blob: 61ebcb1ce296b1b4b1bd46565462f0f7b98bc7eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/test/perf_time_logger.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/url_canon.h"
#include "url/url_canon_stdstring.h"
#include "url/url_parse.h"
// TODO(darin): chrome code should not depend on WebCore innards
#if 0
#pragma warning(push, 0)
// This is because we have multiple headers called "CString.h" and KURL.cpp
// can grab the wrong one.
#include "webkit/third_party/WebCore/platform/CString.h"
#define KURL WebKitKURL
#include "KURL.cpp"
#include "KURL.h"
#pragma warning(pop)
TEST(URLParse, FullURL) {
const char url[] = "http://me:pass@host/foo/bar.html;param?query=yes#ref";
int url_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(url));
url_parse::Parsed parsed;
base::PerfTimeLogger timer("Full_URL_Parse_AMillion");
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
url_parse::ParseStandardURL(url, url_len, &parsed);
namespace {
const char typical_url1[] = "";
int typical_url1_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(typical_url1));
const char typical_url2[] = "";
int typical_url2_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(typical_url2));
const char typical_url3[] = "";
int typical_url3_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(typical_url3));
} // namespace
TEST(URLParse, TypicalURLParse) {
url_parse::Parsed parsed1;
url_parse::Parsed parsed2;
url_parse::Parsed parsed3;
// Do this 1/3 of a million times since we do 3 different URLs.
base::PerfTimeLogger parse_timer("Typical_URL_Parse_AMillion");
for (int i = 0; i < 333333; i++) {
url_parse::ParseStandardURL(typical_url1, typical_url1_len, &parsed1);
url_parse::ParseStandardURL(typical_url2, typical_url2_len, &parsed2);
url_parse::ParseStandardURL(typical_url3, typical_url3_len, &parsed3);
// Includes both parsing and canonicalization with no mallocs.
TEST(URLParse, TypicalURLParseCanon) {
url_parse::Parsed parsed1;
url_parse::Parsed parsed2;
url_parse::Parsed parsed3;
base::PerfTimeLogger canon_timer("Typical_Parse_Canon_AMillion");
url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
url_canon::RawCanonOutput<1024> output;
for (int i = 0; i < 333333; i++) { // divide by 3 so we get 1M
url_parse::ParseStandardURL(typical_url1, typical_url1_len, &parsed1);
url_canon::CanonicalizeStandardURL(typical_url1, typical_url1_len, parsed1,
NULL, &output, &out_parsed);
url_parse::ParseStandardURL(typical_url2, typical_url2_len, &parsed2);
url_canon::CanonicalizeStandardURL(typical_url2, typical_url2_len, parsed2,
NULL, &output, &out_parsed);
url_parse::ParseStandardURL(typical_url3, typical_url3_len, &parsed3);
url_canon::CanonicalizeStandardURL(typical_url3, typical_url3_len, parsed3,
NULL, &output, &out_parsed);
// Includes both parsing and canonicalization, and mallocs for the output.
TEST(URLParse, TypicalURLParseCanonStdString) {
url_parse::Parsed parsed1;
url_parse::Parsed parsed2;
url_parse::Parsed parsed3;
base::PerfTimeLogger canon_timer("Typical_Parse_Canon_AMillion");
url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
for (int i = 0; i < 333333; i++) { // divide by 3 so we get 1M
url_parse::ParseStandardURL(typical_url1, typical_url1_len, &parsed1);
std::string out1;
url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output1(&out1);
url_canon::CanonicalizeStandardURL(typical_url1, typical_url1_len, parsed1,
NULL, &output1, &out_parsed);
url_parse::ParseStandardURL(typical_url2, typical_url2_len, &parsed2);
std::string out2;
url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output2(&out2);
url_canon::CanonicalizeStandardURL(typical_url2, typical_url2_len, parsed2,
NULL, &output2, &out_parsed);
url_parse::ParseStandardURL(typical_url3, typical_url3_len, &parsed3);
std::string out3;
url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output3(&out3);
url_canon::CanonicalizeStandardURL(typical_url3, typical_url3_len, parsed3,
NULL, &output3, &out_parsed);
// Don't want to time creating the input strings.
std::string stdurl1(typical_url1);
std::string stdurl2(typical_url2);
std::string stdurl3(typical_url3);
base::PerfTimeLogger gurl_timer("Typical_GURL_AMillion");
for (int i = 0; i < 333333; i++) { // divide by 3 so we get 1M
GURL gurl1(stdurl1);
GURL gurl2(stdurl2);
GURL gurl3(stdurl3);
// TODO(darin): chrome code should not depend on WebCore innards
base::PerfTimeLogger timer_kurl("Typical_KURL_AMillion");
for (int i = 0; i < 333333; i++) { // divide by 3 so we get 1M
WebCore::WebKitKURL kurl1(typical_url1);
WebCore::WebKitKURL kurl2(typical_url2);
WebCore::WebKitKURL kurl3(typical_url3);