blob: 800287c150978a95c049dafdb675f68daa1a76bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/shell_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
class BrowserDistribution;
class CommandLine;
namespace installer {
class ChannelInfo;
class MasterPreferences;
// An interface to product-specific operations that depend on product
// configuration. Implementations are expected to be stateless. Configuration
// can be read from a MasterPreferences instance or from a product's uninstall
// command.
class ProductOperations {
virtual ~ProductOperations() {}
// Reads product-specific options from |prefs|, adding them to |options|.
virtual void ReadOptions(const MasterPreferences& prefs,
std::set<string16>* options) const = 0;
// Reads product-specific options from |command|, adding them to |options|.
virtual void ReadOptions(const CommandLine& command,
std::set<string16>* options) const = 0;
// A key-file is a file such as a DLL on Windows that is expected to be in use
// when the product is being used. For example "chrome.dll" for Chrome.
// Before attempting to delete an installation directory during an
// uninstallation, the uninstaller will check if any one of a potential set of
// key files is in use and if they are, abort the delete operation. Only if
// none of the key files are in use, can the folder be deleted. Note that
// this function does not return a full path to the key file(s), only (a) file
// name(s).
virtual void AddKeyFiles(const std::set<string16>& options,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* key_files) const = 0;
// Adds to |com_dll_list| the list of COM DLLs that are to be registered
// and/or unregistered. The list may be empty.
virtual void AddComDllList(
const std::set<string16>& options,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* com_dll_list) const = 0;
// Given a command line, appends the set of product-specific flags. These are
// required for product-specific uninstall commands, but are of use for any
// invocation of setup.exe for the product.
virtual void AppendProductFlags(const std::set<string16>& options,
CommandLine* cmd_line) const = 0;
// Given a command line, appends the set of product-specific rename flags.
virtual void AppendRenameFlags(const std::set<string16>& options,
CommandLine* cmd_line) const = 0;
// Adds or removes product-specific flags in |channel_info|. Returns true if
// |channel_info| is modified.
virtual bool SetChannelFlags(const std::set<string16>& options,
bool set,
ChannelInfo* channel_info) const = 0;
// Returns true if setup should create an entry in the Add/Remove list
// of installed applications for this product. This does not test for use of
// MSI; see InstallerState::is_msi.
virtual bool ShouldCreateUninstallEntry(
const std::set<string16>& options) const = 0;
// Modifies a ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties object by assigning default values
// to unintialized members.
virtual void AddDefaultShortcutProperties(
BrowserDistribution* dist,
const base::FilePath& target_exe,
ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties* properties) const = 0;
// After an install or upgrade the user might qualify to participate in an
// experiment. This function determines if the user qualifies and if so it
// sets the wheels in motion or in simple cases does the experiment itself.
virtual void LaunchUserExperiment(const base::FilePath& setup_path,
const std::set<string16>& options,
InstallStatus status,
bool system_level) const = 0;
} // namespace installer