blob: 504cda9e01db883fb54544890d05d7c3c92250c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the <code>chrome.notifications</code> API to create rich notifications
// using templates and show these notifications to users in the system tray.
namespace notifications {
[noinline_doc] enum TemplateType {
// icon, title, message, expandedMessage, up to two buttons
// icon, title, message, expandedMessage, image, up to two buttons
// icon, title, message, items, up to two buttons
// icon, title, message, progress, up to two buttons
dictionary NotificationItem {
// Title of one item of a list notification.
DOMString title;
// Additional details about this item.
DOMString message;
[nodoc] dictionary NotificationBitmap {
long width;
long height;
ArrayBuffer? data;
dictionary NotificationButton {
DOMString title;
DOMString? iconUrl;
[nodoc] NotificationBitmap? iconBitmap;
dictionary NotificationOptions {
// Which type of notification to display.
TemplateType? type;
// Sender's avatar, app icon, or a thumbnail for image notifications.
DOMString? iconUrl;
[nodoc] NotificationBitmap? iconBitmap;
// Title of the notification (e.g. sender name for email).
DOMString? title;
// Main notification content.
DOMString? message;
// Alternate notification content with a lower-weight font.
DOMString? contextMessage;
// Priority ranges from -2 to 2. -2 is lowest priority. 2 is highest. Zero
// is default.
long? priority;
// A timestamp associated with the notification, in milliseconds past the
// epoch (e.g. <code> + n</code>).
double? eventTime;
// Text and icons for up to two notification action buttons.
NotificationButton[]? buttons;
// Secondary notification content.
[nodoc] DOMString? expandedMessage;
// Image thumbnail for image-type notifications.
DOMString? imageUrl;
[nodoc] NotificationBitmap? imageBitmap;
// Items for multi-item notifications.
NotificationItem[]? items;
// Current progress ranges from 0 to 100.
long? progress;
callback CreateCallback = void (DOMString notificationId);
callback UpdateCallback = void (boolean wasUpdated);
callback ClearCallback = void (boolean wasCleared);
callback GetAllCallback = void (object notifications);
interface Functions {
// Creates and displays a notification having the contents in |options|,
// identified by the id |notificationId|. If |notificationId| is empty,
// |create| generates an id. If |notificationId| matches an existing
// notification, |create| first clears that notification before proceeding
// with the create operation. |callback| returns the notification id
// (either supplied or generated) that represents the created notification.
static void create(DOMString notificationId,
NotificationOptions options,
CreateCallback callback);
// Updates an existing notification having the id |notificationId| and the
// options |options|. |callback| indicates whether a matching notification
// existed.
static void update(DOMString notificationId,
NotificationOptions options,
UpdateCallback callback);
// Given a |notificationId| returned by the |create| method, clears the
// corresponding notification. |callback| indicates whether a matching
// notification existed.
static void clear(DOMString notificationId, ClearCallback callback);
// |callback| is executed with the set of notification_ids currently in
// the system.
static void getAll(GetAllCallback callback);
interface Events {
// The notification closed, either by the system or by user action.
static void onClosed(DOMString notificationId, boolean byUser);
// The user clicked in a non-button area of the notification.
static void onClicked(DOMString notificationId);
// The user pressed a button in the notification.
static void onButtonClicked(DOMString notificationId, long buttonIndex);