blob: 5295c2250696aae2fe4631a4f05b5b61f10f09a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the <code>chrome.mediaGalleries</code> API to access media files (images,
// video, audio) from the user's local disks (with the user's consent).
namespace mediaGalleries {
[inline_doc] enum GetMediaFileSystemsInteractivity {
// Do not act interactively.
// Ask the user to manage permitted media galleries.
// Ask the user to manage permitted galleries only if the return set would
// otherwise be empty.
[inline_doc] dictionary MediaFileSystemsDetails {
// Whether to prompt the user for permission to additional media galleries
// before returning the permitted set. Default is silent. If the value
// 'yes' is passed, or if the application has not been granted access to
// any media galleries and the value 'if_needed' is passed, then the
// media gallery configuration dialog will be displayed.
GetMediaFileSystemsInteractivity? interactive;
callback MediaFileSystemsCallback =
void ([instanceOf=DOMFileSystem] optional object[] mediaFileSystems);
[inline_doc] dictionary MediaFileSystemMetadata {
// The name of the file system.
DOMString name;
// A unique and persistent id for the media gallery.
DOMString galleryId;
// If the media gallery is on a removable device, a unique id for the
// device.
DOMString? deviceId;
// True if the media gallery is on a removable device.
boolean isRemovable;
// True if the device the media gallery is on was detected as a media
// device. i.e. a PTP or MTP device, or a DCIM directory is present.
boolean isMediaDevice;
interface Functions {
// Get the media galleries configured in this user agent. If none are
// configured or available, the callback will receive an empty array.
static void getMediaFileSystems(optional MediaFileSystemsDetails details,
MediaFileSystemsCallback callback);
// Get metadata about a specific media file system.
[nocompile] static MediaFileSystemMetadata getMediaFileSystemMetadata(
[instanceOf=DOMFileSystem] object mediaFileSystem);