blob: 2e35ad631fb6a9b14e94c954b843e25d6fef53a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import third_party.json_schema_compiler.model as model
import docs_server_utils as utils
class APIListDataSource(object):
""" This class creates a list of chrome.* APIs and chrome.experimental.* APIs
for extensions and apps that are used in the api_index.html and
experimental.html pages.
|api_path| is the path to the API schemas.
|public_path| is the path to the public HTML templates.
An API is considered listable if it's in both |api_path| and |public_path| -
the API schemas may contain undocumentable APIs, and the public HTML templates
will contain non-API articles.
class Factory(object):
def __init__(self, compiled_fs_factory, file_system, api_path, public_path):
self._compiled_fs = compiled_fs_factory.Create(self._ListAPIs,
self._file_system = file_system
def Normalize(string):
return string if string.endswith('/') else (string + '/')
self._api_path = Normalize(api_path)
self._public_path = Normalize(public_path)
def _GetAPIsInSubdirectory(self, api_names, doc_type):
public_templates = []
for root, _, files in self._file_system.Walk(
self._public_path + doc_type):
('%s/%s' % (root, name)).lstrip('/') for name in files)
template_names = set(os.path.splitext(name)[0]
for name in public_templates)
experimental_apis = []
chrome_apis = []
private_apis = []
for template_name in sorted(template_names):
if model.UnixName(template_name) not in api_names:
entry = {'name': template_name.replace('_', '.')}
if template_name.startswith('experimental'):
elif template_name.endswith('Private'):
if len(chrome_apis):
chrome_apis[-1]['last'] = True
if len(experimental_apis):
experimental_apis[-1]['last'] = True
if len(private_apis):
private_apis[-1]['last'] = True
return {
'chrome': chrome_apis,
'experimental': experimental_apis,
'private': private_apis
def _ListAPIs(self, base_dir, apis):
api_names = set(utils.SanitizeAPIName(name) for name in apis)
return {
'apps': self._GetAPIsInSubdirectory(api_names, 'apps'),
'extensions': self._GetAPIsInSubdirectory(api_names, 'extensions')
def Create(self):
return APIListDataSource(self._compiled_fs, self._api_path)
def __init__(self, compiled_fs, api_path):
self._compiled_fs = compiled_fs
self._api_path = api_path
def GetAllNames(self):
names = []
for platform in ['apps', 'extensions']:
for category in ['chrome', 'experimental', 'private']:
return [api_name['name'] for api_name in names]
def get(self, key):
return self._compiled_fs.GetFromFileListing(self._api_path)[key]