blob: 145140d9bcc7cf26c74109c691e76c152bff4bde [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "nacl_io/mount.h"
#include "nacl_io/pepper_interface.h"
#include "nacl_io/typed_mount_factory.h"
namespace nacl_io {
std::string NormalizeHeaderKey(const std::string& s);
class MountHttp : public Mount {
typedef std::map<std::string, ScopedMountNode> NodeMap_t;
virtual Error Access(const Path& path, int a_mode);
virtual Error Open(const Path& path, int mode, ScopedMountNode* out_node);
virtual Error Unlink(const Path& path);
virtual Error Mkdir(const Path& path, int permissions);
virtual Error Rmdir(const Path& path);
virtual Error Remove(const Path& path);
virtual Error Rename(const Path& path, const Path& newpath);
PP_Resource MakeUrlRequestInfo(const std::string& url,
const char* method,
StringMap_t* additional_headers);
virtual Error Init(const MountInitArgs& args);
virtual void Destroy();
Error FindOrCreateDir(const Path& path, ScopedMountNode* out_node);
Error LoadManifest(const std::string& path, char** out_manifest);
Error ParseManifest(const char *text);
NodeMap_t* GetNodeCacheForTesting() { return &node_cache_; }
// Gets the URL to fetch for |path|.
// |path| is relative to the mount point for the HTTP filesystem.
std::string MakeUrl(const Path& path);
std::string url_root_;
StringMap_t headers_;
NodeMap_t node_cache_;
bool allow_cors_;
bool allow_credentials_;
bool cache_stat_;
bool cache_content_;
friend class TypedMountFactory<MountHttp>;
friend class MountNodeHttp;
} // namespace nacl_io