blob: 0267e79c297c3b7402e505c3c5f73a62f1622777 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_controller.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_controller_target.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_strip_drag_controller.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#import "testing/gtest_mac.h"
#include "testing/platform_test.h"
// Implements the target interface for the tab, which gets sent messages when
// the tab is clicked on by the user and when its close box is clicked.
@interface TabControllerTestTarget : NSObject<TabControllerTarget> {
bool selected_;
bool closed_;
base::scoped_nsobject<TabStripDragController> dragController_;
- (bool)selected;
- (bool)closed;
@implementation TabControllerTestTarget
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
[[TabStripDragController alloc] initWithTabStripController:nil]);
return self;
- (bool)selected {
return selected_;
- (bool)closed {
return closed_;
- (void)selectTab:(id)sender {
selected_ = true;
- (void)closeTab:(id)sender {
closed_ = true;
- (void)mouseTimer:(NSTimer*)timer {
// Fire the mouseUp to break the TabView drag loop.
NSEvent* current = [NSApp currentEvent];
NSWindow* window = [timer userInfo];
NSEvent* up = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSLeftMouseUp
location:[current locationInWindow]
timestamp:[current timestamp]
windowNumber:[window windowNumber]
[window postEvent:up atStart:YES];
- (void)commandDispatch:(TabStripModel::ContextMenuCommand)command
forController:(TabController*)controller {
- (BOOL)isCommandEnabled:(TabStripModel::ContextMenuCommand)command
forController:(TabController*)controller {
return NO;
- (ui::SimpleMenuModel*)contextMenuModelForController:(TabController*)controller
menuDelegate:(ui::SimpleMenuModel::Delegate*)delegate {
ui::SimpleMenuModel* model = new ui::SimpleMenuModel(delegate);
model->AddItem(1, ASCIIToUTF16("Hello World"));
model->AddItem(2, ASCIIToUTF16("Allays"));
model->AddItem(3, ASCIIToUTF16("Chromium"));
return model;
- (id<TabDraggingEventTarget>)dragController {
return dragController_.get();
namespace {
CGFloat LeftMargin(NSRect superFrame, NSRect subFrame) {
return NSMinX(subFrame) - NSMinX(superFrame);
CGFloat RightMargin(NSRect superFrame, NSRect subFrame) {
return NSMaxX(superFrame) - NSMaxX(subFrame);
// The dragging code in TabView makes heavy use of autorelease pools so
// inherit from CocoaTest to have one created for us.
class TabControllerTest : public CocoaTest {
TabControllerTest() { }
// Tests creating the controller, sticking it in a window, and removing it.
TEST_F(TabControllerTest, Creation) {
NSWindow* window = test_window();
base::scoped_nsobject<TabController> controller([[TabController alloc] init]);
[[window contentView] addSubview:[controller view]];
EXPECT_TRUE([controller tabView]);
EXPECT_EQ([[controller view] window], window);
[[controller view] display]; // Test drawing to ensure nothing leaks/crashes.
[[controller view] removeFromSuperview];
// Tests sending it a close message and ensuring that the target/action get
// called. Mimics the user clicking on the close button in the tab.
TEST_F(TabControllerTest, Close) {
NSWindow* window = test_window();
base::scoped_nsobject<TabController> controller([[TabController alloc] init]);
[[window contentView] addSubview:[controller view]];
base::scoped_nsobject<TabControllerTestTarget> target(
[[TabControllerTestTarget alloc] init]);
EXPECT_FALSE([target closed]);
[controller setTarget:target];
EXPECT_EQ(target.get(), [controller target]);
[controller closeTab:nil];
EXPECT_TRUE([target closed]);
[[controller view] removeFromSuperview];
// Tests setting the |selected| property via code.
TEST_F(TabControllerTest, APISelection) {
NSWindow* window = test_window();
base::scoped_nsobject<TabController> controller([[TabController alloc] init]);
[[window contentView] addSubview:[controller view]];
EXPECT_FALSE([controller selected]);
[controller setSelected:YES];
EXPECT_TRUE([controller selected]);
[[controller view] removeFromSuperview];
// Tests that setting the title of a tab sets the tooltip as well.
TEST_F(TabControllerTest, ToolTip) {
NSWindow* window = test_window();
base::scoped_nsobject<TabController> controller([[TabController alloc] init]);
[[window contentView] addSubview:[controller view]];
EXPECT_TRUE([[controller toolTip] length] == 0);
NSString *tooltip_string = @"Some text to use as a tab title";
[controller setTitle:tooltip_string];
EXPECT_NSEQ(tooltip_string, [controller toolTip]);
// Tests setting the |loading| property via code.
TEST_F(TabControllerTest, Loading) {
NSWindow* window = test_window();
base::scoped_nsobject<TabController> controller([[TabController alloc] init]);
[[window contentView] addSubview:[controller view]];
EXPECT_EQ(kTabDone, [controller loadingState]);
[controller setLoadingState:kTabWaiting];
EXPECT_EQ(kTabWaiting, [controller loadingState]);
[controller setLoadingState:kTabLoading];
EXPECT_EQ(kTabLoading, [controller loadingState]);
[controller setLoadingState:kTabDone];
EXPECT_EQ(kTabDone, [controller loadingState]);
[[controller view] removeFromSuperview];
// Tests selecting the tab with the mouse click and ensuring the target/action
// get called.
TEST_F(TabControllerTest, UserSelection) {
NSWindow* window = test_window();
// Create a tab at a known location in the window that we can click on
// to activate selection.
base::scoped_nsobject<TabController> controller([[TabController alloc] init]);
[[window contentView] addSubview:[controller view]];
NSRect frame = [[controller view] frame];
frame.size.width = [TabController minTabWidth];
frame.origin = NSZeroPoint;
[[controller view] setFrame:frame];
// Set the target and action.
base::scoped_nsobject<TabControllerTestTarget> target(
[[TabControllerTestTarget alloc] init]);
EXPECT_FALSE([target selected]);
[controller setTarget:target];
[controller setAction:@selector(selectTab:)];
EXPECT_EQ(target.get(), [controller target]);
EXPECT_EQ(@selector(selectTab:), [controller action]);
// In order to track a click, we have to fake a mouse down and a mouse
// up, but the down goes into a tight drag loop. To break the loop, we have
// to fire a timer that sends a mouse up event while the "drag" is ongoing.
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.1
NSEvent* current = [NSApp currentEvent];
NSPoint click_point = NSMakePoint(frame.size.width / 2,
frame.size.height / 2);
NSEvent* down = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSLeftMouseDown
timestamp:[current timestamp]
windowNumber:[window windowNumber]
[[controller view] mouseDown:down];
// Check our target was told the tab got selected.
EXPECT_TRUE([target selected]);
[[controller view] removeFromSuperview];
TEST_F(TabControllerTest, IconCapacity) {
NSWindow* window = test_window();
base::scoped_nsobject<TabController> controller([[TabController alloc] init]);
[[window contentView] addSubview:[controller view]];
int cap = [controller iconCapacity];
EXPECT_GE(cap, 1);
NSRect frame = [[controller view] frame];
frame.size.width += 500;
[[controller view] setFrame:frame];
int newcap = [controller iconCapacity];
EXPECT_GT(newcap, cap);
TEST_F(TabControllerTest, ShouldShowIcon) {
NSWindow* window = test_window();
base::scoped_nsobject<TabController> controller([[TabController alloc] init]);
[[window contentView] addSubview:[controller view]];
int cap = [controller iconCapacity];
EXPECT_GT(cap, 0);
// Tab is minimum width, both icon and close box should be hidden.
NSRect frame = [[controller view] frame];
frame.size.width = [TabController minTabWidth];
[[controller view] setFrame:frame];
EXPECT_FALSE([controller shouldShowIcon]);
EXPECT_FALSE([controller shouldShowCloseButton]);
// Setting the icon when tab is at min width should not show icon (bug 18359).
base::scoped_nsobject<NSView> newIcon(
[[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 16, 16)]);
[controller setIconView:newIcon.get()];
EXPECT_TRUE([newIcon isHidden]);
// Tab is at selected minimum width. Since it's selected, the close box
// should be visible.
[controller setSelected:YES];
frame = [[controller view] frame];
frame.size.width = [TabController minSelectedTabWidth];
[[controller view] setFrame:frame];
EXPECT_FALSE([controller shouldShowIcon]);
EXPECT_TRUE([newIcon isHidden]);
EXPECT_TRUE([controller shouldShowCloseButton]);
// Test expanding the tab to max width and ensure the icon and close box
// get put back, even when de-selected.
frame.size.width = [TabController maxTabWidth];
[[controller view] setFrame:frame];
EXPECT_TRUE([controller shouldShowIcon]);
EXPECT_FALSE([newIcon isHidden]);
EXPECT_TRUE([controller shouldShowCloseButton]);
[controller setSelected:NO];
EXPECT_TRUE([controller shouldShowIcon]);
EXPECT_TRUE([controller shouldShowCloseButton]);
cap = [controller iconCapacity];
EXPECT_GT(cap, 0);
TEST_F(TabControllerTest, Menu) {
NSWindow* window = test_window();
base::scoped_nsobject<TabController> controller([[TabController alloc] init]);
base::scoped_nsobject<TabControllerTestTarget> target(
[[TabControllerTestTarget alloc] init]);
[controller setTarget:target];
[[window contentView] addSubview:[controller view]];
int cap = [controller iconCapacity];
EXPECT_GT(cap, 0);
// Asking the view for its menu should yield a valid menu.
NSMenu* menu = [[controller view] menu];
EXPECT_EQ(3, [menu numberOfItems]);
// Tests that the title field is correctly positioned and sized when the
// view is resized.
TEST_F(TabControllerTest, TitleViewLayout) {
NSWindow* window = test_window();
base::scoped_nsobject<TabController> controller([[TabController alloc] init]);
[[window contentView] addSubview:[controller view]];
NSRect tabFrame = [[controller view] frame];
tabFrame.size.width = [TabController maxTabWidth];
[[controller view] setFrame:tabFrame];
const NSRect originalTabFrame = [[controller view] frame];
const NSRect originalIconFrame = [[controller iconView] frame];
const NSRect originalCloseFrame = [[controller closeButton] frame];
const NSRect originalTitleFrame = [[controller titleView] frame];
// Sanity check the start state.
EXPECT_FALSE([[controller iconView] isHidden]);
EXPECT_FALSE([[controller closeButton] isHidden]);
EXPECT_GT(NSWidth([[controller view] frame]),
NSWidth([[controller titleView] frame]));
// Resize the tab so that that the it shrinks.
tabFrame.size.width = [TabController minTabWidth];
[[controller view] setFrame:tabFrame];
// The icon view and close button should be hidden and the title view should
// be resize to take up their space.
EXPECT_TRUE([[controller iconView] isHidden]);
EXPECT_TRUE([[controller closeButton] isHidden]);
EXPECT_GT(NSWidth([[controller view] frame]),
NSWidth([[controller titleView] frame]));
EXPECT_EQ(LeftMargin(originalTabFrame, originalIconFrame),
LeftMargin([[controller view] frame],
[[controller titleView] frame]));
EXPECT_EQ(RightMargin(originalTabFrame, originalCloseFrame),
RightMargin([[controller view] frame],
[[controller titleView] frame]));
// Resize the tab so that that the it grows.
tabFrame.size.width = static_cast<int>([TabController maxTabWidth] * 0.75);
[[controller view] setFrame:tabFrame];
// The icon view and close button should be visible again and the title view
// should be resized to make room for them.
EXPECT_FALSE([[controller iconView] isHidden]);
EXPECT_FALSE([[controller closeButton] isHidden]);
EXPECT_GT(NSWidth([[controller view] frame]),
NSWidth([[controller titleView] frame]));
EXPECT_EQ(LeftMargin(originalTabFrame, originalTitleFrame),
LeftMargin([[controller view] frame],
[[controller titleView] frame]));
EXPECT_EQ(RightMargin(originalTabFrame, originalTitleFrame),
RightMargin([[controller view] frame],
[[controller titleView] frame]));
} // namespace