blob: 94848dac9efdef7e5f7b4d2e10c0212bad3f7261 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
namespace dbus {
class MessageWriter;
class MessageReader;
} // namespace dbus
namespace chromeos {
class IBusProperty;
typedef ScopedVector<IBusProperty> IBusPropertyList;
// Pops a IBusProperty from |reader|.
// Returns false if an error occurs.
bool CHROMEOS_EXPORT PopIBusProperty(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
IBusProperty* property);
// Pops a IBusPropertyList from |reader|.
// Returns false if an error occurs.
bool CHROMEOS_EXPORT PopIBusPropertyList(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
IBusPropertyList* property_list);
// Appends a IBusProperty to |writer|.
void CHROMEOS_EXPORT AppendIBusProperty(const IBusProperty& property,
dbus::MessageWriter* writer);
// Appends a IBusPropertyList to |writer|.
void CHROMEOS_EXPORT AppendIBusPropertyList(
const IBusPropertyList& property_list,
dbus::MessageWriter* writer);
// The IBusPropList is one of IBusObjects and it contains array of IBusProperty.
// The IBusProperty contains IBusTexts but only plain string is used in Chrome.
// We treat IBusPropList as scoped_vector of IBusProperty.
// variant struct {
// string "IBusProperty"
// array []
// string "CompositionMode" // Key
// uint32 3 // Type
// variant struct { // Label
// string "IBusText"
// array []
// string ""
// variant struct {
// string "IBusAttrList"
// array []
// array []
// }
// }
// string "/usr/share/ibus-mozc/hiragana.png" // icon
// variant struct { // Tooltip
// string "IBusText"
// array []
// string ""
// variant struct {
// string "IBusAttrList"
// array []
// array []
// }
// }
// boolean true // sensitive
// boolean true // visible
// uint32 0 // state
// variant struct { // sub properties
// string "IBusPropList"
// array []
// array [
// ... More IBusPropertys
// ]
// }
// }
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT IBusProperty {
enum IBusPropertyType {
virtual ~IBusProperty();
void CopyFrom(const IBusProperty& obj);
// The identity for the IBusProperty.
std::string key() const { return key_; }
void set_key(const std::string& key) { key_ = key; }
// The type of property:
IBusPropertyType type() const { return type_; }
void set_type(IBusPropertyType type) { type_ = type; }
// The string to be shown in UI.
std::string label() const { return label_; }
void set_label(const std::string& label) { label_ = label; }
// The string to be shown in UI as tooltip.
std::string tooltip() const { return tooltip_; }
void set_tooltip(const std::string& tooltip) { tooltip_ = tooltip; }
// True if the property is visible.
bool visible() const { return visible_; }
void set_visible(bool visible) { visible_ = visible; }
// True if the property is checked.
bool checked() const { return checked_; }
void set_checked(bool checked) { checked_ = checked; }
const IBusPropertyList& sub_properties() const { return sub_properties_; }
IBusPropertyList* mutable_sub_properties() { return &sub_properties_; }
std::string key_;
IBusPropertyType type_;
std::string label_;
std::string tooltip_;
bool visible_;
bool checked_;
IBusPropertyList sub_properties_;
} // namespace chromeos