blob: f9e4dbaddd8e22035d81527acdc2e65d50fa0aaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/platform_file.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media_galleries/fileapi/mtp_device_async_delegate.h"
// Structure used to represent snapshot file request params.
struct SnapshotRequestInfo {
const base::FilePath& device_file_path,
const base::FilePath& snapshot_file_path,
const MTPDeviceAsyncDelegate::CreateSnapshotFileSuccessCallback&
const MTPDeviceAsyncDelegate::ErrorCallback& error_callback);
// Device file path.
base::FilePath device_file_path;
// Local platform path of the snapshot file.
base::FilePath snapshot_file_path;
// A callback to be called when CreateSnapshotFile() succeeds.
// A callback to be called when CreateSnapshotFile() fails.
MTPDeviceAsyncDelegate::ErrorCallback error_callback;
// Provides the details for the the creation of snapshot file.
class SnapshotFileDetails {
explicit SnapshotFileDetails(const SnapshotRequestInfo& request_info);
void set_file_info(const base::PlatformFileInfo& file_info);
void set_device_file_stream(IStream* file_stream);
void set_optimal_transfer_size(DWORD optimal_transfer_size);
SnapshotRequestInfo request_info() const {
return request_info_;
base::PlatformFileInfo file_info() const {
return file_info_;
IStream* device_file_stream() const {
return file_stream_.get();
DWORD optimal_transfer_size() const {
return optimal_transfer_size_;
// Returns true if the data contents of the device file is written to the
// snapshot file.
bool IsSnapshotFileWriteComplete() const;
// Adds |bytes_written| to |bytes_written_|.
// |bytes_written| specifies the total number of bytes transferred during
// the last write operation.
// If |bytes_written| is valid, returns true and adds |bytes_written| to
// |bytes_written_|.
// If |bytes_written| is invalid, returns false and does not add
// |bytes_written| to |bytes_written_|.
bool AddBytesWritten(DWORD bytes_written);
// Snapshot file request params.
SnapshotRequestInfo request_info_;
// Metadata of the created snapshot file.
base::PlatformFileInfo file_info_;
// Used to read the device file contents.
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IStream> file_stream_;
// The number of bytes of data to read from the |file_stream| object
// during each IStream::Read() operation.
DWORD optimal_transfer_size_;
// Total number of bytes written into the snapshot file.
DWORD bytes_written_;