blob: 51fd46f0a50f51a8b113b12a60fdcffc5b6b24dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/port/browser/event_with_latency_info.h"
namespace blink {
class WebGestureEvent;
class WebTouchEvent;
class WebTouchPoint;
namespace ui {
class GestureEvent;
class TouchEvent;
namespace content {
enum TouchEventCoordinateSystem {
// Creates a list of ui::TouchEvents out of a single WebTouchEvent.
// A WebTouchEvent can contain information about a number of WebTouchPoints,
// whereas a ui::TouchEvent contains information about a single touch-point. So
// it is possible to create more than one ui::TouchEvents out of a single
// WebTouchEvent. All the ui::TouchEvent in the list will carry the same
// LatencyInfo the WebTouchEvent carries.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool MakeUITouchEventsFromWebTouchEvents(
const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& touch,
ScopedVector<ui::TouchEvent>* list,
TouchEventCoordinateSystem coordinate_system);
// Creates a WebGestureEvent from a ui::GestureEvent. Note that it does not
// populate the event coordinates (i.e. |x|, |y|, |globalX|, and |globalY|). So
// the caller must populate these fields.
blink::WebGestureEvent MakeWebGestureEventFromUIEvent(
const ui::GestureEvent& event);
int EventFlagsToWebEventModifiers(int flags);
// Updates the WebTouchEvent based on the TouchEvent. It returns the updated
// WebTouchPoint contained in the WebTouchEvent, or NULL if no point was
// updated.
blink::WebTouchPoint* UpdateWebTouchEventFromUIEvent(
const ui::TouchEvent& event,
blink::WebTouchEvent* web_event);