blob: 6b6b74c54699192a79b77fd9409b550a767af3c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the <code>chrome.usb</code> API to interact with connected USB
// devices. This API provides access to USB operations from within the context
// of an app. Using this API, apps can function as drivers for hardware devices.
namespace usb {
// Direction, Recipient, RequestType, and TransferType all map to their
// namesakes within the USB specification.
enum Direction {in, out};
enum Recipient {device, _interface, endpoint, other};
enum RequestType {standard, class, vendor, reserved};
enum TransferType {control, interrupt, isochronous, bulk};
// For isochronous mode, SynchronizationType and UsageType map to their
// namesakes within the USB specification.
enum SynchronizationType {asynchronous, adaptive, synchronous};
enum UsageType {data, feedback, explicitFeedback};
// Returned by |getDevices| to identify a connected USB device.
dictionary Device {
// The id of the USB device. It remains unchanged until the device is
// unplugged.
long device;
long vendorId;
long productId;
// Returned by |openDevice| to be used for USB communication.
// Every time a device is opened, a new connection handle is created.
// A connection handle represents the underlying data structure that contains
// all the data we need to communicate with a USB device, including the status
// of interfaces, the pending transfers, the descriptors, and etc. A connectin
// handle id is different from a USB device id.
// All connection handles can work together if the device allows it.
// The connection handle will be automatically closed when the app is reloaded
// or suspended.
// When a connection handle is closed, all the interfaces it claimed will be
// released and all the transfers in progress will be canceled immediately.
dictionary ConnectionHandle {
// The id of the USB connection handle.
long handle;
long vendorId;
long productId;
dictionary EndpointDescriptor {
long address;
TransferType type;
Direction direction;
long maximumPacketSize;
// Used for isochronous mode.
SynchronizationType? synchronization;
UsageType? usage;
// If this is an interrupt endpoint, this will be 1-255.
long? pollingInterval;
dictionary InterfaceDescriptor {
long interfaceNumber;
long alternateSetting;
long interfaceClass;
long interfaceSubclass;
long interfaceProtocol;
DOMString? description;
EndpointDescriptor[] endpoints;
// ControlTransferInfo represents that parameters to a single USB control
// transfer.
dictionary ControlTransferInfo {
// The direction of this transfer.
Direction direction;
// The intended recipient for this transfer.
Recipient recipient;
// The type of this request.
RequestType requestType;
long request;
long value;
long index;
// If this transfer is an input transfer, then this field must be set to
// indicate the expected data length. If this is an output transfer, then
// this field is ignored.
long? length;
// The data payload carried by this transfer. If this is an output transfer
// then this field must be set.
ArrayBuffer? data;
// GenericTransferInfo is used by both bulk and interrupt transfers to
// specify the parameters of the transfer.
dictionary GenericTransferInfo {
// The direction of this transfer.
Direction direction;
long endpoint;
// If this is an input transfer then this field indicates the size of the
// input buffer. If this is an output transfer then this field is ignored.
long? length;
// If this is an output transfer then this field must be populated.
// Otherwise, it will be ignored.
ArrayBuffer? data;
// IsochronousTransferInfo describes a single multi-packet isochronous
// transfer.
dictionary IsochronousTransferInfo {
// All of the normal transfer parameters are encapsulated in the
// transferInfo parameters. Note that the data specified in this parameter
// block is split along packetLength boundaries to form the individual
// packets of the transfer.
GenericTransferInfo transferInfo;
// The total number of packets in this transfer.
long packets;
// The length of each of the packets in this transfer.
long packetLength;
dictionary TransferResultInfo {
// A value of 0 indicates that the transfer was a success. Other values
// indicate failure.
long? resultCode;
// If the transfer was an input transfer then this field will contain all
// of the input data requested.
ArrayBuffer? data;
// Describes the properties of devices which are found via |getDevices|.
dictionary EnumerateDevicesOptions {
long vendorId;
long productId;
// Describes the properties of devices which are found via |findDevices|.
dictionary EnumerateDevicesAndRequestAccessOptions {
long vendorId;
long productId;
// The interface id to request access against.
// Only available on ChromeOS. It has no effect on other platforms.
long? interfaceId;
callback VoidCallback = void ();
callback GetDevicesCallback = void (Device[] devices);
callback RequestAccessCallback = void (boolean sucess);
callback OpenDeviceCallback = void (ConnectionHandle handle);
callback FindDevicesCallback = void (ConnectionHandle[] handles);
callback ListInterfacesCallback = void (InterfaceDescriptor[] descriptors);
callback CloseDeviceCallback = void ();
callback TransferCallback = void (TransferResultInfo info);
callback ResetDeviceCallback = void(boolean result);
interface Functions {
// Lists USB devices specified by vendorId/productId/interfaceId tuple.
// |options|: The properties to search for on target devices.
// |callback|: Invoked with a list of |Device|s on complete.
static void getDevices(EnumerateDevicesOptions options,
GetDevicesCallback callback);
// This method is ChromeOS specific. Calling this method on other platforms
// will fail.
// Requests access from the permission broker to an OS claimed device if the
// given interface on the device is not claimed.
// |device|: The device to request access to.
// |interfaceId|:
static void requestAccess(Device device,
long interfaceId,
RequestAccessCallback callback);
// Opens a USB device returned by |getDevices|.
// |device|: The device to open.
// |callback|: Invoked with the created ConnectionHandle on complete.
static void openDevice(Device device, OpenDeviceCallback callback);
// Finds USB devices specified by the vendorId/productId/interfaceId tuple
// and, if permissions allow, opens them for use.
// On Chrome OS, you can specify the interfaceId. In that case the method
// will request access from permission broker in the same way as in
// |requestUsbAcess|.
// If the access request is rejected, or the device is failed to be opened,
// its connection handle will not be created or returned.
// Calling this method is equivalent to calling |getDevices| followed by
// a series of |requestAccess| (if it is on ChromeOs) and |openDevice|
// calls, and returning all the successfully opened connection handles.
// |options|: The properties to search for on target devices.
// |callback|: Invoked with the opened ConnectionHandle on complete.
static void findDevices(EnumerateDevicesAndRequestAccessOptions options,
FindDevicesCallback callback);
// Closes a connection handle. Invoking operations on a device after it
// has been closed is a safe operation, but causes no action to be taken.
// |handle|: The connection handle to close.
// |callback|: The callback to invoke once the device is closed.
static void closeDevice(ConnectionHandle handle,
optional CloseDeviceCallback callback);
// Lists all the interfaces on the USB device.
// |handle|: The device from which the interfaces should be listed.
// |callback|: The callback to invoke when the interfaces are enumerated.
static void listInterfaces(ConnectionHandle handle,
ListInterfacesCallback callback);
// Claims an interface on the specified USB device.
// Before you can transfer data with endpoints, you must claim their parent
// interfaces. Only one connection handle on the same host can claim each
// interface. If the interface is already claimed, this call will fail.
// You shall call releaseInterface when the interface is not needed anymore.
// |handle|: The device on which the interface is to be claimed.
// |interface|: The interface number to be claimed.
// |callback|: The callback to invoke once the interface is claimed.
static void claimInterface(ConnectionHandle handle, long interfaceNumber,
VoidCallback callback);
// Releases a claim to an interface on the provided device.
// |handle|: The device on which the interface is to be released.
// |interface|: The interface number to be released.
// |callback|: The callback to invoke once the interface is released.
static void releaseInterface(ConnectionHandle handle, long interfaceNumber,
VoidCallback callback);
// Selects an alternate setting on a previously claimed interface on a
// device.
// |handle|: The device on which the interface settings are to be set.
// |interface|: The interface number to be set.
// |alternateSetting|: The alternate setting to set.
// |callback|: The callback to invoke once the interface setting is set.
static void setInterfaceAlternateSetting(ConnectionHandle handle,
long interfaceNumber,
long alternateSetting,
VoidCallback callback);
// Performs a control transfer on the specified device. See the
// ControlTransferInfo structure for the parameters required to make a
// transfer.
// Conceptually control transfer talks to the device itself. You do not need
// to claim interface 0 to perform a control transfer.
// |handle|: A connection handle to make the transfer on.
// |transferInfo|: The parameters to the transfer. See ControlTransferInfo.
// |callback|: Invoked once the transfer has completed.
static void controlTransfer(ConnectionHandle handle,
ControlTransferInfo transferInfo,
TransferCallback callback);
// Performs a bulk transfer on the specified device.
// |handle|: A connection handle to make the transfer on.
// |transferInfo|: The parameters to the transfer. See GenericTransferInfo.
// |callback|: Invoked once the transfer has completed.
static void bulkTransfer(ConnectionHandle handle,
GenericTransferInfo transferInfo,
TransferCallback callback);
// Performs an interrupt transfer on the specified device.
// |handle|: A connection handle to make the transfer on.
// |transferInfo|: The parameters to the transfer. See GenericTransferInfo.
// |callback|: Invoked once the transfer has completed.
static void interruptTransfer(ConnectionHandle handle,
GenericTransferInfo transferInfo,
TransferCallback callback);
// Performs an isochronous transfer on the specific device.
// |handle|: A connection handle to make the transfer on.
// |transferInfo|: The parameters to the transfer. See
// IsochronousTransferInfo.
// |callback|: Invoked once the transfer has been completed.
static void isochronousTransfer(ConnectionHandle handle,
IsochronousTransferInfo transferInfo,
TransferCallback callback);
// Tries to reset the USB device and restores it to the previous status.
// If the reset fails, the given connection handle will be closed and the
// USB device will appear to be disconnected then reconnected.
// In that case you must call |getDevices| or |findDevices| again to acquire
// the device.
// |handle|: A connection handle to reset.
// |callback|: Invoked once the device is reset with a boolean indicating
// whether the reset is completed successfully.
static void resetDevice(ConnectionHandle handle,
ResetDeviceCallback callback);