blob: f743a92e48d127ec253ab8ea69ce02b0f6e44fdc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/display.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Rect;
// Helps anchor the App List, onto the shelf (taskbar, dock or similar) or to
// the corner of a display. This class does not impose any particular policy for
// when and how to anchor the window. The platform-specific code that uses this
// class is free to decide, for example, when the window should be anchored to
// the cursor versus the corner of the shelf. This class just performs the
// calculations necessary to position the App List correctly.
class AppListPositioner {
// Represents one of the four edges of the screen.
enum ScreenEdge {
// Represents one of the four corners of the screen.
enum ScreenCorner {
// The |display| pointer is borrowed, and must outlive this object's lifetime.
// |window_size| is the size of the App List.
// |min_distance_from_edge| is the minimum distance, in pixels, to position
// the app list from the shelf or edge of screen.
AppListPositioner(const gfx::Display& display,
const gfx::Size& window_size,
int min_distance_from_edge);
// Subtracts a rectangle from the display's work area. This can be used to
// ensure that the app list does not overlap the shelf, even in situations
// where the shelf is considered part of the work area.
void WorkAreaSubtract(const gfx::Rect& rect);
// Shrinks the display's work area by the given amount on each side.
void WorkAreaInset(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
// Finds the position for a window to anchor it to a corner of the screen.
// |corner| specifies which corner to anchor the window to. Returns the
// intended coordinates for the center of the window. This should only be used
// when there is no shelf on the display, because if there is, the returned
// anchor point will potentially position the window under it.
gfx::Point GetAnchorPointForScreenCorner(ScreenCorner corner) const;
// Finds the position for a window to anchor it to the corner of the shelf.
// The window will be aligned to the left of the work area for horizontal
// shelves, or to the top for vertical shelves. |shelf_edge| specifies the
// location of the shelf. |shelf_edge| must not be SCREEN_EDGE_UNKNOWN.
// Returns the intended coordinates for the center of the window.
gfx::Point GetAnchorPointForShelfCorner(ScreenEdge shelf_edge) const;
// Finds the position for a window to anchor it to the center of the shelf.
// |shelf_edge| specifies the location of the shelf. It must not be
// SCREEN_EDGE_UNKNOWN. Returns the intended coordinates for the center of the
// window.
gfx::Point GetAnchorPointForShelfCenter(ScreenEdge shelf_edge) const;
// Finds the position for a window to anchor it to the shelf at a point
// closest to the user's mouse cursor. |shelf_edge| specifies the location of
// the shelf; |cursor| specifies the location of the user's mouse cursor.
// |shelf_edge| must not be SCREEN_EDGE_UNKNOWN. Returns the intended
// coordinates for the center of the window.
gfx::Point GetAnchorPointForShelfCursor(ScreenEdge shelf_edge,
const gfx::Point& cursor) const;
// Determines which edge of the screen the shelf is attached to. Returns
// SCREEN_EDGE_UNKNOWN if the shelf is unavailable, hidden, or not on the
// current screen.
ScreenEdge GetShelfEdge(const gfx::Rect& shelf_rect) const;
// Gets the lateral distance of the mouse cursor from the edge of the shelf.
// For horizontal shelves, this is the vertical distance; for vertical
// shelves, this is the horizontal distance. If the cursor is inside the
// shelf, returns 0.
int GetCursorDistanceFromShelf(ScreenEdge shelf_edge,
const gfx::Point& cursor) const;
// Ensures that an anchor point will result in a window that is fully within
// the work area. Returns the updated anchor point.
gfx::Point ClampAnchorPoint(gfx::Point anchor) const;
gfx::Display display_;
// Size of the App List.
gfx::Size window_size_;
// The minimum distance, in pixels, to position the app list from the shelf
// or edge of screen.
int min_distance_from_edge_;