blob: c4c838fb6e376a216a3bbc1c979896ff95ee423e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
// Types of media streams.
enum MediaStreamType {
// A device provided by the operating system (e.g., webcam input).
// Mirroring of a browser tab.
// Desktop media sources.
// Capture system audio (post-mix loopback stream).
// TODO(sergeyu): Replace with MEDIA_DESKTOP_AUDIO_CAPTURE.
// Types of media stream requests that can be made to the media controller.
enum MediaStreamRequestType {
// Facing mode for video capture.
enum VideoFacingMode {
// Convenience predicates to determine whether the given type represents some
// audio or some video device.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool IsAudioMediaType(MediaStreamType type);
CONTENT_EXPORT bool IsVideoMediaType(MediaStreamType type);
// TODO(xians): Change the structs to classes.
// Represents one device in a request for media stream(s).
struct CONTENT_EXPORT MediaStreamDevice {
MediaStreamType type,
const std::string& id,
const std::string& name);
MediaStreamType type,
const std::string& id,
const std::string& name,
int sample_rate,
int channel_layout,
int frames_per_buffer);
bool IsEqual(const MediaStreamDevice& second) const;
// The device's type.
MediaStreamType type;
// The device's unique ID.
std::string id;
// The facing mode for video capture device.
VideoFacingMode video_facing;
// The device id of a matched output device if any (otherwise empty).
// Only applicable to audio devices.
std::string matched_output_device_id;
// The device's "friendly" name. Not guaranteed to be unique.
std::string name;
// Contains properties that match directly with those with the same name
// in media::AudioParameters.
struct AudioDeviceParameters {
: sample_rate(), channel_layout(), frames_per_buffer(), effects() {
AudioDeviceParameters(int sample_rate, int channel_layout,
int frames_per_buffer)
: sample_rate(sample_rate),
effects() {
// Preferred sample rate in samples per second for the device.
int sample_rate;
// Preferred channel configuration for the device.
// TODO(henrika): ideally, we would like to use media::ChannelLayout here
// but including media/base/channel_layout.h violates checkdeps rules.
int channel_layout;
// Preferred number of frames per buffer for the device. This is filled
// in on the browser side and can be used by the renderer to match the
// expected browser side settings and avoid unnecessary buffering.
// See media::AudioParameters for more.
int frames_per_buffer;
// See media::AudioParameters::PlatformEffectsMask.
int effects;
// These below two member variables are valid only when the type of device is
// audio (i.e. IsAudioMediaType returns true).
// Contains the device properties of the capture device.
AudioDeviceParameters input;
// If the capture device has an associated output device (e.g. headphones),
// this will contain the properties for the output device. If no such device
// exists (e.g. webcam w/mic), then the value of this member will be all
// zeros.
AudioDeviceParameters matched_output;
typedef std::vector<MediaStreamDevice> MediaStreamDevices;
typedef std::map<MediaStreamType, MediaStreamDevices> MediaStreamDeviceMap;
// Represents a request for media streams (audio/video).
// TODO(vrk): Decouple MediaStreamDevice from this header file so that
// media_stream_options.h no longer depends on this file.
// TODO(vrk,justinlin,wjia): Figure out a way to share this code cleanly between
// vanilla WebRTC, Tab Capture, and Pepper Video Capture. Right now there is
// Tab-only stuff and Pepper-only stuff being passed around to all clients,
// which is icky.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT MediaStreamRequest {
int render_process_id,
int render_view_id,
int page_request_id,
const GURL& security_origin,
MediaStreamRequestType request_type,
const std::string& requested_audio_device_id,
const std::string& requested_video_device_id,
MediaStreamType audio_type,
MediaStreamType video_type);
// This is the render process id for the renderer associated with generating
// frames for a MediaStream. Any indicators associated with a capture will be
// displayed for this renderer.
int render_process_id;
// This is the render view id for the renderer associated with generating
// frames for a MediaStream. Any indicators associated with a capture will be
// displayed for this renderer.
int render_view_id;
// The unique id combined with render_process_id and render_view_id for
// identifying this request. This is used for cancelling request.
int page_request_id;
// Used by tab capture.
std::string tab_capture_device_id;
// The WebKit security origin for the current request (e.g. "").
GURL security_origin;
// Stores the type of request that was made to the media controller. Right now
// this is only used to distinguish between WebRTC and Pepper requests, as the
// latter should not be subject to user approval but only to policy check.
// Pepper requests are signified by the |MEDIA_OPEN_DEVICE| value.
MediaStreamRequestType request_type;
// Stores the requested raw device id for physical audio or video devices.
std::string requested_audio_device_id;
std::string requested_video_device_id;
// Flag to indicate if the request contains audio.
MediaStreamType audio_type;
// Flag to indicate if the request contains video.
MediaStreamType video_type;
// Interface used by the content layer to notify chrome about changes in the
// state of a media stream. Instances of this class are passed to content layer
// when MediaStream access is approved using MediaResponseCallback.
class MediaStreamUI {
virtual ~MediaStreamUI() {}
// Called when MediaStream capturing is started. Chrome layer can call |stop|
// to stop the stream.
virtual void OnStarted(const base::Closure& stop) = 0;
// Callback used return results of media access requests.
typedef base::Callback<void(
const MediaStreamDevices& devices,
scoped_ptr<MediaStreamUI> ui)> MediaResponseCallback;
} // namespace content