blob: 788ae6c4fdd8cde35d5ed4709b878ddbb9faf9d3 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a new App Engine Python 2.7 application for
At this time it presents the existing functionality of redirecting
Also, a PNaCl demo is added at /static/pnacl-demo/index.html
To upload, run this from the root directory of the AppEngine SDK:
$ ./ update <path-to-this-dir>
It probably makes sense to bump the application version in app.yaml for each
upload, as it lets us use AppEngine's versioning. The newly uploaded version can
be tried before actually being activated, by going to the "Versions" section on
the AppEngine dashboard. Note that the newly uploaded version only becomes
active when it's set as the "default" version in the dashboard.
In static/pnacl-demo we have the files for the modified Earth demo. Only the
source files (HTML and JS) are kept in source control. The pexe and images
should be copied over from an SDK build when uploading to AppEngine.