blob: 562af194f6e0d58aae1c00f7af5f993b21d27b1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/panels/panel_window_controller_cocoa.h"
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/mac/bundle_locations.h"
#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h" // IDC_*
#include "chrome/browser/chrome_browser_application_mac.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/browser_command_executor.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/browser_window_utils.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/panels/mouse_drag_controller.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/panels/panel_cocoa.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/panels/panel_titlebar_view_cocoa.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/panels/panel_utils_cocoa.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tab_contents/favicon_util_mac.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tab_contents/tab_contents_controller.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/throbber_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/panel_bounds_animation.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/panel_collection.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/panel_constants.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/panel_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/stacked_panel_collection.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/encoding_menu_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_view.h"
#include "grit/ui_resources.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
using content::WebContents;
const int kMinimumWindowSize = 1;
const double kBoundsAnimationSpeedPixelsPerSecond = 1000;
const double kBoundsAnimationMaxDurationSeconds = 0.18;
// Edge thickness to trigger user resizing via system, in screen pixels.
const double kWidthOfMouseResizeArea = 15.0;
@interface PanelWindowControllerCocoa (PanelsCanBecomeKey)
// Internal helper method for extracting the total number of panel windows
// from the panel manager. Used to decide if panel can become the key window.
- (int)numPanels;
@implementation PanelWindowCocoaImpl
// The panels cannot be reduced to 3-px windows on the edge of the screen
// active area (above Dock). Default constraining logic makes at least a height
// of the titlebar visible, so the user could still grab it. We do 'restore'
// differently, and minimize panels to 3 px. Hence the need to override the
// constraining logic.
- (NSRect)constrainFrameRect:(NSRect)frameRect toScreen:(NSScreen *)screen {
return frameRect;
// Prevent panel window from becoming key - for example when it is minimized.
// Panel windows use a higher priority NSWindowLevel to ensure they are always
// visible, causing the OS to prefer panel windows when selecting a window
// to make the key window. To counter this preference, we override
// -[NSWindow:canBecomeKeyWindow] to restrict when the panel can become the
// key window to a limited set of scenarios, such as when cycling through
// windows, when panels are the only remaining windows, when an event
// triggers window activation, etc. The panel may also be prevented from
// becoming the key window, regardless of the above scenarios, such as when
// a panel is minimized.
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow {
// Give precedence to controller preventing activation of the window.
PanelWindowControllerCocoa* controller =
base::mac::ObjCCast<PanelWindowControllerCocoa>([self windowController]);
if (![controller canBecomeKeyWindow])
return NO;
BrowserCrApplication* app = base::mac::ObjCCast<BrowserCrApplication>(
[BrowserCrApplication sharedApplication]);
// A Panel window can become the key window only in limited scenarios.
// This prevents the system from always preferring a Panel window due
// to its higher priority NSWindowLevel when selecting a window to make key.
return ([app isHandlingSendEvent] && [[app currentEvent] window] == self) ||
[controller activationRequestedByPanel] ||
[app isCyclingWindows] ||
[app previousKeyWindow] == self ||
[[app windows] count] == static_cast<NSUInteger>([controller numPanels]);
- (void)performMiniaturize:(id)sender {
[[self windowController] minimizeButtonClicked:0];
// Ignore key events if window cannot become key window to fix problem
// where keyboard input is still going into a minimized panel even though
// the app has been deactivated in -[PanelWindowControllerCocoa deactivate:].
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent*)anEvent {
NSEventType eventType = [anEvent type];
if ((eventType == NSKeyDown || eventType == NSKeyUp) &&
![self canBecomeKeyWindow])
[super sendEvent:anEvent];
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)event {
// Cocoa does not support letting the application determine the edges that
// can trigger the user resizing. To work around this, we track the mouse
// location. When it is close to the edge/corner where the user resizing
// is not desired, we force the min and max size of the window to be same
// as current window size. For all other cases, we restore the min and max
// size.
PanelWindowControllerCocoa* controller =
base::mac::ObjCCast<PanelWindowControllerCocoa>([self windowController]);
NSRect frame = [self frame];
if ([controller canResizeByMouseAtCurrentLocation]) {
// Mac window server limits window sizes to 10000.
NSSize maxSize = NSMakeSize(10000, 10000);
// If the user is resizing a stacked panel by its bottom edge, make sure its
// height cannot grow more than what the panel below it could offer. This is
// because growing a stacked panel by y amount will shrink the panel below
// it by same amount and we do not want the panel below it being shrunk to
// be smaller than the titlebar.
Panel* panel = [controller panel];
NSPoint point = [NSEvent mouseLocation];
if (point.y < NSMinY(frame) + kWidthOfMouseResizeArea && panel->stack()) {
Panel* belowPanel = panel->stack()->GetPanelBelow(panel);
if (belowPanel && !belowPanel->IsMinimized()) {
maxSize.height = panel->GetBounds().height() +
belowPanel->GetBounds().height() - panel::kTitlebarHeight;
// Enable the user-resizing by setting both min and max size to the right
// values.
[self setMinSize:NSMakeSize(panel::kPanelMinWidth,
[self setMaxSize:maxSize];
} else {
// Disable the user-resizing by setting both min and max size to be same as
// current window size.
[self setMinSize:frame.size];
[self setMaxSize:frame.size];
[super mouseMoved:event];
// ChromeEventProcessingWindow expects its controller to implement the
// BrowserCommandExecutor protocol.
@interface PanelWindowControllerCocoa (InternalAPI) <BrowserCommandExecutor>
// BrowserCommandExecutor methods.
- (void)executeCommand:(int)command;
@implementation PanelWindowControllerCocoa (InternalAPI)
// This gets called whenever a browser-specific keyboard shortcut is performed
// in the Panel window. We simply swallow all those events.
- (void)executeCommand:(int)command {}
@implementation PanelWindowControllerCocoa
- (id)initWithPanel:(PanelCocoa*)window {
NSString* nibpath =
[base::mac::FrameworkBundle() pathForResource:@"Panel" ofType:@"nib"];
if ((self = [super initWithWindowNibPath:nibpath owner:self])) {
animateOnBoundsChange_ = YES;
canBecomeKeyWindow_ = YES;
activationRequestedByPanel_ = NO;
return self;
- (Panel*)panel {
return windowShim_->panel();
- (void)awakeFromNib {
NSWindow* window = [self window];
DCHECK_EQ(self, [window delegate]);
[self updateWindowLevel];
[self updateWindowCollectionBehavior];
[titlebar_view_ attach];
// Set initial size of the window to match the size of the panel to give
// the renderer the proper size to work with earlier, avoiding a resize
// after the window is revealed.
gfx::Rect panelBounds = windowShim_->panel()->GetBounds();
NSRect frame = [window frame];
frame.size.width = panelBounds.width();
frame.size.height = panelBounds.height();
[window setFrame:frame display:NO];
// MacOS will turn the user-resizing to the user-dragging if the direction of
// the dragging is orthogonal to the direction of the arrow cursor. We do not
// want this since it will bypass our dragging logic. The panel window is
// still draggable because we track and handle the dragging in our custom way.
[[self window] setMovable:NO];
[self updateTrackingArea];
- (void)updateWebContentsViewFrame {
content::WebContents* webContents = windowShim_->panel()->GetWebContents();
if (!webContents)
// Compute the size of the web contents view. Don't assume it's similar to the
// size of the contentView, because the contentView is managed by the Cocoa
// to be (window - standard titlebar), while we have taller custom titlebar
// instead. In coordinate system of window's contentView.
NSRect contentFrame = [self contentRectForFrameRect:[[self window] frame]];
contentFrame.origin = NSZeroPoint;
NSView* contentView = webContents->GetView()->GetNativeView();
if (!NSEqualRects([contentView frame], contentFrame))
[contentView setFrame:contentFrame];
- (void)disableWebContentsViewAutosizing {
[[[self window] contentView] setAutoresizesSubviews:NO];
- (void)enableWebContentsViewAutosizing {
[self updateWebContentsViewFrame];
[[[self window] contentView] setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];
- (void)revealAnimatedWithFrame:(const NSRect&)frame {
NSWindow* window = [self window]; // This ensures loading the nib.
// Disable subview resizing while resizing the window to avoid renderer
// resizes during intermediate stages of animation.
[self disableWebContentsViewAutosizing];
// We grow the window from the bottom up to produce a 'reveal' animation.
NSRect startFrame = NSMakeRect(NSMinX(frame), NSMinY(frame),
NSWidth(frame), kMinimumWindowSize);
[window setFrame:startFrame display:NO animate:NO];
// Shows the window without making it key, on top of its layer, even if
// Chromium is not an active app.
[window orderFrontRegardless];
// TODO(dcheng): Temporary hack to work around the fact that
// orderFrontRegardless causes us to become the first responder. The usual
// Chrome assumption is that becoming the first responder = you have focus, so
// we always deactivate the controls here. If we're created as an active
// panel, we'll get a NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification and reactivate the web
// view properly. See for more details.
WebContents* web_contents = windowShim_->panel()->GetWebContents();
// RWHV may be NULL in unit tests.
if (web_contents && web_contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView())
// This will re-enable the content resizing after it finishes.
[self setPanelFrame:frame animate:YES];
- (void)updateTitleBar {
NSString* newTitle = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(
[BrowserWindowUtils scheduleReplaceOldTitle:pendingWindowTitle_.get()
forWindow:[self window]]);
[titlebar_view_ setTitle:newTitle];
[self updateIcon];
- (void)updateIcon {
NSView* icon = nil;
NSRect iconFrame = [[titlebar_view_ icon] frame];
if (throbberShouldSpin_) {
// If the throbber is spinning now, no need to replace it.
if ([[titlebar_view_ icon] isKindOfClass:[ThrobberView class]])
NSImage* iconImage =
icon = [ThrobberView filmstripThrobberViewWithFrame:iconFrame
} else {
const gfx::Image& page_icon = windowShim_->panel()->GetCurrentPageIcon();
ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
NSImage* iconImage = page_icon.IsEmpty() ?
rb.GetNativeImageNamed(IDR_DEFAULT_FAVICON).ToNSImage() :
NSImageView* iconView =
[[[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:iconFrame] autorelease];
[iconView setImage:iconImage];
icon = iconView;
[titlebar_view_ setIcon:icon];
- (void)updateThrobber:(BOOL)shouldSpin {
if (throbberShouldSpin_ == shouldSpin)
throbberShouldSpin_ = shouldSpin;
// If the titlebar view has not been attached, bail out.
if (!titlebar_view_)
[self updateIcon];
- (void)updateTitleBarMinimizeRestoreButtonVisibility {
Panel* panel = windowShim_->panel();
[titlebar_view_ setMinimizeButtonVisibility:panel->CanShowMinimizeButton()];
[titlebar_view_ setRestoreButtonVisibility:panel->CanShowRestoreButton()];
- (void)webContentsInserted:(WebContents*)contents {
NSView* view = contents->GetView()->GetNativeView();
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:view];
[view setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
[self enableWebContentsViewAutosizing];
- (void)webContentsDetached:(WebContents*)contents {
[contents->GetView()->GetNativeView() removeFromSuperview];
- (PanelTitlebarViewCocoa*)titlebarView {
return titlebar_view_;
// Called to validate menu and toolbar items when this window is key. All the
// items we care about have been set with the |-commandDispatch:|
// action and a target of FirstResponder in IB.
// Delegate to the NSApp delegate if Panel does not care about the command or
// shortcut, to make sure the global items in Chrome main app menu still work.
- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id<NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)item {
if ([item action] == @selector(commandDispatch:)) {
NSInteger tag = [item tag];
CommandUpdater* command_updater = windowShim_->panel()->command_updater();
if (command_updater->SupportsCommand(tag))
return command_updater->IsCommandEnabled(tag);
return [[NSApp delegate] validateUserInterfaceItem:item];
return NO;
// Called when the user picks a menu or toolbar item when this window is key.
// Calls through to the panel object to execute the command or delegates up.
- (void)commandDispatch:(id)sender {
NSInteger tag = [sender tag];
CommandUpdater* command_updater = windowShim_->panel()->command_updater();
if (command_updater->SupportsCommand(tag))
[[NSApp delegate] commandDispatch:sender];
// Handler for the custom Close button.
- (void)closePanel {
// Handler for the custom Minimize button.
- (void)minimizeButtonClicked:(int)modifierFlags {
Panel* panel = windowShim_->panel();
panel->OnMinimizeButtonClicked((modifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) ?
panel::APPLY_TO_ALL : panel::NO_MODIFIER);
// Handler for the custom Restore button.
- (void)restoreButtonClicked:(int)modifierFlags {
Panel* panel = windowShim_->panel();
panel->OnRestoreButtonClicked((modifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) ?
panel::APPLY_TO_ALL : panel::NO_MODIFIER);
// Called when the user wants to close the panel or from the shutdown process.
// The Panel object is in control of whether or not we're allowed to close. It
// may defer closing due to several states, such as onbeforeUnload handlers
// needing to be fired. If closing is deferred, the Panel will handle the
// processing required to get us to the closing state and (by watching for
// the web content going away) will again call to close the window when it's
// finally ready.
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender {
Panel* panel = windowShim_->panel();
// Give beforeunload handlers the chance to cancel the close before we hide
// the window below.
if (!panel->ShouldCloseWindow())
return NO;
if (panel->GetWebContents()) {
// Terminate any playing animations.
[self terminateBoundsAnimation];
animateOnBoundsChange_ = NO;
// Make panel close the web content, allowing the renderer to shut down
// and call us back again.
return NO;
// No web content; it's ok to close the window.
return YES;
// When windowShouldClose returns YES (or if controller receives direct 'close'
// signal), window will be unconditionally closed. Clean up.
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification*)notification {
// Avoid callbacks from a nonblocking animation in progress, if any.
[self terminateBoundsAnimation];
// Call |-autorelease| after a zero-length delay to avoid deadlock from
// code in the current run loop that waits on PANEL_CLOSED notification.
// The notification is sent when this object is freed, but this object
// cannot be freed until the current run loop completes.
[self performSelector:@selector(autorelease)
- (void)startDrag:(NSPoint)mouseLocation {
// Convert from Cocoa's screen coordinates to platform-indepedent screen
// coordinates because PanelManager method takes platform-indepedent screen
// coordinates.
- (void)endDrag:(BOOL)cancelled {
- (void)drag:(NSPoint)mouseLocation {
// Convert from Cocoa's screen coordinates to platform-indepedent screen
// coordinates because PanelManager method takes platform-indepedent screen
// coordinates.
- (void)setPanelFrame:(NSRect)frame
animate:(BOOL)animate {
BOOL jumpToDestination = (!animateOnBoundsChange_ || !animate);
// If no animation is in progress, apply bounds change instantly.
if (jumpToDestination && ![self isAnimatingBounds]) {
[[self window] setFrame:frame display:YES animate:NO];
NSDictionary *windowResize = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[self window], NSViewAnimationTargetKey,
[NSValue valueWithRect:frame], NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey, nil];
NSArray *animations = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:windowResize, nil];
// If an animation is in progress, update the animation with new target
// bounds. Also, set the destination frame bounds to the new value.
if (jumpToDestination && [self isAnimatingBounds]) {
[boundsAnimation_ setViewAnimations:animations];
[[self window] setFrame:frame display:YES animate:NO];
// Will be enabled back in animationDidEnd callback.
[self disableWebContentsViewAutosizing];
// Terminate previous animation, if it is still playing.
[self terminateBoundsAnimation];
boundsAnimation_ =
[[NSViewAnimation alloc] initWithViewAnimations:animations];
[boundsAnimation_ setDelegate:self];
NSRect currentFrame = [[self window] frame];
// Compute duration. We use constant speed of animation, however if the change
// is too large, we clip the duration (effectively increasing speed) to
// limit total duration of animation. This makes 'small' transitions fast.
// 'distance' is the max travel between 4 potentially traveling corners.
double distanceX = std::max(abs(NSMinX(currentFrame) - NSMinX(frame)),
abs(NSMaxX(currentFrame) - NSMaxX(frame)));
double distanceY = std::max(abs(NSMinY(currentFrame) - NSMinY(frame)),
abs(NSMaxY(currentFrame) - NSMaxY(frame)));
double distance = std::max(distanceX, distanceY);
double duration = std::min(distance / kBoundsAnimationSpeedPixelsPerSecond,
// Detect animation that happens when expansion state is set to MINIMIZED
// and there is relatively big portion of the panel to hide from view.
// Initialize animation differently in this case, using fast-pause-slow
// method, see below for more details.
if (distanceY > 0 &&
windowShim_->panel()->expansion_state() == Panel::MINIMIZED) {
animationStopToShowTitlebarOnly_ = 1.0 -
(windowShim_->panel()->TitleOnlyHeight() - NSHeight(frame)) / distanceY;
if (animationStopToShowTitlebarOnly_ > 0.7) { // Relatively big movement.
playingMinimizeAnimation_ = YES;
duration = 1.5;
[boundsAnimation_ setDuration: PanelManager::AdjustTimeInterval(duration)];
[boundsAnimation_ setFrameRate:0.0];
[boundsAnimation_ setAnimationBlockingMode: NSAnimationNonblocking];
[boundsAnimation_ startAnimation];
- (float)animation:(NSAnimation*)animation
valueForProgress:(NSAnimationProgress)progress {
return PanelBoundsAnimation::ComputeAnimationValue(
progress, playingMinimizeAnimation_, animationStopToShowTitlebarOnly_);
- (void)cleanupAfterAnimation {
playingMinimizeAnimation_ = NO;
if (!windowShim_->panel()->IsMinimized())
[self enableWebContentsViewAutosizing];
- (void)animationDidEnd:(NSAnimation*)animation {
[self cleanupAfterAnimation];
// Only invoke this callback from animationDidEnd, since animationDidStop can
// be called when we interrupt/restart animation which is in progress.
// We only need this notification when animation indeed finished moving
// the panel bounds.
Panel* panel = windowShim_->panel();
- (void)animationDidStop:(NSAnimation*)animation {
[self cleanupAfterAnimation];
- (void)terminateBoundsAnimation {
if (!boundsAnimation_)
[boundsAnimation_ stopAnimation];
[boundsAnimation_ setDelegate:nil];
[boundsAnimation_ release];
boundsAnimation_ = nil;
- (BOOL)isAnimatingBounds {
return boundsAnimation_ && [boundsAnimation_ isAnimating];
- (void)onTitlebarMouseClicked:(int)modifierFlags {
Panel* panel = windowShim_->panel();
panel->OnTitlebarClicked((modifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) ?
panel::APPLY_TO_ALL : panel::NO_MODIFIER);
- (void)onTitlebarDoubleClicked:(int)modifierFlags {
// Double-clicking is only allowed to minimize docked panels.
Panel* panel = windowShim_->panel();
if (panel->collection()->type() != PanelCollection::DOCKED ||
[self minimizeButtonClicked:modifierFlags];
- (int)titlebarHeightInScreenCoordinates {
NSView* titlebar = [self titlebarView];
return NSHeight([titlebar convertRect:[titlebar bounds] toView:nil]);
// TODO(dcheng): These two selectors are almost copy-and-paste from
// BrowserWindowController. Figure out the appropriate way of code sharing,
// whether it's refactoring more things into BrowserWindowUtils or making a
// common base controller for browser windows.
- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification*)notification {
// We need to activate the controls (in the "WebView"). To do this, get the
// selected WebContents's RenderWidgetHostView and tell it to activate.
if (WebContents* contents = windowShim_->panel()->GetWebContents()) {
if (content::RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv =
// Make the window user-resizable when it gains the focus.
[[self window] setStyleMask:
[[self window] styleMask] | NSResizableWindowMask];
- (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification*)notification {
// If our app is still active and we're still the key window, ignore this
// message, since it just means that a menu extra (on the "system status bar")
// was activated; we'll get another |-windowDidResignKey| if we ever really
// lose key window status.
if ([NSApp isActive] && ([NSApp keyWindow] == [self window]))
[self onWindowDidResignKey];
// Make the window not user-resizable when it loses the focus. This is to
// solve the problem that the bottom edge of the active panel does not
// trigger the user-resizing if this panel stacks with another inactive
// panel at the bottom.
[[self window] setStyleMask:
[[self window] styleMask] & ~NSResizableWindowMask];
- (void)windowWillStartLiveResize:(NSNotification*)notification {
// Check if the user-resizing is allowed for the triggering edge/corner.
// This is an extra safe guard because we are not able to track the mouse
// movement outside the window and Cocoa could trigger the user-resizing
// when the mouse moves a bit outside the edge/corner.
if (![self canResizeByMouseAtCurrentLocation])
userResizing_ = YES;
- (void)windowDidEndLiveResize:(NSNotification*)notification {
if (!userResizing_)
userResizing_ = NO;
Panel* panel = windowShim_->panel();
gfx::Rect newBounds =
cocoa_utils::ConvertRectFromCocoaCoordinates([[self window] frame]);
if (windowShim_->panel()->GetBounds() == newBounds)
- (NSSize)windowWillResize:(NSWindow*)sender toSize:(NSSize)newSize {
// As an extra safe guard, we avoid the user resizing if it is deemed not to
// be allowed (see comment in windowWillStartLiveResize).
if ([[self window] inLiveResize] && !userResizing_)
return [[self window] frame].size;
return newSize;
- (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification*)notification {
Panel* panel = windowShim_->panel();
if (userResizing_) {
cocoa_utils::ConvertRectFromCocoaCoordinates([[self window] frame]));
[self updateTrackingArea];
if (![self isAnimatingBounds] ||
panel->collection()->type() != PanelCollection::DOCKED)
// Remove the web contents view from the view hierarchy when the panel is not
// taller than the titlebar. Put it back when the panel grows taller than
// the titlebar. Note that RenderWidgetHostViewMac works for the case that
// the web contents view does not exist in the view hierarchy (i.e. the tab
// is not the main one), but it does not work well, like causing occasional
// crashes (, if the web contents view is made hidden.
// This is needed when the docked panels are being animated. When the
// animation starts, the contents view autosizing is disabled. After the
// animation ends, the contents view autosizing is reenabled and the frame
// of contents view is updated. Thus it is likely that the contents view will
// overlap with the titlebar view when the panel shrinks to be very small.
// The implementation of the web contents view assumes that it will never
// overlap with another view in order to paint the web contents view directly.
content::WebContents* webContents = panel->GetWebContents();
if (!webContents)
NSView* contentView = webContents->GetView()->GetNativeView();
if (NSHeight([self contentRectForFrameRect:[[self window] frame]]) <= 0) {
// No need to retain the view before it is removed from its superview
// because WebContentsView keeps a reference to this view.
if ([contentView superview])
[contentView removeFromSuperview];
} else {
if (![contentView superview]) {
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:contentView];
// When the web contents view is put back, we need to tell its render
// widget host view to accept focus.
content::RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv =
if (rwhv) {
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:rwhv->GetNativeView()];
rwhv->SetActive([[self window] isMainWindow]);
- (void)activate {
// Activate the window. -|windowDidBecomeKey:| will be called when
// window becomes active.
base::AutoReset<BOOL> pin(&activationRequestedByPanel_, true);
[BrowserWindowUtils activateWindowForController:self];
- (void)deactivate {
if (![[self window] isMainWindow])
// Cocoa does not support deactivating a window, so we deactivate the app.
[NSApp deactivate];
// Deactivating the app does not trigger windowDidResignKey. Do it manually.
[self onWindowDidResignKey];
- (void)onWindowDidResignKey {
// We need to deactivate the controls (in the "WebView"). To do this, get the
// selected WebContents's RenderWidgetHostView and tell it to deactivate.
if (WebContents* contents = windowShim_->panel()->GetWebContents()) {
if (content::RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv =
- (void)preventBecomingKeyWindow:(BOOL)prevent {
canBecomeKeyWindow_ = !prevent;
- (void)fullScreenModeChanged:(bool)isFullScreen {
[self updateWindowLevel];
// If the panel is not always on top, its z-order should not be affected if
// some other window enters fullscreen mode.
if (!windowShim_->panel()->IsAlwaysOnTop())
// The full-screen window is in normal level and changing the panel window
// to same normal level will not move it below the full-screen window. Thus
// we need to reorder the panel window.
if (isFullScreen)
[[self window] orderOut:nil];
[[self window] orderFrontRegardless];
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow {
// Panel can only gain focus if it is expanded. Minimized panels do not
// participate in Cmd-~ rotation.
// TODO(dimich): If it will be ever desired to expand/focus the Panel on
// keyboard navigation or via main menu, the care should be taken to avoid
// cases when minimized Panel is getting keyboard input, invisibly.
return canBecomeKeyWindow_;
- (int)numPanels {
return windowShim_->panel()->manager()->num_panels();
- (BOOL)activationRequestedByPanel {
return activationRequestedByPanel_;
- (void)updateWindowLevel {
[self updateWindowLevel:windowShim_->panel()->IsMinimized()];
- (void)updateWindowLevel:(BOOL)panelIsMinimized {
if (![self isWindowLoaded])
Panel* panel = windowShim_->panel();
if (!panel->IsAlwaysOnTop()) {
[[self window] setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel];
// If we simply use NSStatusWindowLevel (25) for all docked panel windows,
// IME composition windows for things like CJK languages appear behind panels.
// Pre 10.7, IME composition windows have a window level of 19, which is
// lower than the dock at level 20. Since we want panels to appear on top of
// the dock, it is impossible to enforce an ordering where IME > panel > dock,
// since IME < dock.
// On 10.7, IME composition windows and the dock both live at level 20, so we
// use the same window level for panels. Since newly created windows appear at
// the top of their window level, panels are typically on top of the dock, and
// the IME composition window correctly draws over the panel.
// An autohide dock causes problems though: since it's constantly being
// revealed, it ends up drawing on top of other windows at the same level.
// While this is OK for expanded panels, it makes minimized panels impossible
// to activate. As a result, we still use NSStatusWindowLevel for minimized
// panels, since it's impossible to compose IME text in them anyway.
if (panelIsMinimized) {
[[self window] setLevel:NSStatusWindowLevel];
[[self window] setLevel:NSDockWindowLevel];
- (void)updateWindowCollectionBehavior {
if (![self isWindowLoaded])
NSWindowCollectionBehavior collectionBehavior =
if (windowShim_->panel()->IsAlwaysOnTop())
collectionBehavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces;
[[self window] setCollectionBehavior:collectionBehavior];
- (void)updateTrackingArea {
NSView* superview = [[[self window] contentView] superview];
if (trackingArea_.get())
[superview removeTrackingArea:trackingArea_.get()];
[[CrTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:[superview bounds]
options:NSTrackingInVisibleRect |
NSTrackingMouseMoved |
[superview addTrackingArea:trackingArea_.get()];
- (void)showShadow:(BOOL)show {
if (![self isWindowLoaded])
[[self window] setHasShadow:show];
- (void)miniaturize {
[[self window] miniaturize:nil];
- (BOOL)isMiniaturized {
return [[self window] isMiniaturized];
- (BOOL)canResizeByMouseAtCurrentLocation {
panel::Resizability resizability = windowShim_->panel()->CanResizeByMouse();
NSRect frame = [[self window] frame];
NSPoint point = [NSEvent mouseLocation];
if (point.y < NSMinY(frame) + kWidthOfMouseResizeArea) {
if (point.x < NSMinX(frame) + kWidthOfMouseResizeArea &&
(resizability & panel::RESIZABLE_BOTTOM_LEFT) == 0) {
return NO;
if (point.x > NSMaxX(frame) - kWidthOfMouseResizeArea &&
(resizability & panel::RESIZABLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT) == 0) {
return NO;
if ((resizability & panel::RESIZABLE_BOTTOM) == 0)
return NO;
} else if (point.y > NSMaxY(frame) - kWidthOfMouseResizeArea) {
if (point.x < NSMinX(frame) + kWidthOfMouseResizeArea &&
(resizability & panel::RESIZABLE_TOP_LEFT) == 0) {
return NO;
if (point.x > NSMaxX(frame) - kWidthOfMouseResizeArea &&
(resizability & panel::RESIZABLE_TOP_RIGHT) == 0) {
return NO;
if ((resizability & panel::RESIZABLE_TOP) == 0)
return NO;
} else {
if (point.x < NSMinX(frame) + kWidthOfMouseResizeArea &&
(resizability & panel::RESIZABLE_LEFT) == 0) {
return NO;
if (point.x > NSMaxX(frame) - kWidthOfMouseResizeArea &&
(resizability & panel::RESIZABLE_RIGHT) == 0) {
return NO;
return YES;
// We have custom implementation of these because our titlebar height is custom
// and does not match the standard one.
- (NSRect)frameRectForContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect {
// contentRect is in contentView coord system. We should add a titlebar on top
// and then convert to the windows coord system.
contentRect.size.height += panel::kTitlebarHeight;
NSRect frameRect = [[[self window] contentView] convertRect:contentRect
return frameRect;
- (NSRect)contentRectForFrameRect:(NSRect)frameRect {
NSRect contentRect = [[[self window] contentView] convertRect:frameRect
contentRect.size.height -= panel::kTitlebarHeight;
if (contentRect.size.height < 0)
contentRect.size.height = 0;
return contentRect;