blob: 8d6a56ff0faca62135a3ed9b0773c79773a4d675 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace autofill {
class AutofillProfile;
class CreditCard;
struct FormData;
struct FormFieldData;
// Common utilities shared amongst Autofill tests.
namespace test {
// Provides a quick way to populate a FormField with c-strings.
void CreateTestFormField(const char* label,
const char* name,
const char* value,
const char* type,
FormFieldData* field);
// Populates |form| with data corresponding to a simple address form.
// Note that this actually appends fields to the form data, which can be useful
// for building up more complex test forms.
void CreateTestAddressFormData(FormData* form);
// Returns a profile full of dummy info.
AutofillProfile GetFullProfile();
// Returns a profile full of dummy info, different to the above.
AutofillProfile GetFullProfile2();
// Returns a verified profile full of dummy info.
AutofillProfile GetVerifiedProfile();
// Returns a verified profile full of dummy info, different to the above.
AutofillProfile GetVerifiedProfile2();
// Returns a credit card full of dummy info.
CreditCard GetCreditCard();
// Returns a credit card full of dummy info, different to the above.
CreditCard GetCreditCard2();
// Returns a verified credit card full of dummy info.
CreditCard GetVerifiedCreditCard();
// Returns a verified credit card full of dummy info, different to the above.
CreditCard GetVerifiedCreditCard2();
// A unit testing utility that is common to a number of the Autofill unit
// tests. |SetProfileInfo| provides a quick way to populate a profile with
// c-strings.
void SetProfileInfo(AutofillProfile* profile,
const char* first_name, const char* middle_name,
const char* last_name, const char* email, const char* company,
const char* address1, const char* address2, const char* city,
const char* state, const char* zipcode, const char* country,
const char* phone);
void SetProfileInfoWithGuid(AutofillProfile* profile,
const char* guid, const char* first_name, const char* middle_name,
const char* last_name, const char* email, const char* company,
const char* address1, const char* address2, const char* city,
const char* state, const char* zipcode, const char* country,
const char* phone);
// A unit testing utility that is common to a number of the Autofill unit
// tests. |SetCreditCardInfo| provides a quick way to populate a credit card
// with c-strings.
void SetCreditCardInfo(CreditCard* credit_card,
const char* name_on_card, const char* card_number,
const char* expiration_month, const char* expiration_year);
// TODO(isherman): We should do this automatically for all tests, not manually
// on a per-test basis:
// Disables or mocks out code that would otherwise reach out to system services.
void DisableSystemServices(content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
} // namespace test
} // namespace autofill