<Observer, ObserverStoreType>() {}
// Returns a new observer list with given observer.
// It is valid to give NULL as |runner_to_notify|, and in that case
// notifications are dispatched on the current runner.
// Note that this is a const method and does NOT change 'this' observer
// list but returns a new list.
TaskRunnerBoundObserverList<Observer, ObserverStoreType> AddObserver(
Observer* observer,
base::SequencedTaskRunner* runner_to_notify) const {
ObserversListMap observers = observers_;
observers.insert(std::make_pair(observer, runner_to_notify));
return TaskRunnerBoundObserverList<Observer, ObserverStoreType>(observers);
// Notify on the task runner that is given to AddObserver.
// If we're already on the runner this just dispatches the method.
template <class Method, class Params>
void Notify(Method method, const Params& params) const {
for (typename ObserversListMap::const_iterator it = observers_.begin();
it != observers_.end(); ++it) {
if (!it->second.get() || it->second->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()) {
DispatchToMethod(UnwrapTraits::Unwrap(it->first), method, params);
base::Bind(&NotifyWrapper<ObserverStoreType, Method, Params>,
it->first, method, params));
typedef base::internal::UnwrapTraits<ObserverStoreType> UnwrapTraits;
ObserversListMap observers_;
class FileAccessObserver;
class FileChangeObserver;
class FileUpdateObserver;
typedef TaskRunnerBoundObserverList<FileAccessObserver> AccessObserverList;
typedef TaskRunnerBoundObserverList<FileChangeObserver> ChangeObserverList;
typedef TaskRunnerBoundObserverList<FileUpdateObserver> UpdateObserverList;
} // namespace fileapi