blob: 5d972f312be0b121128e5244da40abf07521c9ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
namespace WebKit {
class WebDeviceMotionData;
class WebDeviceOrientationData;
class WebGamepads;
struct WebSize;
namespace WebTestRunner {
class WebTestProxyBase;
namespace content {
class RenderView;
// Turn the browser process into layout test mode.
void EnableBrowserLayoutTestMode();
// The following methods are meant to be used from a renderer.
// Turn a renderer into layout test mode.
void EnableRendererLayoutTestMode();
// Enable injecting of a WebTestProxy between WebViews and RenderViews.
// |callback| is invoked with a pointer to WebTestProxyBase for each created
// WebTestProxy.
void EnableWebTestProxyCreation(const base::Callback<
void(RenderView*, WebTestRunner::WebTestProxyBase*)>& callback);
// Sets the WebGamepads that should be returned by
// WebKitPlatformSupport::sampleGamepads().
void SetMockGamepads(const WebKit::WebGamepads& pads);
// Sets WebDeviceMotionData that should be used when registering
// a listener through WebKitPlatformSupport::setDeviceMotionListener().
void SetMockDeviceMotionData(const WebKit::WebDeviceMotionData& data);
// Sets WebDeviceOrientationData that should be used when registering
// a listener through WebKitPlatformSupport::setDeviceOrientationListener().
void SetMockDeviceOrientationData(const WebKit::WebDeviceOrientationData& data);
// Returns the length of the local session history of a render view.
int GetLocalSessionHistoryLength(RenderView* render_view);
// Sync the current session history to the browser process.
void SyncNavigationState(RenderView* render_view);
// Sets the focus of the render view depending on |enable|. This only overrides
// the state of the renderer, and does not sync the focus to the browser
// process.
void SetFocusAndActivate(RenderView* render_view, bool enable);
// Changes the window rect of the given render view.
void ForceResizeRenderView(RenderView* render_view,
const WebKit::WebSize& new_size);
// Set the device scale factor and force the compositor to resize.
void SetDeviceScaleFactor(RenderView* render_view, float factor);
// Control auto resize mode.
void EnableAutoResizeMode(RenderView* render_view,
const WebKit::WebSize& min_size,
const WebKit::WebSize& max_size);
void DisableAutoResizeMode(RenderView* render_view,
const WebKit::WebSize& new_size);
// Forces the |render_view| to use mock media streams.
void UseMockMediaStreams(RenderView* render_view);
} // namespace content